Jin Shaoye opened his mouth and pressed his body with severe pain. He gave a screaming exclamation in his mouth. "Junjia Yueze... You are Junyueze?! No, how is this possible?! How come you are here?!"

The battle is deep and hot, but the Ling Yu is still faint, and the mind is getting more and more confused.

She should feel extremely desperate and painful. She should be caught in the endless nightmare. I don’t know why, and I don’t know when it started. She suddenly stopped feeling cold and fear, and even felt like being surrounded by warmth.

The tight brows stretched slightly, and the chills and sorrows radiated from the body were slowly replaced by the reliance of peace of mind. It is like a leaf boat floating in the sea, finally finding a harbor that can rely on.

Later, in the confusion, she heard someone say the name she cares and worshipped.

Jun Yue Ze!

Ling Yu has never really met Junchaze, but he has studied the method of Jun Yue Ze’s circling, and his notes on the papers that he left when he improved [Zi Hai Xi Yu].

There are very few things left by Junyue Ze, but I don’t know why, Ling Yu only looks at these things, but can outline such a man like a jade in his mind.

He is not good at walking, sitting in the purple bamboo forest, holding hands in chess, eyebrows and sorrow, as if born with calm and gentle, let him experience more pain and injustice, and never complained of despair.

It was not until she met with her, that she saw the true appearance of Jun Yue Ze from the call stone in her hand. Ling Yu did not feel disappointed at all, but felt that he was very gentle with Mr. Jun in his mind.

Light and windy, warm and elegant, such as the world's most crystal-clear but full of beautiful jade.

Mr. Jun, who worships Ling Yu, regards him as an idol, and hopes that he can become a person who is as insulted and uplifted as he is.

But she did not know why she would hear the name of Junyue Ze at such a time.

Is it really too much to miss, too admired, so that before the death, there is an illusion?

"Hey, young master, this is the Ling Yu girl of Shenyue Palace! The master of Zheng Zheng Zheng is also the master of the Palace of the Gods!"

"Young master, is she poisoned if she is unconscious? Or was she seriously injured?"

The gentle male voice slowly said: "Small, you give her a poisonous Dan left behind, and then go to the cabin to change her clothes."

"Yes, young master."

Ling Yu’s mouth was stuffed with a medicinal herb, and the clear medicinal scent spread between the lips and teeth, slowly flowing into the body meridians and Dantian.

The kind of force that suppressed her was slowly dispelled, and the original empty Dan Tian also began to return to spiritual power.

A pair of hands pressed against her shoulders and waist, trying to hold her up.

Ling Yu but a squid hitting, slammed up, and the cold dagger in his hand reached the man's neck.

Her face was a cold girl, looking like a 17-year-old, so attacked, her expression did not change at all, just slightly raised her eyebrows: "Miss Yan's medicine has a miraculous effect, young master I haven't sent anyone in, she woke up."

Ling Yu shook his head, some could not understand the current situation, the line of sight slowly moved, and fell around, then slowly saw the Tsing Yi teenager, middle-aged man, and the gentle young man in a wheelchair.

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