Dangdang - The dagger in his hand fell to the ground, and Ling Yu opened his mouth and shouted without any image: "Jun... Mr. Jun?!"


Ling Yu was busy arranging his clothes, covering the exposed skin, and his face was flushed.

After all, she calmed down the disordered breathing, pressed the heart of the screaming, and said: "Mr. Jun, how come you are here?"

Jun Yueze looked at her, some strange saying: "Do you know me?"

Ling Yu nodded, and the body muscles tightened tightly because of tension: "I, I have seen your image in the 。."

“Hey?” Jun Yue Ze was obviously stunned, and then his face changed aloud. “You met in the Promise Sea?!”

Ling Yu nodded again, do not understand why Jun Yue Ze will suddenly change color.

However, after a short period of discoloration, Junyue Ze once again recovered his calmness and frowned slightly: "Hey, now I am in love with the island? What happened to you on the island?"

When Ling Yu first saw Jun Yue Ze, he did not know how to put it, his face was red and red, and his words were stuttering and incoherent. Just like an ordinary little fan saw an idol that had been worshipped for many years.

But she is, after all, the little palace owner of the Shenyue Palace. When she heard that Jun Yueze was talking about business, she slowly recovered as usual.

She simply said what happened on the island, and met them and shared plans.

Seeing Jun Yueze's double eyebrows, he couldn't help but comfort: "Mr. Jun, you don't have to worry, we make these decisions are early plans, and there will never be dangers. Moreover, God's respect will never allow It’s dangerous.”

Jun Yueze's double eyebrows stretched slightly, but the sorrow in his eyes did not fade, but gently said: "What I am worried about is not to hear anyone on the island, but..."

He paused and didn't say anything more. "In any case, let's go to the island and join them!"


Inside the Poseidon Tower, looking at the strange man in front of his face, listening to his malicious humiliation and laughter, his face did not sway, but faintly said: "You know the identity of Ji Ming, and My relationship with him?"

"Since you know everything, you dare to start with me. Should you say that your courage is too big, or is your brain too stupid?"

The opposite man laughed and his face was full of unbridled arrogance: "Ji Mingqi ordered that the god-level monks on the Siamese mainland should not be free to shoot, otherwise they will be severely punished. But I am not mixing the wind on this Promise Sea. From the beginning of the water, how many monks who want to be windy and rainy outside, we have not become *** or turned into loess.

"If Ji Mingqi is really so powerful, I should have started with it for a long time, but I have violated his orders. Isn’t it a free time to live here? Hehe, the prison god, is it really so rumored? Do you really think that my Akasaka will be jealous of him?"

The scorpion once confirmed that the name of the island owner is called Akasaka, or a magic repair.

She narrowed her eyes and said coldly: "Is it really unscrupulous? If you really don't want to be jealous, you should have started, and you don't have to deliberately let him lead him. If you start with me, you are not afraid that he will destroy you overnight. This loves the island?"

Two squats, one step forward, and the gaze of the gaze looked up and down the girl. "It’s all this time, and even so calm, it’s enough to qualify me for a while."

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