
Ranmaru Kurosaki tried his best.

Unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, willpower cannot change anything.

The racket broke in response, and the tennis ball flew out of the baseline with the broken half of the racket.

"What a terrifying power!"

Everyone in the audience had shock written on their faces.

Compared with the violence of Kia Kutsu and Genichiro Sanada, Go Inoue and Takashi Kawamura are different.

It was a shocking scene of supreme power.

No matter your skills No matter how gorgeous it is, I will break through all methods with one force!

"Is this meant to be crushed directly with force?"

"There is no reason to push horizontally. In the face of this kind of power, it is difficult for any technique to work, right?"

"The main candidates for Holy Night are indeed monsters!"

The audience outside the stadium were all shocked.

Especially online reporters like Inoue Mamoru.

They paid attention to every main selection of the holy night, and they knew better how much progress Kawamura Takashi and Inoue Tsuyoshi had made.

"Two and a half steps to the national level?"

"The weakest in the main draft are half-step nationally, and the substitutes are even at the peak of Kanto."

"This era must be dominated by Holy Night."

The audience was exclaiming, and Holy Night was cheering.

Only the Hyotei main candidates looked at Kurosaki Ranmaru with worried faces.

"They are already injured, so why not let them abstain, Minister?"

Shishido Ryo couldn't help but suggest.

Atobe shook his head, a cold look flashed in his eyes.

"The choice lies with Kurosaki and Kinoshita. We are not qualified to make decisions for them."


The Ice Emperor's main candidates were shocked when they heard this.

Staring at the situation on the court, Kurosaki endured the severe pain and returned to the court with a new racket.

He didn't speak during the process, and he didn't have any communication with the main selection of the Ice Emperor.

Kurosaki is only determined on this one thing in his heart

"The winner is Ice Emperor!"

Such a scene made Osamu Dazai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Very good character, but unfortunately not enough talent"

"Otherwise, he is another talent that can be made."

Effort is important, but talent is actually more important.

Like sports competitions, it is difficult for ordinary people who put in 99% of their sweat to catch up with geniuses who have 99% of their talent.

Akutsu is a typical example.

Months of hard work Just practice.

Looking at the entire junior high school, how many people are his opponents?

Those people are all players who have practiced tennis since childhood, and no matter how bad they are, they have several years of systematic tennis training.

But as long as you recognize the reality that you are just an ordinary person, And go on firmly.

Even if you can't compete in the professional arena, at least you will leave no regrets in your student days.

Even if you are just an ordinary person, you can also rely on your tenacity to shine on the arena. A glory and glory

"It’s our turn next’!"

"Come on, Aaron!"

It was Holy Night's turn to serve, and Inoue roared with passion.

He was full of energy!

"That’s it, burning!"

Kawamura Takashi's eyes were burning with blood, and he roared in response.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the tennis ball vertically upward.


Kawamura's strong arm quickly pressed forward from behind.

The tennis ball was quickly moved forward with a trace of scorching momentum. Rushing towards the ice emperor's half

"This ball can't be passed!!"

There was a hint of ferocity on Kurosaki's face.

He took a few steps with his feet and rushed towards the tennis ball.

Holding the racket with both hands, he suddenly used the power of the rotation of his waist.


The tennis ball brought up a gust of wind and rushed towards the court on Holy Night. go back

"Um? He was able to hit back Aaron's burning serve!"

Kikumaru looked at Kurosaki in surprise.

He didn't expect that

Kurosaki, who was suffering from severe pain in his wrist just a moment ago, could actually do this.

Kawamura Takashi's terrifying strength is no joke.


The burning serve was hit back. Kawamura had no surprises, only full of surprises.

"That's it, that's it!"

It would be too boring if it was just a one-sided crushing!

Burn your blood!

Your body rushes forward like a bull. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hold the racket with both hands and face the tennis ball A powerful swing.

Every hit was filled with Takashi Kawamura's love for tennis.

The momentum was magnificent, and the tennis ball was like fire. The terrifying fifth-form wave ball tore through the air and hit Kinoshita with a rolling sonic boom. boom![]


Kawamura Takashi made a strong attack and won the first serve!

"Be careless, the pair of powerful players in Shengye are terrifyingly strong."

The faces of the Hyotei main candidates are full of worries.

They no longer expect Kurosaki Ranmaru and Kinoshita Hideyoshi to win.

As long as they don't get injured, they are lucky.

"Gotta keep going!"

After scoring consecutively, Kawamura was not complacent.

With firm determination, he threw the tennis ball again.


Another terrible roar.

Every time Kawamura hits the ball, there is a strong impact.

"Is it a wave ball again?"

Kurosaki's pupils shrank, staring at the tennis ball that was rolling violently in the wind and waves.

He clenched the racket tightly.

There was fear in his heart, but he was unwilling to take a step back.


The winner is Ice Emperor!


With determination to move forward, Kurosaki felt freer than ever before at this moment.

The world in his eyes has lost all color, only the light yellow tennis ball coming at high speed

".~Go back to me!"


Kurosaki suddenly swung the racket. The moment the tennis ball came into contact with the net, it was almost crushed due to the huge force.

Withstanding the terrifying force, Kurosaki's arm began to bleed again.

But this time, the tennis ball's offensive was obviously Slowed down

"I caught it!"

There was a surprise in his heart, and an arrogant smile appeared on the corner of Kurosaki's mouth.

Then what happens next?.....




The sound of two tennis balls being hit in succession made Kurosaki freeze on the spot.

The first hit was when he successfully hit back Kawamura Takashi's wave ball.

But the second hit was from Inoue Tsuyoshi who didn't know When they came to the net.

The tennis ball just flew past and hit a powerful smash.

It was so fast.

Neither Kinoshita Hideyoshi nor Kurosaki Ranmaru could react.

Even the spectators outside the court were all Can't help but take a breath of cold air

"God, what a speed!"

"Not only strength, but also speed and delicate golf intelligence"

"Is Shengye (Li Lie's) all-around player?"

They are not some stupid big guy who only knows strength.

They are two strong doubles teams who can handle the court situation carefully and make the most appropriate judgment quickly!"

"Holy Night leads, -0!"

The referee was stunned for a long time before he reacted. He took a deep breath before announcing the score.

It was so shocking!

Is this the Holy Night?

Chief Dazai Osamu, the true god who surpasses all geniuses of this era..

Absolutely invincible existence.

Tezuka, Akutsu, Fuji, the extremely powerful Holy Night Big Three.

Whether it is speed, golf intelligence, strength, reaction, acumen, etc., they all have super strength with almost no shortcomings. Domination of the court.

Now, the strength of Holy Night's regular main selection is also disappointing.

It can be said that any Holy Night main selection can become the core of other schools and even high-end combat power.

Such Holy Night, Who can defeat me?

He is so unreasonably powerful!.

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