"It's hard to win"

"Not only is it powerful, but it also handles details very well."

"Kurosaki, Kinoshita and the others can't hold on for long."

At Hyotei's advisory table, Sakaki Taro couldn't help but rub his forehead.

He was helpless, but there was really nothing he could do.

Atobe's face didn't look good either.

He thought it was a battle to avenge shame, but was pressed by Seiya again. rub on the ground


Staring at the Holy Night player box, Atobe couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Oishi, Kikumaru, it’s time to start warming up."

"The game is almost over."

Dazai Osamu noticed Atobe's gaze, chuckled, and spoke lightly to the side.

"Yes, Chief."

Kikumaru responded with a smile, and the Holy Night main players could all see the situation on the court.

In the first doubles game, Hyokui will definitely lose.

"Keep going, Inoue!"


Kawamura Takashi's blood exploded, and he suddenly hit the flaming serve.

The tennis ball cut through the air, wrapped in scorching flames, and rushed toward the Ice King.

"Kinoshita, let me come!"

Just when Kinoshita Hideyoshi was about to take action, Kurosaki shouted:


Immediately afterwards, regardless of Kinoshita's reaction, Kurosaki was already sprinting towards the point where the tennis ball landed.

The burning serve was powerful, but not too fast..Bang!

Another successful counterattack, Kurosaki's face did not show any joy.

After experiencing the previous few goals, he understood that it was not the time to be happy before he actually scored 903 points.

"Let it burn!"

Sure enough, the next moment I heard Inoue Gang roaring.


Rolling air waves swept across, and it was the tennis balls coming with madness.

The air was torn, and the sound of sonic booms resounded over the entire court.


Tennis balls. Lightning struck the stadium, causing a strong earthquake.

The hard concrete ground even had slight cracks.


The spectators outside the court couldn't help but swallow nervously.

They didn't expect that the Holy Night's players would become more powerful every time they hit the ball.

Is it a human or a monster?

How can the body withstand such a force impact?

"Holy Night Academy takes the lead, 40-0!"

"Sure enough, it still can't be stopped?"

Listening to the referee's announcement, Kurosaki clenched the racket unwillingly.

He looked at Kinoshita, then at the audience outside the court, and then at the players on the Hyokui player's bench.

Finally, Kurosaki seemed to He seemed to have made up his mind.

His eyes were cold and he stared at Takashi Kawamura and Takeshi Inoue on the opposite side of the court.

"Win is the Ice Emperor!"

"Victory belongs to the Ice Emperor!"

Roaring in his heart, Kurosaki stepped forward to meet Inoue Tsuyoshi's explosive serve.


The racket collided with the tennis ball, forming a wave of air.

His arm shook slightly, but Kurosaki still successfully caught the ball.

"Not bad, is there any progress?"

In the player's box on Holy Night, Kikumaru who was warming up couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It seems that he broke through after being under great pressure."

"That guy named Kurosaki went from the peak of Kanto to the national level in one fell swoop."


No one else said anything, and Yajiujin snorted:"So what?""

"The result still won’t change"

"Kawamura and Inoue have not yet used their full strength."

There are two half-step nationals, so what if you just make a breakthrough on the spot?

You want to use a half-step national and a peak Kanto to fight?

You want to eat shit!

But the main candidates of the Ice Emperor don't think so, they are all boiling.

"Great, Kurosaki breaks through and there is a chance for a comeback in the game!"

Shishido Ryo said in surprise.

"Kurosaki, next, let Seiya see the power of our Ice Emperor!"

The Hyotei main candidates cheered.

Only Atobe, Ninzu, and Sakaki Taro's expressions did not relax in any way. If others can't see it, how can they not know? (Read the cool novels and go up to fly. Lu Novel Network!)

The two guys of Holy Night have always been hiding their strength.

They have the strength to suppress the peak of Kanto, fighting against Kinoshita and Kurosaki.

In other words, at the same level, Holy Night's double team can completely crush the ice. Imperial Doubles.

Kurosaki's breakthrough is worthy of surprise, but it is unable to change the situation of the battle.


It's just that Kurosaki is also very confident.

After the breakthrough, he felt unprecedented confidence

"Is this half-step to the national level?"

"What a clear sight, and my body seems to have endless power!"

"Kinoshita, give this ball to me!"

With confident steps, Kurosaki moved.

Kawamura's counterattack on the opposite side was still the same as before.

The momentum was magnificent, and the sonic boom was deafening.

But this time Kurosaki was not afraid.

His face was full of calmness and confidence.


Waving the racket with one hand, Kurosaki's expression changed drastically in an instant.

"How can it be?!"

It's obviously the same move. Why is the power that explodes at the moment of contact far greater than before?"

"Damn it, are you kidding me, I'm half a step ahead of the national level!"

With a low cry, Kurosaki quickly grasped the racket with his other hand.

Veins surged in his arms as he struggled to block Kawamura's swinging ball.

But.... boom!

The tennis ball penetrated directly through the net and slammed into the bottom line of the court.

"Holy Night Academy takes the lead, with a total score of 3-0!"

Short and neat, Sheng Ye continued to seal the Ice Emperor double match.

"It’s impossible. I’ve clearly made a breakthrough, right?"

Kurosaki's arms trembled violently, and his whole expression was hollow and full of confusion.

He looked down at the ground, muttering doubts about life. His overwhelming self-confidence was torn apart in an instant.

It was a gap from heaven to hell.

Kawamura The wave ball directly shattered Kurosaki's last psychological defense.

"Referee, we forfeit."

Looking at Kurosaki's state, Kinoshita Hideyoshi sighed.

Not to mention his arms were overloaded, and he was unable to fight anymore.

Even if he was not injured, Kurosaki with such a mentality would not be able to continue the game normally. He almost sent Kurosaki away At the end of the game, the atmosphere was solemn as the referee read out the score.

"Holy Night Academy takes the lead, with a total score of 1-0!"

In the battle of revenge, the first doubles match was defeated without any surprise, and it was such a disastrous defeat.

This made the Ice Emperor main candidates, who were previously full of confidence and wanted to seek revenge on the Holy Night, fall into deep doubts.

They almost didn't Why pay attention to the fringe figures.

Kawamura Takashi and Inoue Tsuyoshi both have such strong strength.

So will the rest of Shengye stop making progress during this period of time?

They are making progress, and Shengye is also making progress.

Even the progress is faster than Fast, faster than their Ice Emperors

"Cheer up, this is just the first round"

"You've learned a lesson after losing, but what's going on with your situation?"

"No one is invincible forever, the Ice Emperor is like this, and the Holy Night is like this too"

"If you don't even believe that you can win, how can you take revenge on Sheng Ye?"

Sakaki Taro shouted coldly.

Every word struck deep in the hearts of the Hyōtei main candidates, causing them to suddenly wake up.

Yes, no one is undefeated forever!

It's just a loss, Hyōtei There is hope!

"The winner is Ice King!"

"Victory belongs to the Ice Emperor!"

For a time, the entire Ice Emperor's main candidates raised their arms and shouted.

The fighting spirit surged like never before!

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