"Very passionate."

Kikumaru looked at the shouts of Hyōtei's main candidates and couldn't help but smile.

"Warmth is useful, why do you need training?"

"They're just a bunch of useless trash, and their blood can't change anything."

Akujin sneered unruly. He is an extremely poisonous snake to anyone except Shengye.

"Ah Ren, don’t say that, you still have to recognize other people’s efforts."

"What if?"

Kikumaru smiled.

Just saying this, he was full of confidence in his heart.

Are you passionate?

They Shengye are not bad either!

But their strength is far from what Hyokui can match.

"Dashi is coming!"

Kikumaru rolled up his sleeves, his blood boiling.


Oishi nodded calmly and stepped onto the playing field.

The two people's eyes were extremely firm.

Even though the other party was Hyotei's strongest doubles team: Yushi Ninzu and Yukito Hikaru.

But they both broke through to the national level and even understood The second stage of synchronization - Oishi and Kikumaru have the same philosophy.

They have already stood at the top of the junior high school doubles.

In this doubles match, there will be no surprise in winning.

Winning must be a holy night

"Sure enough it was them!"

Looking at Oishi and Kikumaru on the stage, Sakaki Taro looked solemn.

"The other party is a golden doubles player who has understood synchronization. There is absolutely no need to underestimate him."

"do you understand?"

"Yes, coach!"

Yushi Ninzu and Hiyakuto responded solemnly.

With solemn expressions on their faces, they walked towards the court step by step.

Although they have different beliefs, they both have the same desire to win.

Shengye doesn't want to lose.

Hyokui, too Also don’t want to lose!

"The game started with Holy Night Academy serving the ball."

Shake hands, guess first, the referee announced decisively.

Immediately afterwards, both sides quickly set up their doubles formations.

"Um? Australia...European doubles formation!"

Xiangri looked at Kikumaru and Oishi in shock. They were arranged in a vertical line.

And bursts of strange light lingered around Oishi and Kikumaru.

"The second stage of homology?"

"He went all out from the beginning, and it seems he didn’t intend to give us any chance?"

Renzu's pupils also shrunk.

"Is this the confidence of a strong team?"

Xiangri's heart sank. Kikumaru and Oishi directly revealed their trump cards, which made him a little confused.

"Dashi, come up!"

Glancing at the man who had his hair extensions first, Oishi smiled softly.

The other person's uneasy and awkward expression was what they expected.

Compared with the steady Yushi Ninzu, Mugahigatake is prone to be timid.

And their tactic this time is to attack the heart.


The tennis ball was thrown over the head from the palm of the hand. Dashi bent his right foot and stepped on the ground, and his left foot was slightly bent and stretched backward.

After the tennis ball fell to a certain height, his legs suddenly exerted force, and the soles of his feet Sprint forward and step forward.

Swing your elbow toward the inside, press the racket under your wrist and swing forward suddenly.


A wave of air rose from the racket, and the huge sprint force gave the tennis ball extremely fast speed and penetrating power. Boom.

The air was torn apart, and sonic booms continued.

The tennis ball was like a cannonball, quickly rushing toward the sun. Hair extension area

"So fast, and the angle will be very low!"

Oishi's sprint and flat serve shocked Xiangri.


But he was stunned for only a moment, and Xiangri quickly took a few steps across.

Although Oishi's serve was amazing, the angle didn't seem very tricky.

His body was ahead of schedule. Moving to the path of the bouncing tennis ball, Xiangri suddenly swung the racket towards the bouncing tennis ball.


The racket made a dull sound, and Xiangri's expression changed wildly.

"Why is this sprint serve even scarier than what Coach Sakaki said!"


Violent fluctuations tore the racket string in Xiangri's hand.

The terrifying vibration made his wrists tremble.

"ah! past."

With a loud roar, Xiangri used his arms to fight back with brute force.



His racket was knocked directly to the ground and drew a distance.

The impact of the last stretch of tennis just now made his wrist almost reach the limit. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Holy Night Academy leads, 15-0."

The referee read out the score, and the entire audience was excited.

"It is indeed the golden partner of Holy Night!"

"Is that the second stage of homology? What a tacit understanding!"

Renzu on the court was equally shocked.[]

Oishi's serve was amazing even in singles.

Dashi, whose singles ability was originally considered a weakness, has completely made up for his shortcomings.

With such a tacit understanding of synchronization, a doubles match with Kikumaru is simply incomprehensible!

Both offensive and defensive, no one has anywhere to start!

"To say it, is it indeed a holy night?"

"Just like this, it’s not enough!"

The shock was only for a moment, and Renzu quickly calmed down.

Because, not only Shengye is making progress, but they, Ice Emperor, are also making progress.

With such a trump card, Renzu is full of confidence.

"Xiangri, are you okay?"

After Renzu calmed down, he looked to the side and asked in a deep voice.

But if Xiangri was injured, he alone would not be able to save the day even if he turned on such a trump card.

Suppressing the slight trembling in the palm of his right hand, Xiangri reluctantly said:" Don't worry, it won't affect the game"


Take a deep breath, endure the pain, and silently pick up the racket.

"Be patient and don't forcefully receive the opponent's serve later."

When the two exchanged the return of serve, Xiangri couldn't help but remind him.

Oishi's serve was a bit beyond his imagination.

Although Renzu's overall strength was stronger, his wrist endurance was not as good as him. If he caught that serve hard, it would be very difficult. You might get hurt.

Renzu nodded seriously,"I understand."

With Xiang Ri's experience, he will naturally not be so stupid.

It will be easier to use chipping or chipping instead of hitting the ball directly.

It's just... thinking about the disadvantages of chipping, I can't bear to frown. A slight frown.

There is no strong counterattack.

Then they will not be able to seize the opportunity to attack in the opponent's serve. Instead, they will be constantly suppressed by the opponent's attack. The receiving formation changes.

Xiangri presses in the frontcourt, while Renzu silently He retreated to the receiving area in the backcourt.

Oishi's eyes were steady, and he continued to serve calmly without caring.


The tennis ball was thrown into the sky again.


Sweeping like a cannonball, in the blink of an eye, a pale yellow light was directed toward Renzu's head. Flying away from the feet.

The serving posture is slightly different from the previous one. This time it is just an ordinary fast flat shot.

"Is this the golden double of Holy Night? It's really strong!"

There was some surprise in Sakaki Taro's narrowed eyes.

After Oishi Shuichiro made a preemptive strike, he changed his strategy uncharacteristically.

This made Ninzu, who was still wary of him before, unable to react at all. He kept looking at the tennis ball coming towards him.

At this moment, Renzu's excellent dynamic vision came into play.

The racket was slightly horizontal, and Renzu took two steps forward.

While waving his arms, he exerted force directly from above the tennis ball.


Renzu felt quite relaxed.

The tennis ball returned the ball very quickly, but it was The powerful jumping arc of the volley ball was gone.

Eiji Kikumaru didn't know when to move and was waiting in front of the net early.


There was a crisp explosion, which was a powerful short volley in front of the net.

Towards the net. Hinata's expression changed slightly, and he pressed the tennis ball down almost vertically.

But after all, his steps were half a beat slower.

Kikumaru's sharp and sharp movement gave him no chance to save the ball.

With a snap, the tennis ball bounced away quickly. Go out, leaving only a shallow ball mark in place

"Holy Night Academy takes the lead, 30-0!".

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