The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 580: I am not myself

It's hard to say what Li Huacheng's mood is now.

Even he himself doesn't quite understand it.

While the entire parliament and even the whole world were speculating on why he dared to trust Li Tianlan so much, only Li Huacheng himself knew how much he cared about this student.

Li Tianlan's problem in Annan was definitely beyond his expectation. He knew Li Tianlan's fighting ability very well. To be precise, Li Huacheng believed that unless he took action, there would be no one in the dark world who could threaten Li Tianlan.

But such a person appeared out of nowhere, and Li Tianlan also had a problem.

He rushed over from Zhongzhou in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to eat breakfast. As a result, he was faced with a Li Tianlan who was extremely difficult to communicate with and was somewhat incomprehensible.

Li Huacheng's balls ached a little, but he was relieved inside.

Losing his martial arts strength is definitely bad news for Li Tianlan, but at least he doesn't seem to have a big problem. As long as he is still alive, there is hope, and there is still 100% hope. After all, things have not reached the worst point, so it is very difficult. good.

Although he was worried, he felt relaxed inside.

"Do I have to wait here?"

Li Huacheng thought to himself that since that is your sword, if it can really feel you without martial arts strength from an unknown distance, then it can wait anywhere, why bother here?

Annan is a land of trouble. I still don't know what happened last night. Leaving here first is undoubtedly the best choice.


Li Tianlan shook his head.

"Then, return to Central Continent first?"

Li Huacheng said tentatively.


Li Tianlan's tone was a little surprised, but also had a touch of helplessness.

He stood there quietly, with his back to everyone, and even Li Huacheng could only see his side face.

"I can't move."

Li Tianlan said sincerely.


Li Huacheng's mind was filled with questions.

But Li Tianlan is telling the truth. Now he really can't move. The biggest movement he can do is to move his mouth or shake his head very slightly. And as time goes by, he even starts to shake his head and speak. It became a bit strenuous.


Li Huacheng asked.

"They...won't let me move."

Li Tianlan's soft voice was filled with laughter and helplessness.

It was difficult for him to explain his current state. If he had to explain it, it was that they wouldn't let him move.

What does it feel like to be completely trusted?

Not being trusted.

But to be trusted by anything, completely and without defense.

The moonlight last night, the rising sun in the morning, the crystal dew, the grass on the roadside, the ruins under your feet, the hotels around you, the passing time, the wind and air outside the window...

Everything in the world.


So, will heaven and earth really be conscious?

Li Tianlan felt that he could clearly contact these. He could feel the vitality and death of all things in the world, and could interpret an extremely vast yet subtle fluctuation from them.

He didn't know whether this kind of fluctuation was the so-called consciousness, but this kind of fluctuation actually existed and was felt by him.

As an individual, he is feeling everything in the world.

This seems to be an individual contact with a large collective.

The two sides were strangers when they first came into contact, but this strangeness was shattered in an instant.

The sun, moon, mountains, rivers, time and space, everything in the world seemed to accept his existence immediately.

They convey messages to themselves that they cannot understand at all, and they put absolute trust in them. Such trust simply makes no sense.

He was so domineering that even if Li Tianlan talked casually, everyone around him seemed to believe him unswervingly.

He can turn false into true and true into false.

The only bad thing is that this ability sometimes works but sometimes doesn't work...

When this ability exists, he can easily create all miracles, but when this ability does not exist, he is just an ordinary person without any fighting ability.

Li Tianlan tried to stabilize his 'newly' acquired abilities, and his consciousness continued to have in-depth contact with countless consciousnesses around him.

As a result, the trust of everyone around him began to increase, even to the point of almost blind fanaticism.

And then...

This ability has not stabilized.

But Li Tianlan couldn't move.

Because everything in the world seems to have become a naughty child, clinging to him like a baby, and every complex consciousness seems to want to get close to him.

Excessive intimacy suddenly turned into an extremely heavy burden.

The surrounding vegetation, water, white clouds in the air, and even the sun were all sending various signals to him. The tiniest things contained in the light from the flowers, trees, and flowing water were crazily poured into Li Tianlan's body.

Space and time pulled on his arms and acted coquettishly.

The purest oxygen washed his insides.

Li Tianlan wanted to move.

But he was surrounded by naughty kids that no one else could feel.

Not one, but many, endless.

So he couldn't move at all.

Even as oxygen and countless tiny molecules continued to be absorbed by him, it became difficult for him to even speak. Every time he opened his mouth, the purest energy rushed in directly.

I can't say anything. Is it possible that I have to say something? What the hell are you doing?

Li Tianlan was helpless, but he really couldn't bear to let go of this feeling.

After he lost his martial arts strength, his body became much lighter without the burden of strength, and inexplicable multiple consciousnesses surrounded him...

It's like the whole world is supporting him.

The purest oxygen, the essence of plants and trees that cannot be extracted by high technology, some micro-radiation in the sun...

Everything is improving his body.

His martial arts strength no longer exists, but his injuries recovered as quickly as possible. Now his body is very weak, but that is the weakness after losing martial arts. In terms of various indicators alone, Li Tianlan can definitely say that he is top-notch. The healthiest and most perfect human being.

It was perfect to the extreme, and then began to transform. His body was also undergoing some kind of change silently.

Li Tianlan could notice that it was becoming easier for him to communicate with the surrounding consciousnesses, and that various consciousnesses were getting closer to him.

He could even feel that there was a weapon belonging to him further away, and it was about to move at this moment, as if he was constantly hesitating whether to touch him or not.

The location of the weapon was no longer close to Tiannan, but far away from him.

So that's not Xuanyuan Feng.

He didn't know what kind of weapon it was, but he instinctively felt that that weapon was very important to him, and it might be the key to stabilizing his new ability.

As for now...

Li Tianlan could only be pulled by countless invisible consciousnesses, and it was unrealistic to even move.

"Can't move..."

Li Huacheng almost laughed out of anger: "You are really a young master. My good student, do you want someone to carry you on your back?"

"You can't carry it away, really."

Li Tianlan spoke slowly, his voice even a little muffled, as he was already choked with oxygen.

"Thor God, come and try." Li Huacheng laughed and scolded: "I'll see what tricks this kid can play on me."

Thor looked at Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan didn't turn around, turned his back to him, and said coldly: "Uncle, do you want to try?"

"Damn it, I didn't hug you much when I was a child. When you grow up, do you want me to compensate you all at once and carry you from Tiannan to Central Continent?"

Thor stood up and walked to Li Tianlan, rolled up his sleeves: "Boy, uncle is here."

Li Huacheng took a step aside calmly.

Thor rolled up his sleeves: "Boy, uncle is here."

Li Huacheng took a step to the side calmly.

Thor rolled up his sleeves: "Boy, uncle is here."

Li Huacheng remained calm...

He suddenly froze...

As if he sensed something was wrong, he took a big step and left Thor's side.

Thor rolled up his sleeves: "Boy, uncle is here."

Thor rolled up his sleeves...


Li Huacheng was completely confused.

He stared at Li Tianlan and Lei Shen with a tone that completely broke his defense: "What the hell?!"


Li Tianlan was also a little helpless.

Li Huacheng's face was extremely solemn: "What on earth is going on?"

The God of Thunder seemed to be unaware of everything, rolling up his sleeves and saying over and over again that uncle is here.

Li Huacheng had some guesses in his heart, but he couldn't believe it.


Li Tianlan was vague: "Naughty kid..."


Time loop!

Li Tianlan has no problem.

Thor has no problem either.

But there was something wrong with his movements.

His movements and sounds seemed to be limited to a certain point in the previous few seconds.

For Thor, time is both stagnant and flowing at this moment.

Because time really does move.

But Thor's time was cycled.

Is it this way?

Is it this way?

Li Huacheng had a splitting headache. This seemed to be the only explanation, but something seemed wrong?

"Boy, uncle is here..."

Thor keeps repeating the cycle.

Li Huacheng glared at him angrily. They were all his own here, and he no longer tried to hide anything. The mental storm rolled around Thor's body, pulling him back a meter.

The time loop disappears instantly.

Thor looked confused: "Boy, uncle..."

"Okay, stop shouting."

Li Huacheng waved his hand.

He came back to Li Tianlan and looked at him, his expression becoming more solemn: "Is this your new ability?"

"No, this is the ability of time."

Li Tianlan shook his head: "Teacher, do you think time is conscious?"

The corners of Li Huacheng's mouth twitched, this question came up again.

But this time he no longer thought that Li Tianlan was discussing philosophy with him.

He took a deep breath, stared at Li Tianlan's side face, and said word by word: "Can you feel it?"

"It should be possible, but it seems like it's not possible..."

Li Tianlan said slowly: "I'm not sure...but...this world seems to be different."

"What's the difference?"

Li Huacheng was silent for a while and asked softly.

"Can't tell."

Li Tianlan shook his head: "Humans are not humans, heaven and earth are not heaven and earth, time and space are not time and space..."

He recalled the numerous, complicated, and clear images in his mind that he could not understand, and said calmly: "I am not myself."

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