The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 581: The consciousness that should exist

Star Country, Six Star Building.

The meeting started after a relatively long wait and then ended very quickly.

Compared with the time spent waiting for others, the entire meeting, which lasted less than sixty minutes, could be said to be extremely short.

The door to the conference room was pushed open from the inside.

Jiang Shangyu, with a gloomy face, walked out slowly and stood in front of the railing, silent.

Everyone passing by him would greet him kindly.

This is no longer an ordinary employee in a building, but a truly big shot with huge energy.

Everyone has different energy and influence, and the areas they control are also different, but no matter what, even the one with the least energy among these people can be called a giant here.

Strength is indeed the best bargaining chip.

Jiang Shangyu, who has thoroughly demonstrated his strength, has gained the respect of everyone. Although he has not been in Star Kingdom for a long time, it has been a while, but it is not until today, until now, until this meeting that Jiang Shangyu can really be sure. , I have now truly integrated into the top class of Star Kingdom.

He learned a lot from this meeting.

First of all, most of the specific work that Deputy Minister Ryan is responsible for will now be taken over personally by Jiang Shangyu.

The major giants are also willing to take Jiang Shangyu as the leader and tailor their own power specifically for Jiang Shangyu.

Adding up these two points, one is the power he snatched from Ryan, plus the support from Star Nation...

Jiang Shangyu can quickly have his own influence. If there are any big moves recently, then in about half a year, he can become the true guardian of the Star Kingdom.

Artes has given him a clear commitment to mobilize the most professional top talents from various fields to help him set up a team, combat, intelligence, business, research and development, public opinion dissemination, everything.

When all this is built, it is almost the time when Jiang Shangyu has digested everything now, and then a true superpower will appear in the dark world.

In addition, the major giants agreed to create an angel group tailored for Jiang Shangyu...

Such a super power, with its comprehensive strength, may become the strongest super power that has emerged from the Star Kingdom in the past two hundred years.

The major giants also have high hopes for this upcoming super power. They want to use this super power as the most important bargaining chip to directly block the Eastern Palace at all levels of the dark world!

There are many masters in the East Palace, and Li Tianlan is invincible in the world.

But the superpower that is about to emerge is also not a vegetarian.

Jiang Shangyu versus Li Tianlan.

The new angel group fights against the masters of the Eastern Palace.

The best versus the best at the mid-level.

Intelligence versus intelligence...

With this analysis, the two sides can easily form a balance of soldiers against soldiers and generals against kings.

From then on, the dark world will enter a new era. From the era of Li Tianlan to the era of Li Tianlan and Jiang Shangyu, they can also compete with Zhongzhou in the dark world. In this way, Jiang Shangyu can play a greater value than now... .

Judging from the current situation, it is no exaggeration to say that after this meeting, Jiang Shangyu has truly soared into the sky, and can even be said to be unstoppable.

This result is already much better than if he stayed in Central Continent.

Because there is Li Tianlan in Central Continent, that is the person Li Huacheng and the council really value. No matter how strong he is, the resources he gets are limited.

But it was different here. It might not be as powerful as Central Continent, but most of all the resources belonged to him, which was far more than what he had controlled in Central Continent.

This meeting was a huge success.

Using the prodigy-level strength as a bargaining chip, you will get not only respect, but also real gains.

But Jiang Shangyu's face still looked ugly.

He got what he wanted, but not what he wanted most.

But at this meeting, he couldn't be tough to the end, and he could only grind it out slowly in the future. This was also a kind of game, relatively gentle, but it still made people feel uncomfortable.

The few giants who came out from behind said goodbye, and the expressionless Jiang Shangyu went directly to Reinhardt's office.

Artes has not left. At this time, he is sitting in the reception area of ​​the office drinking tea. Reinhardt is accompanying him with a big smile.

He is originally from Artes, or to be precise, he is part of Artes' influence. With the opportunity of Jiang Shangyu's breakthrough, he has taken a further step in Artes' team sequence. The future is bright, and naturally there is no one who is unhappy. reason.

But looking at Jiang Shangyu's expression, Reinhardt subconsciously restrained his smile and comforted him with a gentle voice: "Jiang, don't be discouraged. I personally support your proposal, but it's a pity that others don't." It’s a small concern, it’s understandable.”

Jiang Shangyu sat down silently. After a while, he calmly said: "I will not give up."

"Of course, Mr. Artes and I will continue to support you, but we need some time and patience now, and everything must be done slowly."

Jiang Shangyu took a long breath and said nothing.

Ates can understand his psychology, because he and Jiang Shangyu are both people who hate waiting the most, but many things often require waiting. As a superior, patience is indispensable.

"I will look for opportunities to talk to them. Although the chances are not high, at least I can get a small number of people to change their stance."

Ates looked at Jiang Shangyu with a smile and a gentle voice.

Jiang Shangyu took a deep breath and said thank you to Ates.

In the meeting just now, he not only announced the news of his breakthrough, but also revealed his plan.

He plans to use all the current power of the Star Kingdom to attack Beihai. To be precise, he will start another decisive battle in Beihai. Now that Wang Xiaoyao is also in Beihai, there is a lot of room for cooperation between the two parties. Jiang Shangyu hopes to find Wang Xiaoyao and use all their trump cards. , directly hit the God's Soldier Mountain.

After getting the magic weapon that can compete with Xuanyuan Feng, Jiang Shangyu will take this power to sweep across the entire European continent, kill Lin Fenglin, level the Sanctuary, destroy the Lin clan, and subvert the Dark Knights. In this way, he can get European Union support.

If the plan can really be carried out to this point, Jiang Shangyu's strength will be unimaginable.

Europe is also the battlefield that Jiang Shangyu has set for Li Tianlan. When each of his allies has suffered huge losses or even been completely destroyed, with Li Tianlan's character, he will inevitably appear on Europe.

With Jiang Shangyu's magic weapon and strength, he can truly bury this great enemy in the Continental Alliance. From now on, his life will become a truly smooth road...

This is Jiang Shangyu's plan, an expedition he carefully prepared.

He hopes to get the support of the giants.

What he didn't expect was that such a plan failed.

Most of the giants expressed their personal support for him, but they also clearly opposed his plan.

If we really want to talk about the cause...

After the meeting, Jiang Shangyu has realized that he said a wrong sentence, just a wrong sentence.

Jiang Shangyu didn't know what was so difficult about Li Tianlan who had lost his martial arts strength. He didn't even think about it at all, because his current strength was enough for him to ignore anyone, including Li Tianlan.

So at the meeting, he directly said that if he could get the magic weapon he wanted, the possibility of killing Li Tianlan would be at least 95%.

It was from this sentence that the giants who had been hesitant began to express their attitudes.

In addition to Reinhardt's clear support for him, even Artest's attitude was somewhat vague.

As for the rest...

They are all unanimously opposed.

There is more than 95% chance of killing Li Tianlan...

The probability is infinitely close to 100%, but in return it is opposed by most people.

At that moment, Jiang Shangyu understood that he had said the wrong thing.

Ninety-five percent...

This was his lowest estimate, but in the eyes of others, this probability was a bit ridiculously high, making everyone a little uneasy.

To be more precise, after he broke through to the level of Tianjiao, although the giants showed great respect to him and gave him greater power, in fact...

In fact, in their hearts, they did not hope that they could really kill Li Tianlan.

At least until someone new who can check and balance them appears, no one in Star Kingdom wants to see Li Tianlan fall.

Because that means Jiang Shangyu will completely lose control and become a huge unstable factor.

So his plan met with strong opposition.

The giants agreed with Jiang Shangyu's idea of ​​setting up the station in Europe, and were willing to send a large number of elites to destroy all the Eastern Palace's allies in Europe...

However, they did not agree to let Li Tianlan die.

Jiang Shangyu smiled, somewhat self-deprecating.

He can understand the performance of the giants, but it is difficult to accept it.

Their ideas are clear.

That is to hold on tightly to who you are after the breakthrough.

But Jiang Shangyu also knew very well that those giants wanted to see himself who couldn't beat Li Tianlan.

The gap between him and Li Tianlan should be infinitely narrowed, but it cannot exceed a point. If it exceeds a point, it means that he will completely lose control.

This is their plan.

In the giant's mind, it is best for him to be evenly matched with Li Tianlan, so that he can continue to maintain a balance.

Even if he can't beat Li Tianlan, it doesn't matter. There is a slight gap, which is acceptable.

Anyway, Zhongzhou is the real overlord now. As long as he can hold back Li Tianlan perfectly, then even if he is a little bit close, it will be no problem at all.

Because for many years, Star Kingdom has been a little worse than Central Continent.

A little bit here, a little bit there.

Xingguo has long been accustomed to this situation. Even if it wants to go to Europe to cause trouble, it always looks submissive and lacks confidence.

"It's really unexpected..."

Jiang Shangyu picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea: "As a strong man second only to Zhongzhou, I really didn't expect that the so-called giants, except Mr. Artes, everyone else was just a pile of soft bones. They seemed to be early I have become accustomed to and even completely accepted the fact of being surpassed by Zhongzhou.”

His voice was a little cold.

Reinhardt and Artes both looked a little embarrassed.

"My intuition tells me that what I want may be the most important thing to Li Tianlan in this life, and there is not even one thing..."

He said slowly: "You rejected my plan today, maybe you will regret it soon."

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