Body 221 The Girlfriend of the Red-haired Youth 【Subscribe】|The King of the City | The King of the City Chapter Read

221 The Girlfriend of the Red-haired Youth 【Subscription】 221 The Girlfriend of the Red-haired Youth 【Subscription】

There are more than 100 seats in the No. 5 screening hall, and there are more than 100 audience members, and there are about ten seats that are vacant.

It is relatively simple to start the investigation of the person who was poisoned from among the hundreds of people. Start with the person who is close to the seat of the deceased, because the closer you are to the deceased, the greater the chance of being poisoned.

A criminal policeman stared at the audience in the row behind the deceased’s seat, and began to investigate whether they knew each other and whether they were related. The result was that they didn’t know each other, and only one pair was a couple.

“Okay.” The detective asked: “After the movie was played, did you see anyone sitting on the seat next to the deceased?”

The seats in the cinema can also be arbitrarily arranged. Of course, that is when the attendance rate is relatively low, and there are not many people in the screening hall, so they just sit casually.

But today, of the more than 100 seats, only a dozen or so seats are empty. In this case, the general audience will not sit around and will find the seats on their tickets.

After the audience in the back row heard the words, someone said: “I didn’t pay attention, my mind was on the movie, I don’t know the two vacancies next to the deceased, and when the movie was showing, did anyone go there to do it? .”

“Probably not… er… I don’t know…”

“I don’t know, I didn’t pay attention.”

The audience in the row behind said they didn’t care.

The deceased was in row 10 and 6, and 4 and 5 were empty. Ask which row the deceased was sitting in. When the deceased was in seats 1, 2, and 3, 1 was a single young man, and 2 and 3 were a couple. .

The girl sitting in the 3rd place, after the movie started, her body leaned against the boyfriend who was sitting in the 2nd place, her face was buried in his chest from time to time, she didn’t care about 4 and 5 Has anyone sat there.

Some other police officers began to check tickets and checked the audience sitting in their seats. The seats of the movie tickets in their hands were different from the seats they were sitting in now.

Zhang Tianan asked the girl and said, “If you recall, has anyone ever sat next to your boyfriend'”. ”

The girl was silent. After recalling it for a long time, she shook her head and said, “I really don’t remember. My mind is also on the movie. At that time, my boyfriend leaned on me.”

There is one thing the girl didn’t explain, that is, the red-haired young man leaned on him, not because she was afraid, he wanted to hug her to give her a sense of security, but the red-haired young man’s left hand was on the girl’s shoulder and stretched out. Go inside the collar to knead-knead.

The other hand of the red-haired youth stretched out to the girl’s big tThe position at the root of the ui is quietly taking advantage of it.

The girl understands the rogue character of the red-haired youth very well, and is used to being touched by him. Although the girl said just now that the red-haired youth had made love to her several times last night, she felt that this was unnecessary and was embarrassed to say it. .

The current situation is that the people in the tenth row are not sure if seats 4 and 5 have been seated during the movie, and the people in the back row are also uncertain.

As for the front row, we also investigated. The people in the front row were all sitting honestly, no one stood up and stretched their hands to the back to get the bottle of water.

The people in the back row can also prove to each other that no one ever leaned down and reached out to touch the mineral water bottle in the teacup holder of the deceased’s seat.

A criminal policeman scratched his head and said softly: “If the murderer wants to poison, he must first unscrew the cap, then throw the cyanide in, and then put the mineral water bottle back in the cup holder of the seat. This series of actions takes a lot of time and is easy to be discovered by the deceased. How did the murderer keep the deceased from being discovered?”

Another detective nodded when he heard the words, and said, “It’s strange, there is a speculation that the deceased committed suicide, and he put cyanide into the bottle, but he saw that the deceased had a girlfriend, and there was an unchecked room on his body. On the card, it’s extremely unlikely that he will commit suicide.”

After the detective finished speaking, Zhang Tian’an’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Zhang Tian’an winked at the criminal policemen, motioning them to take a step to speak.

After bringing a few detectives to a place where others could not hear the sound, Zhang Tianan lowered his voice and said, “I thought of a possibility, could it be the crying girl who poisoned the deceased? .”

“Yes, I wanted to say this just now.” A criminal policeman said when Zhang Tian’s voice had not completely fallen.

Xia Miaoyan followed behind Zhang Tianan. At this moment, she was a silent little follower, quietly listening to Zhang Tianan’s analysis of the case.

After the detective agreed with Zhang Tiannan’s speculation, he expressed his opinion: “Look, if someone wants to poison the bottle, they have to pick up the bottle, open the cap, put in cyanide, and screw it on. bottle cap, put it back in the armrest cup holder.”

“… This process, the deceased should be able to perceive it, but the deceased did not, so I doubt whether it was poisoned by the deceased’s girlfriend.”

“She just said that shortly after the movie started, she asked the deceased to bring her mineral water, and she took a sip of water. If the deceased’s eyes were looking at the big screen at this time, the deceased’s girlfriend would have the opportunity to release the cyanide. into a mineral water bottle.”

After hearing the detective’s opinion, Zhang Tiannan nodded and said, “Well, in addition to investigating other people here, the girlfriend of the deceased can’t be spared, and we need to carefully investigate the relationship between the couple. .”

In Zhang Tianan’s eyes, the girl and the red-haired youth are very affectionate, but this kind of affection may also be faked.

An old criminal policeman called the deceased’s girlfriend aside for interrogation, and Zhang Tianan began to interrogate the row where the deceased was sitting.

The deceased is sitting in the 6th place, his girlfriend is in the 7th place, and there are 8 to 16 seats in the back.

In the seats from 8 to 16 (Li Nuo’s), there are eight people, three of them are couples, a single young man and a single girl.

Zhang Tian’an asked the eight people, “Did you walk down the aisle and go to the bathroom during the movie?”

These eight people are also suspect.

After Zhang Tianan asked, one couple said they had not been there, the second couple was a boy who had been there, and the third couple was a girl who wanted to go, so they asked their boyfriend to go with them, and both of them were there.

The single young man and the girl nodded slightly when they faced Zhang Tianan’s inquiring gaze, and the girl said, “I’ve been to the toilet once.”

“I’ve been there too.” The dark-skinned young man raised his hand and said he’d been there.

Three of the eight people never left their seats, and the other five people walked through the aisle. All of these five people had a chance to touch the mineral water in the cup holder on the armrest of the deceased’s seat. .

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