Body 222 Several Suspects 【Subscribe】|The King of the City | The King of the City Chapter Read – Siku Bookstore

222 Several suspects [Subscribe] 222 Several suspects [Subscribe]

On the tea cup holders on the armrests of the eight seats, some people put green tea drinks, some people put carbonated drinks, three couples have popcorn in their hands, and the single young man and girl have nothing in front of them.

The police in the screening hall are all busy and busy. Although there are more than 100 spectators present, they are all willing to cooperate with the investigation and sit in their seats honestly, but after a long time, they will definitely be eager to go home. of.

Identify some suspects or catch the murderer, you must quicklySome, otherwise everyone will be restless, and the scene will be out of control again.


In the lobby of the cinema, under the order of the manager and the police, the audience who bought the movie tickets of the No. 5 projection hall went to the ticket office to refund the tickets one after another.

In order to apologize, the movie theater refunded and compensated for double the ticket price. The manager also expressed embarrassment to those audiences and hoped that they would understand.

After the audience left one after another, or switched to a later show, the crowd gathered in the hall gradually dispersed.

The manager of the cinema wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and he asked the policeman: “Comrade police, can’t you take the dead away first? You are handling the case in the screening hall… Spread the word… It is very bad for the reputation of our cinema. it is good……”

“This is a case of poisoning and murder. I haven’t found the murderer yet, so I can’t leave for the time being.” The police responded coldly.

After the manager heard this, he sighed and could only find a way to reduce the impact of this incident.


In the No. 5 screening hall, Zhang Tian’an and the policemen have completed detailed inquiries in the shortest possible time.

Among the spectators in row 10, five spectators who have been to the toilet are suspicious, but it is impossible to determine that they poisoned them.

As for the audience in rows 1 to 8 of the screening hall, some of them have gone to the toilet, but none of them have been to row 10. That is to say, people in rows 1 to 8 are not suspected of committing crimes.

“Comrade police, it’s getting late, we people in the third row, can we go?” asked a boy sitting in the third row.

“Brother Police, I’m sitting in the first row… How could the person in the first row poison that person, can we go?”

“We haven’t been to the back in the second row, and we don’t know that person.” A high school student sitting in the second row said, “Uncle police, let us unsuspected go first, if I go back late Now, my mother knew that I didn’t go to the cram school and came here to watch the bbaj movie.”

Several people said that they were going to leave, and the audience in rows 1 to 8 suddenly became restless, saying that they were not suspicious and were going home.

People are like this, someone takes the lead, and the people behind will follow.

The scene became very noisy again, and those in rows 12 to 15 also started talking.

They said that the deceased was in the 10th row, and the key suspects were the people in the 9th, 10th, and 11th rows. Those innocent people can leave.

An old criminal policeman with a more serious face, after seeing this, he shouted a few times, asking everyone to stop arguing and cooperate with the case. When such a thing happened, they should actively cooperate with the police.

Under the persuasion of several policemen, everyone quieted down again, but their faces were full of complaints.

The criminal police are a little anxious. The role of the forensic doctor is only to determine that the deceased died of poisoning. The cause of the poisoning was cyanide in the mineral water bottle. As for the autopsy test, it is not helpful for this case for the time being.

The girlfriend of the deceased, during the interrogation by the detective, did not find any problems with her for the time being.

This girl’s reaction, performance, and eyes are all too normal, not like a murderer.

The girl’s relatives and friends are also to be interrogated, but it is impossible to do now.

Zhang Tian’an frowned and glanced at the seats in the 9th, 10th, and 11th rows. Since the deceased did not commit suicide, the poisoner must be in this theater.

The most suspicious ones are naturally the audience in these three rows.

But how can we be sure, among these people, who is the poisoner?

Just when Zhang Tianan couldn’t think of a broken head, her clothes were suddenly pulled from behind.

Zhang Tiannan came back to his senses, turned his head to look, and saw that it was Xia Miaoyan who had been standing behind him pulling his clothes.

“What’s wrong with Miaoyan?” Zhang Tianan asked.

“Sister Tian’an, where is my master? Where is the master?” Xia Miaoyan has been looking for Lin Chen.

When Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan rushed to the 10th row just now, Xia Miaoyan was blocked behind the crowd, and then the police told everyone to do it well, Xia Miaoyan didn’t know where Lin Chen went.

“Yes, Lin Chen!” Zhang Tian’an raised his hand and patted his forehead. He was so immersed in interrogation and thinking that he forgot about Lin Chen.

After Zhang Tian’an looked around subconsciously, she said, “I wanted to ask Lin Chen’s opinion just now, but his phone rang suddenly, so he ran out to answer the phone, and hasn’t come back yet.

“Ah? Has the master been out for a long time? Who called him? It took so long.” Xia Miaoyan blinked her big, smart eyes, her long eyelashes fluttered, and those eyes looked like It is normal to speak.

“I don’t know.” Zhang Tianan muttered, and then walked down the stairs, ready to find Lin Chen.

When Xia Miaoyan saw this, she quickly followed.

The two walked down the steps and walked towardsHe walked outside the screening hall, and when he was about to reach the door, a figure just came in from outside.

After seeing this figure, Zhang Tian’an breathed a sigh of relief, and she said, “Lin Chen, why did you come back? Where did you go just now?”

“Yes, master, who called you for so long.” Xia Miaoyan also asked.

Lin Chen looked at the two daughters and didn’t say who called him. He asked, “How’s the investigation? Is it suicide or someone else, is there a confirmed suspect?”

Lin Chen wasn’t there just now, so he didn’t know about Zhang Tianan’s investigation.

“The deceased doesn’t seem to have committed suicide. He has a room card in his wallet. He obviously wants to take his girlfriend to the hotel for a while. He has a lot of money in his wallet, not short of money, and has a girlfriend…”

Zhang Tianan told Lin Chen some things.

While listening, Lin Chen walked down the aisle and came directly under the seats.

Standing below, Zhang Tian’an told Lin Chen about the investigation of the case. After speaking, she said, “That’s all the investigation has come out so far.”

Lin Chen nodded slightly, and walked towards the top.

After Lin Chen came to the corpse, he squatted down, observed the corpse again, put on his gloves, and picked up the mineral water bottle in the sealed bag.

Lin Chen looked at it for a few seconds, then raised his head and said, “There is a problem with this bottle.”.

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