The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 667: Collective laugh

"Sink! Sink! Sink!"

"I'm going! Scared me!"


"Baby doesn't dare to watch, ohh ..."

"So horrible! Is this burning?"

The audience was terrified, and they saw a person holding a fire extinguisher and spraying on the corpse. The upper body of the corpse was burnt, and even the mosaic was not hit. If the background is dark and the face is not clear, I am afraid many people will directly scare the heart Illness!

"This this……"

Mu Jianmin was so scared that he even forgot to drink water. Su Hui beside him even screamed, retracted into Mu Jianmin's arms, and dared not watch TV!

"Let me go! Yang An is crazy, is it really burned to death?"

Mu Jianmin's scalp was numb, and he was a bit afraid to read it. It was mainly in the wedge article the night before that the deceased was played by a real person. Today he inevitably thought that it was also a real person. !!

"Fake, this is a dummy!"

After making sure, Mu Jianmin patted his wife's face, and his leaping heart eased.

Su Hui looked up and saw an ordinary indoor scene. This is a stage that was divided into different grids. She panted and was shocked: "Scared old lady! How did this **** become a horror show? Not a funny variety show No? I'm going to scold him and scare my mother! "

Su Hui looked up and stared at the TV. She couldn't bear to give up any of the shots, reached out and touched the phone. She accidentally touched a protrusion, angrily pinching her: "My mother is scared to death, you He even reacted! "

Mu Jianmin sighed in pain and said, "Lightly."

There are still many audiences like Su Hui. Many people are scared and frightened at first glance. The first reaction is to swear.

At this time, the official website of "Star Detective" was blown out, and the comment area of ​​the voting system was scolded by countless people, all saying that the show was scary.

But with the progress of the plot, after the characters entered the scene, the painting style suddenly changed.

Above the neck of the corpse was post-production mosaic with a huge "miserable" character, apparently terrible bg suddenly appeared a line "fff group said to be responsible for this case!"

As soon as this subtitle came out, the audience watching TV laughed!

"Take this pot, fff will not carry it!"

"Nima, who wrote this script? Stand out, I promise not to kill him!"

"Like the wedge, it's horrible ahead, and it's funny in an instant!"

"Close my fff group yarn relationship? Is this a couple?"

"It's really late, oh, I can't speak up ..."

The audience stopped scolding, watching this show is like this, heart disease is about to be committed, it is really like a roller coaster, up and down, too exciting!

Li Yifeng appeared!

Handsome Li Yifeng, model-like appearance, large close-ups and multi-angle shooting, let the style of painting change again, the audience seems to see the beautiful male detective t show, all the way into the field!

"I'm gone forever!"

With this exclamation, Li Yifeng laughed at the audience again!

"The production team is really ruthless! Burning corpses directly?"

When the audience covered their mouths and laughed, Li Yan, who stood next to him, met Detective Li for the first time, and the first suspect appeared.

Next, other suspects will appear one after another, and everyone will have a brief introduction. When Yang An appeared, the group started to make fun of each other. Three people knelt beside the corpse, cried heart-brokenly, and performed that exaggeration. Ah, let the audience all laugh together, and the mosaic corpse with the word "miserable" in the picture is not so scary, because the stars are not afraid to be so close!

Immediately following the case, everyone was ready to explain the absence certificate.

"Well? Where's my favorite Beck?"

Su Hui is now completely not afraid of this show. She keenly noticed that Shabei didn't show up. Just as everyone noticed this question on TV, a sudden gust of wind blew, the sound of ghost crying came over, and Shabei wearing a sick suit. Sunglasses floated through the darkness.

"Neuropathy is coming!"

Everyone laughed on TV, and the audience outside the TV laughed cry!

Su Hui smiled on her husband's legs, panting, "Sabby really played what she thought ..."

Mu Jianmin sneered: "No, he starred in the true nature, he is a snake disease!"

There are really subtitles for snake ailments on the screen. Shabe was there for gagging and having fun with Detective Li Yifeng. The audience smiled sorely.

Many viewers began to withdraw their remarks on the official website, praising them: "When is there a show by Shabey, when is it going?"

"Yang Geer is calm, Sha Keji is funny, they are the real cp!"

"I was wrong. I shouldn't doubt Brother Yang. This is a variety show. It's so funny. How could it be horrible?"

The audience's thoughts are really simple and easily taken away by the show.

When everyone arrived, Detective Li asked, "What hospital are you in?"

Suddenly, the style of painting changed completely.

Five suspects appeared in the camera wearing white coats and white nurse uniforms. The background was a common hospital advertisement on TV. BG became Banderui's famous song "Spring", which is also the favorite soundtrack for private hospital advertisements.

"My nose is fake! My eyes are fake! But my beauty is real!"

The price list of cosmetic packages is posted everywhere on the screen, and there are also many photos of stars, such as Xiaodongbei, Jin Dabao, Ma Xin, Zhou Jinci, Zhen Ling. These first-line male and female stars are the success stories of this plastic hospital. They Fully recommended!


The water is not enough to spray, countless viewers spew out a mouthful of old blood!

"Fuck! This is a snake ailment"

"I saw this just after turning on the TV. Is it the wrong channel?"

"This hospital is definitely the Putian department!"

"Ah ha ha ha, I'm going to laugh ..."

"This is definitely not a plastic surgery hospital, it must be a neurology hospital!"

"Jin Dabao and Zhen Ling are successful cases? I make a big mistake! If the hospital business is going to be good, I will eat live!"

The audience really laughed. Fortunately, there were no subtitles in the show. After seeing everyone explaining the absence certificate, they slowly entered the plot.

Unconsciously, the first round of evidence search began, and more and more evidence was displayed in front of the audience. Some people were already dizzy.

At this time, you need a hug. No, you need a detective to help you organize your thoughts.

Li Yifeng presided over the first centralized reasoning, and everyone began to show the clues they found, question someone, ask the other party to answer, and then guess who the killer was.

Mu Jianmin frowned. At least from his perspective, Detective Li Yifeng was unqualified because Detective Li spoke too little. In many cases, reasoning was achieved by the Three Musketeers. Detective Li did not make a decisive conclusion.

This makes Mu Jianmin very uncomfortable. He is also a very rational man. He claims that his IQ is very high, but here, I always feel that IQ is not enough!

Everyone has a motive for killing, and everyone has a lot of suspicions. This is the conclusion that the audience got before Shabei stood up and discussed.

Su Hui also participated in, picked up the phone, and entered the voting page of the Internet.

"Yang investment suspected 31, wow, am I the younger brother to be the murderer in the first period? Maybe it is, because he has the best variety show, the production team will definitely give him a chance to perform ..."

"Sha patient is suspected 22, haha, I know that no one will suspect a neuropathy"

"He Vice-President Suspect 25. Well, he stole his brother's wife, and he certainly didn't want his brother to come back."

Su Hui read it one by one, and finally asked: "Husband, who do you think is most suspicious?"

Mu Jianmin pondered: "I'm not good, but I always think there is something wrong, but I can't say anything. Listen to Shabei first, and I'll think about it after he has given all the clues."

The two suspended voting, at which point Shabei stood up and expressed his thoughts.

Suddenly, the style of painting changed again. After a bg of "Today's Talk" came, Shabei became the presenter of the legal program and began to tell his illusion. He was beautiful and did not die.

Mu Jianmin became scared the more he listened, feeling creepy!

Su Hui even listened stupid, and felt that Shabei was terrible!

The audience even trembled when Shabei said sternly, "I suspect that the dead man is definitely not so beautiful ~ ~ He Jiong put away a smile and said" And He beautiful is sitting among us !! "Everyone's scalp exploded!


It was another terrifying scream. Su Hui hated herself. Why did she watch this show? She had been to Dang once. She had no memory at all.

Mu Jianmin also exploded. His heartbeat accelerated and he pointed at the TV and screamed excitedly: "That's it! This was what I suspected before! I was like Shabei, and at the first sight of the corpse, I guessed whether he was Disfigured! It turned out to be like this, exchanging lives, borrowing corpses to repay the soul! Awesome, this show is amazing! This kind of brain hole is really great! The screenwriter is great, Shabei is even better, this can be guessed! "

Mu Jianmin is a reasoning enthusiast. When he saw this, he was trembling with excitement.

Almost at the same time, when some people felt cold and scalp numb, the real reasoning enthusiasts applauded and made the same moves as Mu Jianmin.

"Yes! It's just changing face!"

"Conan's" Blue Castle "! This is the episode I was most scared of when I was watching Conan when I was a kid, and there is a face change in it!"

"The screenwriter is awesome! And my sand, do you want to be so god, you are my idol!"

"This brain hole is really huge! I like it!"

"Love this setting!"

The audience excitedly took their mobile phones to post in the comment area, and changed their identified killers by the way, because at this time, the vast majority of people agreed with He Jiong's point of view, killed Yang Investment, obtained billions of fortunes, and reached the peak of life. Is the most reasonable explanation!

Because of Shabe's magical explanation, and if there is no hint, Yang An is a murderer's voter rate soared to ~ ~, you can search for "Blue Book", you can first Time to find this site.

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