The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 668: The finale turned around!

"The ratings have not fallen!"

The insistent staff of the projection department of Zhongjing Satellite TV cried excitedly. At this time it was 11 pm. The biggest feature of the late night program was that the ratings would gradually decline because the audience was going to sleep.

But today is really amazing. Near zero, the ratings have not trended down!

Deputy Director Fang Rong has watched this program before. Today, she insists on staying up late to keep up with real-time data.

"Wait a second, don't worry!"

Fang Rong reminded the other Taiwan leaders who were sticking to their posts. Several leaders did not sleep at home, all staring at the ratings chart shaking at 4.2, one by one excitedly planning to celebrate ahead of time.

"Yes, yes! There is a five-minute delay. Shabei's reasoning just scared me. I suspect the ratings will drop after the broadcast!"

"It's still Shabe. He has hosted several years of legal programs on CCTV. I don't know how many cases he has seen. It is said that he worked as a detective consultant for the Beijing Chaoyang Police Station for a few years and helped solve many cases!

"No! The Chaoyang people have such a brilliant record, and there is still his credit?"

"Heroes are hiding behind the scenes, and they are all called Chaoyang masses. This is a glorious collective!"

A few people were joking, time passed slowly, and the delayed data came. Everyone was worried. The conclusion of Shabei was just too scary. How many audiences can accept it is still unknown.


The projectionist exclaimed, everyone looked pale, all bent down to look at the data!

The ratings data, which originally fluctuated 4.15, suddenly dropped to 3.95, which dropped 0.2 percentage points in an instant, which is equivalent to an instant breakdown of 5!

The Taiwan leaders were all panicked, and a fat leader was holding the table heavily: "Huh! Let me just say, he is playing with fire! Just concentrate on the funny, just play suspense, murder, and It ’s so scary! Not all viewers can accept thrillers! "

"How can this be? Why is this? Still falling ..."

The leaders were in a hurry. After being broadcast for nearly an hour, they could have reached an average audience rating of 4 or more. However, once it was lowered by 4 at this time, it would be difficult to raise it again. The remaining broadcast time was close to an hour. This will definitely bring down the data, and their average premiere rating may not reach 4!

"There are more terrifying plots later, oh! I said, Yang An can't do this!"

"It's over, it cost so much money, so many relationships were used, and the premiere 4 will not break!"

"The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!"

"Don't say that, Zhang, you have to think that way. We haven't released the premiere 3.5 show for many years in China Satellite TV?" Star Detective "can be done like this, it's pretty good."

"3.5 I see all hanging! Hmm, Yang An is playing with fire!"

This group of leaders shook their heads and said that they were so angry that they used so much energy to defeat the domestic TV station counterparts and also introduced Yang An's programs. They forced the network supervision and network police, the major set-top box software vendors, and the General Administration of Radio, Film and Television. The relationship was so great that even the premiere 4 could not be done. After seeing it, domestic competitors may not be able to laugh at it!

On TV, the detectives have begun the second round of evidence collection. Outside of TV, the leaders of Zhongjing Satellite TV seem to have given up resistance, breaking jars and falling, and don't want to watch.

"Ah! Ah! This ... this is impossible!"

The projectionist suddenly screamed, scaring everyone to yell: "Xiao Li, you are in the middle of the night! What's the name of a ghost?"

"Rise! Rise again! Break 4 again! Still rising! 4.1! 4.15! God, 4.2!"


"What's going on? It's gone up by 0.3 in five minutes?"

"Hell! Are you sure this is not a data transmission problem? How can there be such a graph!"

In just five minutes, everyone was trembling with data like a roller coaster.

There is a rating chart on the software. First it is a cliff diving, and then it instantly becomes dry land to pull onions. The thorn like a spike is so terrible. Some old guys can't stand it anymore. Heart disease is bound to occur!

It ’s not like that!

How can there be such a sudden plunge of 5 and a sudden spike of 10 within two minutes? Is this Nima a stock market? Play V-bottom and pick up? First kill a retailer's blood, and then the retailer cuts the meat. Then the banker picks up the retailer's **** chips and then raises it strongly? This is too exciting, OK?

Fang Rong finally let go of a heart, and she smiled, smiling very happy: "Life is like this, you never know what will happen in the next second. I believe Yang An can do miracles, so I did n’t Suspected him. Well, I'm going back, you guys can keep watching! "

"I'm going back, too. I'm too old to bear!"

"Go back. Everyone go back. Yang An cannot describe it with common sense. Miracles may appear on him at any time."

"Well, those who are scared to watch the show must be reluctant to look back."

These leaders have made a pretty good estimate. The audience was scared to watch TV at first. After turning the channel, they breathed a sigh of relief, of course, the ratings would decline.

Some people complained on the Internet. Speaking of this scary brain hole, some hesitant centrists also joined the chase army. After calming down, almost all the audiences retuned the channel and continued to watch. The ratings will certainly skyrocket by 0.3 percentage points!

In this way, Yang An and the six of them led the audience laughing, reasoning together, finding evidence together, guessing the killer together, and guessing the killer, so that the vast majority of viewers were unable to let it go, until the last voting opportunity was put into the advertisement.

The 15-second small tps tells everyone that after the 2-minute advertisement ends, the voting will end and the program will enter the final sentence.

Mu Jianmin took out his mobile phone and urged: "I vote for Shabei, you vote for He Jiong, and we can definitely match one."

Yang An, who Su Huiming invested in, asked curiously, "Why not Yang An?"

Mu Jianmin said: "Man's intuition."

After Su Hui changed his vote to He Jiong, the three swordsmen's votes were quite close. Yang An 31, Shabe 34, He Jiong 32, and the remaining 3 must be the audience who did not control the vote.

Mu Jianmin couldn't bear it, muttered, "Hurry up, I'm too excited."

Su Huiyi laughed: "The discussion forums have exploded, and everyone is betting. Is there a special authority to speculate, just like" Today's Statement ".

Mu Jianmin thought about it: "It should be, and it must be one of Yang An or Shabei. This must be a case restoration. Well, it should be like this, whoever guesses the most accurately, who will explain it."

Sure enough, after the advertisement, it entered the voting link.

The six stood in a row with a large iron cage next to them, and the murderers voted for by everyone would be put in the cage. As for right or wrong, the director announced the result.

"The results of the poll are announced below. The two safe people are Li Jianqing and Nurse, both of them have 0 votes!"

Li Yan and Yire Guli took a step forward and bowed into the camera with smiles.

Li Yifeng also took two steps forward and looked back at the Three Musketeers: "The murderer must be among the three of you!"

"It's not nonsense!"

The three laughed and looked at the director with great anticipation.

"Of the remaining three suspects, two got two votes and one got three votes, so the killer elected by everyone got the highest vote ... Sabbe!"

The director took 10 seconds to announce the result. It turned out to be Shabey!

Everyone couldn't believe it, how could it be that Shabbi had won three votes?

"Talk about the voting situation, how could this be the result?"

Yang An asked everyone to tell the results of their vote. Sure enough, it was He Jiong and Li Yifeng who voted for Shabei, and Yire Guli. Shabe and Li Yifeng voted first.

According to the rules of the game, Shabey must be put into an iron cage before the correct result is announced.

Shabei reached out from behind the iron fence, cried and sang, choked and sang, "Iron door, iron window, iron chain, holding the iron window and looking out, how beautiful the life outside is, how can I return to my homeland ... ... "

This is the final stage. This guy still has the mood to sing "Tears of the Iron Window", making everyone laugh.

The three people who voted for Shabei continued to explain their choices: "Yang investment has a loss of business, and the future is slim ~ ~ He Vice Hospital is a loser, so there is so much room for improvement. Only the patient in Sha is sick immediately The more you can soon finish the facelift, the current Ge Youlan does not need too much acting skills, and the money can be easily put into the pocket. In addition, there is a beautiful girlfriend, so it is very possible to replace the patient Sha! "

Is it Sabbie?

Yang An suddenly sighed quietly, and when everyone came to see him, he was annoyed: "I missed a decisive clue, I still figured it out a minute before the vote. Vice President He, congratulations on your success A murderer who hides his identity! "


"How could the murderer be Ho?"

"The suspicions in He Yuanyuan are not as big as you!"

Everyone didn't believe it, Yang An said softly, "He vice-president, please raise your hand. What do you see?"

He Jiong raised his hand with a smile, and did not evade at all. At this time, the voting was over and the results could not be changed.

"A band-aid?"

Li Yifeng asked curiously: "This is the decisive clue?"

Yang An nodded and tore He Jiong off with his own hands, as expected, a well-made blood stain appeared in the camera.

He Jiong had a smug smile on his face. Yang An leaned on his shoulder and slowly said to everyone: "Let me introduce the Vice President He again. Yes, this is the Vice President He, not How beautiful his brother is, there is no such thing as a dead body in this case! "


ps: Thanks for the reward of the leader "only here." Add 2 more today, and owe 1 more. Well, the subscription has gone crazy 13 recently, this program is really a little niche, I want to speed up the end. Please vote for free recommendation tickets every day ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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