The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 799: I am now a fugitive 2/4

The air helicopter flew in the direction of the lost Yang An, and circled the search carefully. All three monitors on the plane were turned on.

Because there were too many people arrested at once, in order to prevent another escape, the police temporarily borrowed a filming van to push Huang Bo, Sha Yi, and Sun Honglei into the three, and team B who captured Zhang Yixing at Wanda Plaza. The confluence eventually left four people arrested and the remaining criminal police searched for Yang An's whereabouts.

The seven-seater van was crammed, and two criminal policemen guarded the left and right doors. This time, people can be controlled without wearing handcuffs.

"Hong Lei brother, we are miserable!"

Huang Bo and Sha Yi kept blaming Sun Honglei, and Zhang Yixing, who was finally taken over, was wronged when he saw Sun Honglei: "Hong Lei, I believe you so much, you lie to me ..."

Sun Honglei shouted injustice: "After I was arrested, the mobile phone was confiscated by them. The text messages you received were really not from me!"

Huang Bo said suddenly, "But all the text messages are secret words, have you explained?"

Sun Honglei said: "You can't blame me, it was Shabe who first reported it, and he first explained the secret word ..."

Sha Yi didn't believe: "How did Shabe know our code? He wasn't there when we agreed on the code!"

Sun Honglei was speechless: "How do I know? I have been playing from morning till now, and I do n’t know what I am playing! I just ran, ran, why, ran? Where did these policemen come from? Come out? Did you get out of the ground? Why do n’t you just grab someone and just keep on grabbing me? I do n’t know anything about it! Can you blame me if you get caught?

Uh ...

The three laughed indifferently. Brother Hong Lei, you are so invincible. With a **** teammate like you, it is really ... lucky for three lives, mother fucked!

The criminal police who escorted the four also laughed. I am afraid that only the 10,000 team leader and Yang An are really in control of the overall situation. They are just obedient, just like how the police suddenly added a Skynet access right. They These ground crews don't know why.

At the command center of the Municipal Bureau, the leader of the 10,000 detachment finally breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the flashing light dots on the big screen.

"After listening to Zhang Defei's arrest report on the square, I probably understand. Oh, Yang An really has a good mind, even posing as a camera himself, looking for a passerby to pretend to be himself? He dare to run with him, so bold and confident ? "

"Lao Wan, you said it yourself, Yang An is the hardest thing to catch, you shouldn't look down on him."

"What a big deal, let Yang An run away, but catch everyone else, this wave is not bad!"

"If it wasn't for Police Officer Yin Nan collecting the nameplate T and completing the task, we would not be able to start Skynet this time. Without Skynet, I can guarantee that the four of them were driving on the road and the gods could not find them. That's why we're really losing money! "

Captain Wan Branch laughed happily, Professor Ma and others also laughed. The police luck was really good. Just half an hour ago, Yin Nan walked a few supply points and found a limit challenge at each point Nameplate.

He started to collect from the 8th supply point, and collected a total of four. Before he could go to the 123th supply point, he just passed the 5th supply point. This point is the most special on the map. The other supply points are either money or cars. Only its icon draws a book.

Yang An had previously guessed that No. 5 was the mission point, but the limit of six people did not dare to confirm it. This time, Yin Nan drove the car to confirm it. It was indeed the mission point, and the main task was to collect the nameplate of each supply point. 7 As long as you collect 4 points or more, you can complete the task.

The reward completed by the police was to increase the chance of opening the Skynet, or 5 minutes. As for the reward after the completion of the limit of six people, Yin Nan took a picture and sent it to the headquarters, scaring everyone into a cold sweat.

On the large screen of the command center, it is the picture sent by Yin Nan. This is a container. The gate is a fence. You can see six real and living people standing inside. These six people are almost exactly the same as the extreme six. They are them. Stand-in!

What this reward is, I can see at a glance, Yin Nan was really scared when she delivered the task.

"Well, it's no wonder that Police Officer Yin Nan was scared to see this behind the scenes. If the limit six people completed the task ahead of time, I guess our police would be crazy. The six looks and bodies are almost exactly the same substitutes. Run, let the citizens deliberately report it, our police ca n’t catch our deity if we break our leg! ”

Everyone was sighing with regret, and Captain Wan Branch praised Sun Dabao: "Your production team is really amazing, these people look too much, right? Where did you find them?"

Sun Dabao smiled: "The imitation session of" China Talent Show ", not too many such talents, 10,000 teams are interested can go and see.

The crowd laughed and Captain Wan sighed: "I also want to watch TV at home every day, how is this possible!"

Professor Ma said: "Unfortunately, none of them knew that there was such a task. Otherwise, today's arrest process might be more exciting, and you have wasted your good ideas for nothing!"

Sun Dabao said: "In fact, it is not a waste. It is useless today and can be used in the future! And after seeing the feature film, they should understand that playing the game still has to follow the rules. If there are not so many things at the beginning, they Looking for supply points along the way, of course, you will find missions. This game is perfect. Now they ca n’t find mission points. That ’s their problem. ”

Captain Wan said: "Fortunately, we didn't find it. The police who found us today will definitely lose."

Really this possibility, let your substitutes sway in all corners of the city, plus the deity is 12 people, how do you let the police eight criminal police arrest?

Ten minutes after the golden pursuit of Yang An had passed, the arrest team really gave up. They determined that Yang An had disappeared without a trace. In the end, they could only postpone the large-scale search, review the other five people, or wait for the next opportunity.

For the leader of Yang An, slippery like a loach, alert like an antelope and speed like a cheetah, the police are really helpless!

Yang An is very lucky. As a run master, the little prince who is good at camouflage, from the beginning of changing with vj, is destined that he must go alone today.

After the four separated and fled, Yang An was the first to enter the wholesale market. While Huang Bo was stopped by the grocery shopping aunt, he slipped out of the crowd into a small noodle shop and left through the back door.

As he walked, he took off his coat. Vj Xiaochen's coat was white and black lined. It was a bit ugly to turn over, but he didn't care about the beauty of the shape. As long as he changed the color and avoided the helicopter, he was victorious.

After changing clothes, he hid his briefcase on his chest, pulled up and stretched, and bulged, but he couldn't see that he was related to vj.

Yang An's pace slowed down, because there was no vj to follow him, as long as he lowered his head, it would not be too conspicuous.

Instead of escaping, he tried to spend ten minutes and finally detoured to the sidewalk near Wanda Plaza. He knew that there was a place to hide safely, which was the flagship store of Muheya Duck Wanda, where his old friend was most familiar .

Yang An came in. The store was busy. Customers lined up to buy nitrogen vacuum packs under the cold counter. The hot food area was selling hot and sour noodles and stewed vegetables. There were more than a dozen seats in the store. There are a lot of diners and the business is good.

Yang An was familiar with the road and pushed open the employee's operating room. He was seen by a masked employee inside and asked aloud, "What is it? No entry here!"

Yang An took off his hat, and the other person was obviously holding his arms. He suddenly smiled and said, "Yang brother?"

"It's me. I'm wanted by the police. Can I hide from you?"

"Of course! Welcome to hide!"

The teaser was overjoyed by the employees. Others who heard the news were also curious about the probe. When they saw it was Yang An, they waved to him.

The black duck is the sponsor of Yang An's multi-level program. The company ’s relationship with Yang An is known to the entire company. It ’s an iron man. Yang An is in trouble. Who ca n’t help?

The employee dialed the internal telephone and said, "I'm calling the store manager, let's be busy ~ ~ Yang An nods, pulls off his jacket, and takes out the briefcase. There are all the videos of him today. This thing must not be lost.

He carefully fiddled with the device and found it was still running, so he placed the briefcase in a nice place next to him and hit his face.

The manager pushed open the door. When he saw Yang An, he almost screamed and rejoiced, "Why are you here?"

At the first sight of Yang An, she was indeed an acquaintance. She was a distant relative of Mu Jianmin. He had seen it before when the flagship store opened and was very impressed with the mole on her face.

"Xiao Mu, I have just been chased by the police in Wanda and have no way to go. This can not only come to you for help."

"Hee hee, isn't the extreme challenge? It's crazy all over the Internet, everyone on earth knows!"

The manager of the small animal husbandry smiled and greeted the employees in the workplace, so that they do not report, and then they went out first, making sure that no one noticed this, so they signaled Yang An to follow her and came to the small reserve room next to it, where some transfers were stacked. Box, paper bowl box, work clothes, and a small single bed for employees to rest temporarily.

Komaki asked happily, "What can I do for you?"

Yang An posed the camera first, and then said, "Put your hair together, and then ask this question again. When you're recording a show, maybe you can take a photo!"

Xiaomu said, all happy and crazy, and quickly looked at the mirror by the wall, checked her appearance, and tried to make herself more beautiful. After the two were ready, she asked again.

Yang An laughed. "Do you really want to help me? I'm a fugitive now. You're helping the criminal. In case I get caught, you're an offender."

Komaki hid her mouth and laughed, and the idiot said, "I don't believe you are a fugitive ~ ~ friends, you can search for" blue book ", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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