The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 800: Final decisive battle begins three / four


Yang An sighed with sighing, but wronged: "Yeah! They said I had sinned for intentionally hurting, said that I was fancy and affectionate, and intentionally hurt the hearts of thousands of female fans. I can't bear this crime?"

Komaki laughed: "Of course not back!"

Yang Andao: "I also said that I abused my power, damaged cultural relics, etc. In short, they are very guilty charges. Of course, I pleaded not guilty. I will never let them catch them easily! You go out to help me prepare a set of black duck I ’m going to change clothes first. "

Xiaomu left happily, Yang An took out the untracked mobile phone he snatched from Sun Honglei, held it with both hands, and sighed, "For you this broken thing, lose some of my generals!"


Yang An threw a hard thing from the side to the ground, clicked, and then squatted down to pick it up. As for a bug? Regardless of what bugs he has, this is a recorded program anyway, and the shot will be handed over to the post-production.

After performing Liu Bei's stump, it was a pity that Zhao Zilong did not come to be a supporter. I always felt awkward! Yang An sighed again, holding the untracked mobile phone and calling Mu Jianmin for help.

After a while, Komaki brought in clothes, brought milk tea sold in the store, and small snacks prepared by the employees, and brought them to Yang An.

By the time Mu Jianmin arrived, it was 4 o'clock.

As soon as the two met, Mu Jianmin went into the drama, panicked and said, "Oh my God, how can I have a fugitive here!"

Yang An lay down in bed and rolled his eyes at him: "The camera is off. Who are you going to show?"

Mu Jianmin laughed and briefly talked about the situation outside: "Helicopter has not yet left, it will come every few minutes, and I don't know if there are policemen on patrol on the road. You better hide here until the end of the show . "

Yang Andao: "Still hiding? If you hide again, the show will turn into a snakehead and my brother. At the end of the show, I can't hide for three more hours. The director called me several times to ask me where I was, I told him, wait a minute, wait until my vj comes. "

After a while, vj Xiaochen came and changed a new dress and smiled when he saw Yang An. In his opinion, the boss is really a god-man, so even the chaotic scenes can run away, and there is no one in domestic stars Already.

After handing over the equipment to Xiao Chen, Yang An asked Mu Jianmin: "Are you driving? You take Xiao Chen out now and let him have some shots in your car. I already knew you wanted to be a star. Thank you for giving me a chance to be photographed today. "

Mu Jianmin laughed: "Are you trying to make me an accomplice to the fugitive? It's funny! Can I have a line?"

Yang An also laughed: "After watching the show, 100 million viewers already know that you are the black sheep duck boss, what lines do you need? Be smart, don't grab the show, I am the protagonist!"

That being said, how can there be any missing lines? Passers-by and citizens can improvise, and they still have cameras on the car. This is to train him as a key offender!

Don't mention how happy Mu Jianmin is. He has been a sponsor of Yang An for all these years. Now he can catch the opportunity to show on the show, regardless of whether he is a variety artist. People, just fun. He can pat his chest and say, "Lao Tzu has also shown his face in front of hundreds of millions of people, carried a gun with Yang An, escaped death, and bathed in a big star"!

The production team was really Yang An's own son. Whatever he said, others would do it, or sneaked in secret, and even the camera was changed, the police didn't notice it.

After setting up the camera in Mu Jianmin's car, he turned back again and sat down in the shop in person. He also called a smart employee and asked him to go around Wanda and buy some famous snacks. Finally, he personally Carrying into the reserve room, eating and drinking with Yang An.

Yang An has been waiting for the arrangement of the director.

For the game of police arresting criminals, this situation is now a dead end.

The police officer did n’t have any clue to find Yang An. Yang An could n’t stupidly go out and do any other tasks. From the rationality of the plot, the game was over in three hours. Yang An did n’t have to go out. Seeking death, if you go out for no reason, the audience will definitely scold: "Stupid beep, if you don't die, you won't die!"

But Yang An must find a reason to go out to fight again, because negative competition is not right. The counselor will hide in the basement all his life. This is inconsistent with his people. Even if he wins in the end, will the audience buy it? I won in the reserve for three hours, and I won! If you hide, this show is definitely not good!

The directors are in an emergency meeting. There are plans for this situation, but Yang An is alive. They need to fine-tune the plan to fit Yang An's personality and personality, tailor-made for them.

In addition, the police also need to coordinate urgently. Manpower, material resources, and various procedures for approval, such as the application of the night channel, there are strict regulations on the side of the civil aviation. It is absolutely impossible for the helicopter to be within a few meters of the airport. It is a high-rise residential building in the city. Under normal circumstances, do not fly without a helicopter at night.

After everything was prepared, under the interference of the director, at 5 pm, the leader of the 10,000 branch sent a text message to Yang An ’s old cell phone: "Yang An, your five brothers are together. Would you like to use your own Their freedom? "


After seeing the phone, Yang An was very entangled, and laughed at herself: "This is the one who sacrificed me, happy family! This question is stupid!"

Talking so stupid, Yang An threw the phone on the bed and continued to eat, but ate and ate, and felt his mouth tasteless, the smile on his face gradually solidified, picked up the phone, and looked at it again That text message.

At this moment, the post-production will definitely show the old footage of him and his brothers laughing here, as well as the encouragement he made to everyone before, so that everyone must be united, all kinds of this, along with inspirational bg

In the end, Yang An didn't hold back and replied, "Yes, but how can you make me believe you?"

A collective meeting was held by the police. After receiving the text message, the leader of the 10,000 detachments displayed on the big screen. Everyone quickly negotiated and came to the conclusion: "Unless the principle is violated, you can make a request and we will meet you, but , Don't think of playing tricks. "

Yang An received the text message and chuckled: "Playing tricks? I'm really smart. I didn't really plan to sacrifice me, but my brothers still have to save it. How can I save it?"

He said to himself, and first sent a text message to the other party: "Let me think about it first."

Yang An called for Mu Jianmin. The two discussed it. Mu Jianmin was surprised at first, then took out his mobile phone and made a few calls. I asked some people. After about five minutes of discussion, Mu Jianmin went out to run in person. After a trip, I returned after a quarter of an hour, time stuck at 5:30.

It's winter in late January. It's getting dark very quickly. At 5:30, it's already a little dark. After another half an hour to 6, the visible distance will not exceed 100 meters. This kind of darkness is more suitable for hiding and Escape, but there are disadvantages. It is difficult to see the ambush and trap. Night battles are always the most complicated.

Mu Jianmin returned to the store, took off the motorcycle helmet, Xiaomu quietly gestured to him, he quickly came to the reserve room.

Yang An held up her mobile phone and said excitedly: "There is news in the report area, and our escape plan is feasible!"

At 5:30, the production team announced the last task of today ’s game in the report area: "Uncaptured members flee outside the Fourth Ring Road of Hongfeng City before 7pm to win, and get 1 million escape funds!"

Yang An was a little excited: "Escaped outside the Fourth Ring Line in an hour and a half, and no transportation was specified. I think this task is really too simple. It just wants me to win! Haha, look, the police ca n’t sit Stay, they're in a hurry! "

Knowing that Yang An would never answer the phone, the police sent a text message almost the first time: "Is there any good condition?"

Yang An laughed and replied: "Now please take the five of them to Jiangtan Park, which is near Wanda. The place where you parked by helicopter in the afternoon, don't try to ambush me. My vision and smell are first-rate. Once If there is any wind blowing, you will never see me, I am the fox of the night! "

A group of people in the Municipal Command Center couldn't help crying or laughing, but also the night fox. They suspected that Yang An wanted to drive the police away ~ ~ and fled by himself, but some people vowed that Yang An would definitely make an exchange because the big brother is not so good. Unless Yang An is a spy, he Almost never betrayed his teammates in the game, he would definitely come to rescue his companions.

When the two sides reached an agreement and set off separately, netizens who have been watching the progress of the game today are excited again.

"It's the final battle! Who will win the final?"

"Buy it away, buy it away ~ I bet Yang Geer won, 5 cents ~"

"Little fool, the final result must be the victory of the police! This is the main theme of society!"

"Yes, justice will defeat evil!"

"Bad mistakes! What victories win, what justice defeats evil, what is the main theme! Have you forgotten the pit father production team? I believe there will be a shocking reversal at the last moment!"

"Reversing 1, I believe this game today is definitely not that simple."

"Positives, positives, positives!"

"I want to see the feature film, ohhhhhh"

"Looking forward to the feature film ... without the feature film, how can I live this week!"

"This pit is poisonous, the extreme challenge is poisonous, mommy, I want to disconnect the Internet ~"

Countless people are shouting to watch the feature film. Although I can roughly guess what happened, how can I watch the show directly? Especially the funny post-production team, bg barrage, funny explanations, all kinds of cheating sound effects, all kinds of divine editing, then it can be seen as extremely joyful!

If coupled with today's intense and exciting pursuit battle, netizens are very anxious and already look forward to seeing the feature film!

At 6 o'clock in the evening, five people in Shabei stepped out of the public parking lot at Jiangtan Park, and all other vehicles left and disappeared.

The decisive battle is about to start ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site the first time.

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