The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 801: Red Maple Escape Recording Ends 4/4

At 6 o'clock, a text message from Yang An appeared on the big screen of the Municipal Bureau Command Center: "Don't dream of ambushing me. If I find any clues, I will leave without hesitation!"

Captain Wan replied immediately: "No problem, the police agree to any request you make."

Yang An replied: "Let me have a 4g video call with my brothers. Please note that I have a phone that cannot be tracked. Please give them a new phone that cannot be tracked and send me the number!"

The captain of the Wan detachment hesitated for a while, or let Zhang Defei in front do it.

Soon, the call was connected. Zhang Defei backed 5 meters away. Five people from Shabei stood by the river. Behind him was a concrete parking lot temporarily requisitioned by a helicopter. For safety, the police handcuffed the five with handcuffs. Stay so that you won't run away separately.

Shabe held his cell phone high, took a circle around him, and shouted, "Yang brother, don't come! It doesn't matter if our five sacrifices, you must not be caught!"

Knowing that this was just acting, Yang An shouted emotionally: "We are always brothers. How can I leave you alone? You wait, I will come to save you!"

All five were touched, and they all stepped in front of the camera and spoke to Yang An with gratitude.

Sun Honglei wiped his tears: "I will never betray you again!"

Sha Yi jumped and said, "You let me go east, I will never go west!"

Zhang Yixing squeezed over: "I used to be ignorant, I will listen to you in the future!"

Huang Bo's entire face appeared on the screen: "Today you save me, I owe you a life!"

Sha Bei pursed his lips and kissed the camera: "A thousand words turned into this kiss ~"

The flirtatious brotherhood was performed for a long time, and the two parties inked for a while, and finally hung up the video call. Yang An couldn't help laughing: "This is a bunch of stupid people! Just open up now, listen to me early, there will never be So many things! "

He quickly texted: "Let the police officer leave them 100 meters away, they are in handcuffs, they can't run away even 1000 meters away!"

It was another exaggerated request. The command center was dead silent. The captain of the Wan detachment groaned and decided: "Defei, withdraw everyone and leave them 100 meters."

Zhang Defei slowly backed away, and now it was dark, the riverside was cold on winter nights, and there were only a few scattered nights of exercise in the park. There were only a few bright street lights in the parking lot, and the sight was very bad.

Captain Wan Zhi waited for a minute, and the text message came again: "Here comes a battery car, let them five get in and leave, I can see all your actions, I'm near the scene!"

Captain Wan Zhi ordered: "The discharge car leaves! Don't fight the grass and scare the snake! Yang An must not be a driver! Just keep the front and back gates of Jiangtan Park. The battery car can't get out!"

Shabei, when they saw the battery car coming, they were terribly excited, afraid that it was Yang An who put on makeup to rescue them, and they would surely fall into the siege of the police!

Fortunately, a stranger asked loudly, "Is it Shabei, Sun Honglei, Huang Bo, Zhang Yixing, Sha Yi?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The crowd answered, Shabei looked forward to asking: "Are you Yang Yang's rescuer?"

The driver smiled: "Yes, get in the car!"

The five and vj quickly sat up and noticed that there was no alert around them. They were so excited that they just went out like this? The policeman just let them go?

The battery car is driving along the riverside sightseeing road. It is not hurry or slow, and the speed is about 15 yards.

After a while, Zhang Defei and others could only see the lights emitted by the battery car, and it was impossible to catch up!

This time the police were dumbfounded. The leader of Wan Branch was so angry that he took out the phone and called. The other party was connected. He growled and shouted, "Yang An, we have fulfilled our promise. Is it your turn to fulfill your promise? ?Where are you?"

Yang An laughed and laughed: "It's you who don't talk about integrity first. I have seen your ambush. Sorry, I'm leaving! You use Honglei brother to lie to us, now it's my turn to lie to you! "


The call was hung up, and the leader of the 10,000 branch only heard a busy tone, and quickly grabbed the podium next to him: "Negotiations broke down, all were dispatched, and the suspect was arrested immediately!"

Da Da Da Da!

Several high-powered searchlights placed high up around Jiangtan Park lit up and radiated to the incident center from four directions.

The thick beam of light shines in the night, as the thick silver-white line pierces the night sky!

Oh oh oh

The stern alarm sounded, almost all along the 4 km coastline of Jiangtan Park. The police absolutely used a real police car this time. Such a big pomp was just for the moment of arrest!

The five people on the battery car all raised their hands, covering their eyes, and the strong light shone on them. They shouted in panic, completely unaware of what happened.

The well-prepared driver put on the mirror, and the vj who followed the shot also put on the goggles. The battery car increased a speed level, the bumps increased, and the five of them shouted in fright.

"What happened?"

"It's too bright to see!"

"What's wrong? Is the police coming?"

"I'm so scared!"

Suddenly, the mobile phone in Shabe's hand rang, and he still did not forget to turn on the amplifier and shouted, "Yang An, help!"

"Don't panic! Calm! 300 meters in front of you is the pier, I'm waiting for you on a speedboat!"

Yang An's voice, like a tranquilizer, quickly calmed down the five.



This is the river. Even if there are police cars, they have a speedboat to escape!

The huge ecstasy, shock, and excitement made the five people hug together excitedly, and everyone raised their arms and looked at the pier 500 meters away, ecstatic.

The searchlight has been tracking the battery car, and the suspended flying device 1000 meters away captured the big scene in the movie. The entire Jiangtan Park is like a big stage. The only actor is the five people in the light.


Many vehicles in the parking lot all have headlights on them, and the roofs are all portable red and blue police lights. The police showed all the power of the ambush. The entire park is red and blue police lights, with great momentum and amazing deterrence!

The flashing police motorcycle also rushed from outside the park, as if playing stunts. Three motorcycles rushed on the pedals at the same time, and the heavily armed police knights displayed cool poss in the air, making three bangs All three police motorcycles landed on the ground safely, squeaked on the ground, then sprayed with fire light, in the shape of a character, chased away from the sidewalk.



The battery car hasn't stabilized yet, and five people can't wait to get out of the car.

50 meters away from the pier pedal, a searchlight was shining on them, giving them directions.

Yang An stood by the speedboat, waving his hands, and shouting loudly with a loudspeaker: "There are still 50 meters! Hurry up! The policeman has caught up!"

The five were holding hands, and alas, one fell down, and the others immediately helped him up. Although they were struggling, the web of escape desire stimulated them to activate all vitality.

They gritted their teeth and ran desperately forward. Although they had nowhere to hide under the searchlights, they knew there was a hope ahead, and Yang An was standing there. He was the only hope for everyone!

Oh oh oh

The sirens are getting closer, and there are multiple police motorcycles with headlights running along both sides of the river. More than a dozen policemen are holding flashlights and holding police dogs, surrounded by them in all directions.

In just 50 meters, the five who were handcuffed together did not know how many times they had fallen, but they struggled and worked hard, and finally came to the speedboat and were pulled on board by Yang An.

"Look in front! You are surrounded! Any stubborn resistance is futile!"

Zhang Defei was standing on the top of the pier like a **** in the heavens, holding a loudspeaker under the lights, righteously shouting.

The Extreme Man has helped the six of them to get on the speedboat. Under the searchlight, they can all make gestures of blowing kisses and shout, "Red Maple! Goodbye!"

A group of policemen with dogs rushed to the dock. Unfortunately, the speedboat was ten meters away from the shore. The dog was barking constantly. Liu Meng almost caught up with it. He dropped the leash angrily and kicked Flying stones, can only watch the extreme men help six people escape collectively.


"Hug one!"

"Wanted for the whole city, smooth escape!"

"There will never be traffic jams on the Yangtze River! You must be able to escape the Fourth Ring Road before 7!"

"Yes! We won!"

"Come one, one, two, three ..."

"That's life!"

Six people shouted the slogan of extreme challenge together, laughing and laughing, one by one excited.

But they were not happy for a minute. A sudden sound came, and the helicopter flew over the Yangtze River. The thick white weaving lights illuminated their speedboats, locking them up, and the river was like daylight!

woo woo woo woo

Back and forth ~ ~ in all directions, the river is full of speedboats with warning lights, at least ten or more!

Two medium-sized police ships were standing in front of the waterway. Under the light, a police officer stood at the bow of the ship and shouted loudly with a loudspeaker: "No. 879 speedboat! No. 897 speedboat! You have been red police police Besieged! Shut down the engine immediately, drop your weapon and surrender, crouch your head! "

The six were dumbfounded. This time it was really over. So many speedboats surrounded them. There were helicopters locked in the sky. They could only obediently grab them. They were pulled by the towing boat and returned to the dock.

At 18:45 in the evening, the six people returned to the pier and stood. The lights in all directions were shining on this side. Behind them were dense police boats, helicopters in the air, and Zhang Defei and other criminal policemen standing on the pier. Dogs, a high row of neat rows of police motorcycles, higher up like copper walls and iron walls, dozens of people's guards wearing mighty police uniforms!

This is the real Tian Luo Di network!

This is a demonstration of the strength of the three armed forces!

This is the philosophy of justice!

Any criminal will be punished by law!


Zhang Defei stepped forward and handcuffed Yang An's hand with the five. The national emblem on his hat was shiny and the police badge on his chest was so dazzling. He said seriously, "Yang An, you have been arrested ! "

After three months of preparation, "Red Maple Escape in Extreme Challenge", a day's hard work, using more than 500 people, costing more than 3 million, and finally successfully completed the shooting!


ps: Thank you for your "My name is Ziqiao", plus one more chapter, just for the end of the plot, for a recommendation ticket ~ remember to vote tomorrow, double tomorrow ~ ~ friends, you can search for "蓝Color book ", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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