The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 805: This ratings is sky-high!

"Extreme challenge! I believe your evil!"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at a blaming ... I'm strongly demanding that Extreme Challenge be extended ... 90 minutes is enough? Let me at least two hours?

"Lying in a big trough, when you saw the most crucial thing, the bottom was gone?"

"I know Zhang Yixing was arrested, but how was he arrested? I want to see the process! I want to see the details!"

"It was broken from here ... the routines are all routines!"

"Director of all evil! Just broke off in the place of Gao Chao! I wish you a lifetime!"

Guo Hongyang urged to lie down, because countless viewers and grandfathers mourned. Anxious. They could only go to the forum to vent. They searched the hot map of Hongfeng Satellite TV on the Internet, searched the phone and official blog of Anran Film and Entertainment Company. , Suppressing anger and questioning each other, why is the card stuck here?

Too ecstatic ...

TV dramas and web articles, the broken chapter dog is the most hateful, chasing after the drama is very tired because of this, every time I see the most critical moment, hanging in the air is very uncomfortable.

In fact, every viewer knows that any good variety show can not be released all at once, not entirely because of economic reasons, but also because of the limited ability of the creator, it is impossible to make ten episodes a day. The eight-episode program wrote a novel of two or three hundred thousand words a day.

What's more, "Extreme Challenge" is a high-quality product in a fine show, the completeness of the script, the wonderful performance of the star, the funny post-production, the sound effects group that quietly affects the audience's visual and auditory senses all the time, any detail is required Crafted.

But the audience understood the reason, but they couldn't persuade themselves, and they still scolded in this situation.

Why are viewers so focused?

Why are they so nervous?

Why is their sense of substitution so strong?

Because the details determine success or failure!

The feeling of the scene created during the recording last week, let everyone immediately enter it without any sense of disobedience, and naturally wait for the development of the plot, there is a feeling of cheating, "I know how it will develop in the future," Super strong.

When the camera was playing, bg quietly affected the hearts of the audience, making them excited together, nervous, choking together, and then suddenly broke out. The feeling was that the audience was almost nervous and choked, as if the heart was caught and exploded with the hero!

Enron Film and Television Entertainment, which has been performing for eight years, has a large number of masters who create this atmosphere. The most top domestic screenwriters, directors, and the most powerful post-production staff are all concentrated in Enron. Of course, they can make a show. Doing so ecstatic makes the audience almost forget the passage of 90 minutes.

When the audience blamed the show for being unkind, domestic counterparts continued to shake their heads and sigh, envy and envy.

After watching the TV, the deputy director of Blue Ocean TV watched the subtitles, and then he returned.

"Haha! I knew Xiao Yang could do it!"

Deputy Commissioner Hou excitedly waved his fist, took out a bottle of white wine from the wine cabinet, ripped a few bags of peanuts, brought over the remaining braised beef for dinner, and celebrated for himself.

"Hou, what are you happy about? You are so happy after watching an episode of" Extreme Challenge "?" The wife came over, sitting in front of the Hou, and rarely saw his man so gaffe.

Taking a sip, the deputy station manager squinted his eyes, whispered, and shook his head proudly: "Isn't we going to Japan on New Year's Day? Those who go with sincerity, but a bunch of Japanese die-hards with **** in their heads just like to jump out and call, they see Xiao Yang young and think they are bullying. When Xiao Yang speaks, they deliberately make things difficult, so Xiao Yang engages with the other , He said I'll show you what makes a big show! "

The voice and the tone were similar to those of the Deputy Director, and his wife laughed out loud and said, "Just this episode?"

"Ah! Of course!"

The deputy director candidate was flushed and very happy: "The sea, land, and air are mobilized by the three parties, and the sky and the earth have blocked you. What other programs have such a big posture? The whole city plays games together, and people across the country can instantly Watching live broadcasts, there is only one variety show of this size in the world, and that is "Extreme Challenge"! "

The wife was a little shocked and asked, "Isn't it possible? Are they so strong?"

Lao Hou proudly said: "If you don't believe me, I dare to pack tickets. Starting tomorrow morning, every corner of your life will be surrounded by" Extreme Challenge ". How much ratings do you guess tonight?"


"Well! Yang An is too underestimated! I guess it is 6!"

My wife was really shocked. She is also a TV system person. Why don't you know the significance of this data?

"It's Red Maple TV, not CCTV! 5 has reached the peak period of" China's Good Voice ", and it is the record of Ziyu TV. The platforms are different. Red Maple TV, a second-tier platform that just emerged ..." The wife questioned, she really didn't believe it.

"So what?"

Lao Hou took another sip of relief and shook his finger, saying, "I can guarantee that if Hongfeng City Government's support for Yang An has remained this way, or even stronger, Xiao Yang will definitely shoot the second season in the future. Maybe even tanks, armored vehicles, satellites, submarines, and more! Someday, sooner or later, the rating of "Extreme Challenge" will exceed 10, and it will not be lower than 5 all year round! This is definitely a national variety show. If you do n’t believe it, let ’s wait and see! ”

National Variety!

This word is really too heavy to make people feel stressed, but this is the highest goal in the eyes of every TV variety industry practitioner, and the limit pursued by the variety industry!

"Hahaha! I want to see how the arrogant little Japanese look at this statistic and what they will look like after watching this episode of content!"

The deputy candidate was full of red light, and his nose was closed together as an excitement. As a client, he stood very Chinese at the moment, feeling very, very deflated, he believed that Yang An would definitely learn the Japanese!

At that time, the delegation to Japan, there were many people who had the same ideas, and then some of the radical domestic media, remembering what Yang An said at the time, playing variety shows, you have to learn something in Japan, tomorrow The headline must have hit the Japanese face hard!

At 10 pm, in the internal group of Enron Film and Entertainment, a ratings chart was released, with an extremely high rating of 6.95 and a market share of 19.5. This data made the whole company crazy!

"Yes! Long live Extreme Challenge!"

"As a little member of the extreme pick group, I cried excitedly ..."

"Zong Yang is mighty and domineering! This data is against the sky!"

"For every five people watching TV in the country, one is watching our extreme challenge! This achievement is really amazing, really, I am particularly moved now!"

"Follow Yang always have meat to eat. Wow, always ask Yang to send a red envelope!"

"If this issue is broadcast on CCTV, I'm afraid the ratings will break 7."

"It is impossible to broadcast on the CCTV platform. Zhongjing is not our home field. Red Maple is true love! May I ask, what local governments in the country cannot support this level of strength? Which TV stations can be cut across the board? ? "

"It's true that without the support of the government, this period will not be able to be shot. Maybe all the shots that slightly hurt the police will be cut off. That's boring!"

"Anyway, it ’s a good thing, it ’s very successful, it ’s a success.”

"Congratulations to everyone!"

Ordinary employees were chatting, but Guo Hongyang and other big brothers also stood up to express their gratitude to the employees.

Guo Hongyang said: "The extreme challenge can achieve such good results, and it is inseparable from everyone's active efforts! Here I sincerely thank everyone in the production team, whether you are a director, field service, or other types of work, Regardless of your position ~ ~ You are all heroes! I sincerely thank you for your efforts. Without you, the extreme challenge cannot reach such a high level! Thank you! "

The employees below are crying with excitement. Many people are working behind the scenes, prop groups, liaison personnel, logistics management. They cannot follow the star like vj, nor can they drive behind the camera like a driver. For the most part, they can never go live to participate in a live broadcast.

But a clerk who specializes in copying materials is also very proud at the moment: "Yes, the extreme challenge also has my hard work, and I have worked for it. This is the achievement of all of us!"

At this time, the perennial diving boss also spoke. Yang Andao said: "I agree with what Guo said, and I would like to add that even if you are not very picky production staff, we also want to thank you! Thank you, without you, Enron will not grow so strong, and it will not be the first in the industry. Each of you is a screw of Enron. Although this is a bit old-fashioned, but everyone should understand me, right? Okay, everyone prepares Come on, 30 seconds. "

As soon as Yang An's words came out, the group was boiling!

All thanks to the boss, congratulations to the boss, the guys who moved the tears, most of them stared at the screen for 30 seconds? This is the waywardness unique to the boss! When the words don't match, a red envelope is issued. When has the boss been stingy?

Silently count for about 30 seconds, and suddenly a red envelope is sent out. Countless people quickly click in, but there are no seconds?

However, just as everyone's mobile phone screen was covered by a red envelope that could not be grabbed, and the chat background image became black, more and more slow-reacting employees suddenly discovered that a red envelope appeared again below.

This is the friend of ~ ~ from Yang An. You can search for "Blue Book" and you will find this site as soon as possible.

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