The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 806: Stir the whole Asian chicken flying dog!

The slow-handed employees quickly clicked into the second red envelope, grabbed one standard, and the starting price was 188 yuan. The fastest group of people were all stuck on the first red envelope, and 1 cent was not grabbed. !!

"I'm going-ah?"

"Missed a billion!"

"I didn't grab the boss's red envelope! I didn't grab the 18888 red envelope!"

"Mr. Sha, Ms. Sha ~~ ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, would you be so naughty?"

"Oh my gosh, the first red envelope is Teacher Sha"

"The most hateful thing is that Mr. Sha's red envelopes total 1 cent and 1 per capita."

"Thank you boss ~~ I'm lucky, 321o!"

"Haha ~~ I grabbed the boss's 52o, boss 52o, I love you ~~~"

"Until today, I didn't know the benefits of slow hands. Those tentacles, dumbfounded?"

"Mr. Sha, you lose my money, ohhhhhhhh!"

"Hey ~~~ Teacher Sha is so bad!"

Shabei really made a big joke, preemptively received a 1 dime red envelope in 28 seconds, teased at least 1oo company employees, made them all stuck in the red envelope interface, and missed Yang An's real red envelope!

"Ha ha ha ha ha very happy! Am I a good wingman?"

After finishing the prank, Shabe finally made his head, and left this awkward sentence. network

Unexpectedly, this sentence caused public outrage. Ordinary employees are not good at making fun of Shabei, but those high-level executives are rude. Dang Jie first said: "Return to wingman? How old are you, Shabei. This kind of filial piety game? Do you still want to get your salary this month? I robbed a penny, I missed a hundred million, how do you compensate me? "

The director of the finance department immediately agreed: "Who is it? Tomorrow, I will remove Shabei's bank card number from the system and replace it with the general account of the party."

Logistic Daiguan runs: "I know who drives Sha in the convoy in the future and I will be fired on the spot!"

"Mr. Sha, let's have your medical care done ~~~"

"In the future, whoever dares to ask Mr. Sha to take advertisements, our sales department will immediately turn its face!"

"Ok, the official Bo news has been modified, and now it has become the extreme man to help five people. There is only one surname Sha, that is Sha Yi_"

"The Ministry of Human Resources is going to call and invite more than 1oo talents in China to re-engage the sixth person!"


For a while, the whole company was attacking Shabei, the most fierce was Song Xiaomei: "Well? Why didn't you see Shabei's contract in the safe? Forget it, you can't find it, anyway, there is no one in the company! "

Shabei couldn't carry it anymore, a screen of crying face: "Please let go, the 100 million you missed, I will supply you"

The second 18888 red envelope came out, again in seconds!

The Enron company is happy, and the Red Maple TV is also celebrating. Although the program itself has little to do with them, various performance evaluations, kpI indicators, and many data items have been completed. This year, it opened. Fortunately, the annual tasks may be completed in less than half a year. How can they be upset?

Since the show was over, the director Li Hongyuan has been calling.

He had to answer several calls. One was from the radio and television leader of Hongfeng. He probably knew the ratings. This kind of hit situation, which is rare in a century, is a spectacle that Hongfeng has never had before. The leaders hope that Director Li Li will sum up his experience carefully and come up with a detailed report. This is an excellent opportunity for publicity.

In addition, there are leaders of several departments on the municipal party committee side, congratulations to the Minister of Taiwan, recognized the content and influence of the extreme challenges in this period, and encouraged the Minister of Taiwan to create greater glories.

There are also leaders on the public security line, some of them are encouraged, but some of the slightly old-fashioned leaders are not very satisfied. I feel that the policemen appear too incompetent in the program. Li Hongyuan explained for a long time and promised how wonderful the finale is. Then he expressed his willingness to wait another week.

The head of the advertising department, a well-known entrepreneur sponsor, and a connected person in the network. I don't know how many people are about to blast Li Hongyuan's phone. He can only smash the battery, causing the illusion that he is not in the service area. With the standby machine, he actively called Yang An.

Li Hongyuan is most grateful for Yang An: "Pump, if it weren't for you, I really didn't get that much praise. I can only assure you that as long as I am in power for one day on Hongfeng Satellite TV, it must be you on TV The most powerful help in the system! "

Yang An heard the smell: "Oh, congratulations to Director Li, it seems that this is going to rise?"

Although there are signs, but it is not certain, Li Hongyuan certainly cannot say casually, he laughed: "It is just that the superior leader applauded twice, and it is far from being so high."

Yang Andao: "I still want to congratulate Director Li. Of course, it is good to be able to go further. I can't wait for Director Li to support us in a higher position. He said that this small achievement also has the credit of Director Li. It ’s not that you asked me to go to Japan. I might not make such a big move. You dig a pit and plant a tree first, and I water and fertilize it later. The primary and secondary problems must be distinguished! "

By this compliment, Li Hongyuan was ashamed. What kind of tree man is he, Yang An is so deserving of face, he can't be stupid seriously, he laughed: "Save, I really love to listen to you The ratings have skyrocketed, should our Taiwanese official come forward and talk about those arrogant Japanese? "

Yang Andao: "Without you, I have found some media with strange screams, and everyone on the Fuji TV station knows that we ca n’t buy them. China and Japan have different policies. They were bitten by dogs. With one sip, although we can't bite back, we can tamp them with a wooden stick a few times to discount them. "

Li Hongyuan smiled happily: "Okay, okay, okay, I'll wait to see your big show, where you need my help, you're welcome, you must not treat our Red Maple TV as an outsider, we will always be your maiden family It's your home! "

Hanging up the phone, Yang An was also funny. Eight years ago, he was forced to sell ideas and rolled out of the TV station. Eight years later, time has changed, things are different, people have made great progress, their status is unattainable, and their reputation is as high as the sky. After several leaders, Red Maple Satellite TV immediately became his home field. Was this the eight-year war of resistance?

In recent years, the defeated king has really made no mistakes in his heart and said nothing about it.

Today, not only domestic television stations, but also international counterparts who have seen the fourth challenge of ratings and market value in the international are all speechless.

At New Year's Day, everyone participated in a TV conference to discuss the prospects of the TV industry exhibition. I saw young Chinese and stubborn old Japanese tearing down, watching the Chinese delegation leave in anger, and the Japanese television circle evacuated the earthquake. Finally, they watched To the anger of the Chinese counterattack, was stunned.

The first one to watch the live broadcast of the extreme challenge after 5ooo people!

Over 200 million people watched the network broadcast the next day!

Over 450 million clicks in three days, indicating that many people watched it more than once!

What is this concept?

How many people are there in Japan? A total of 120 million!

What is the total population of the 11 Southeast Asian countries? Less than 600 million!

A variety show is only hundreds of millions of people dialing to watch, the economic value contained in it is sky-high!

It's just a variety show. That's how it stirs up the TV market in Asia. Who else is this ability to go against the sky except Yang An from China?

The next day, five domestic authoritative newspapers and seven major domestic portals broadcast the news. Today ’s headlines, Weibo searches, popups, all have introductions and overviews of this program. The Japanese are silent. Without a word of silence, Japanese public opinion circles also generated gossip, and the hot spot half a month ago was re-ignited ~ ~ Fuji TV's opponents began to laugh at and suppress it, pro-China parties organized people from all walks of life, accused The extreme left line promotes pro-China policy.

The grand occasion continues to create records. On the third day, when the China Youth Daily, the Beijing News, and Phoenix Entertainment Weekly all praised the media, the Japanese continued to be silent, and some local demonstrations and protests in Japan gradually intensified. Fighting is no longer enjoyable. Most people are willing to see Sankei News Media Group and Fuji TV unlucky. If a gentleman can do it, he will definitely not move.

On the fourth day, when the People's Daily started to report, joined the comments of national public security and propaganda experts, and there was an editor-in-chief comment on the extreme challenge, the Japanese were silent, but the protests against Fuji TV continued to escalate and spread to Sankei News Corps, riots from high to low.

Still silent? Ulcerous oblivion is the nature of some Japanese people. In many cases, they prefer to carry it dead rather than lower their proud head.

This week, no one knows how much Yang An spent on promotion in China, but the outside world is guessing that it is very likely that it will be half-sale and half-sale. It may even be that the major media simply do n’t want money because it involves the government. Image, there is an invisible hand helping thrust.

The celebration party has not yet started so early, and it is about 20 days before the Spring Festival. The challenge will be announced on the official Weibo. The next episode is a special episode, which is 12o minutes long, half an oblique than the previous 9o minutes. Let's see it all at once, enough to see the finale.

The audience scolded the show because of the deep love. After seeing the preview, they all burst into tears and praised the generosity of the production team. They completely forgot that they scolded the dog in the show.

It's fun! (To be continued.)

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