The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 808: China, Japan and South Korea star PK

There are still a dozen days left before the Spring Festival, and another year will pass.

At 7 pm, Yang An had just finished recording the last running man before the Spring Festival. Before preparing to break up, the crowd forcibly stopped him from letting him go.

Yang An was curious: "Are you guys not returning to Beijing? The tickets are all booked, why don't you go?"

Zhang Yishan's hippie smiley held Yang An's hand: "It's okay, I've asked the assistant to refund the ticket this afternoon! Everyone said, don't leave today, leave tomorrow."

Guan Xiaotong also came over and lay on the shoulders of Yang An affectionately: "Yang brother, I heard that you have to do something big, can you introduce it in advance?"

Seeing Jin Dabao they were all looking forward, Yang An understood.

This period of running men was recorded at the Hongfeng Sports Academy. There are many physical games. The end of the boarding is in the constant temperature swimming pool. The last item is swimming. Yang An took off the towel hanging around his neck and grabbed the wet. Hair said: "Okay, everyone first go to the bath to change clothes, eat something to add energy, half an hour later, we go to the water sports training hall to gather."

Everyone left, Yang An asked Sun Cannon to help arrange it. Of course, the leaders of the physical education college couldn't wait for it, and hurriedly called for a few teachers to let everyone prepare in advance, mainly to channel some fans around the swimming pool. Now the college students are on vacation. However, there are still many local fans of Red Maple who heard that the running man recorded the show here, and they all came to watch.

There were a lot of professional equipment in the water sports training hall. The first person to visit was free to visit, and finally Guan Xiaotong was late. Yang An called everyone to sit next to the coach and chat.

Speaking of rumors, Yang An is not good at concealing: "You should have heard the news from the planning department?"

"Uh-huh! Say there is an international show in preparation?"

"I only heard words."

"I heard it or a reality show?"

Yang An laughed: "Yes, but this program is a bit special. It has been on the air for three years, and I'm not the boss. I'm just a producer. You should know" rf members are running away "?"

The crowd was stunned, or Zhang Yishan responded quickly: "Is that the Fuji TV reality show? Hey! How can this Fuji TV keep its soul?"

Everyone frowns, why did you get it again? Everyone has a bad opinion of this TV station.

Yang An solemnly introduced: "Yes, that was the show, but the owner changed. The copyright was bought by an American company. It used an independent production model and will continue to be broadcast in Japan. It was introduced by Taiwan. Then, because the American company trusted me more, let me be a producer, and I finally agreed. "


Guan Xiaotong hid his mouth and smiled. Every time she saw Yang An's serious editor, she was so serious, she was too familiar.

This laugh reminded everyone, and then looked at Yang An's serious expression carefully, everyone laughed.

"Oh oh ~ American companies!"

"Wow! Awesome Americans, they have bought their copyright!"

"A bit interesting, Japanese shows, American copyrights, Chinese people as producers, this whole international hodgepodge!"

"Well, how much did you buy for the entire copyright? Can you tell me?"

I was really curious to see everyone, Yang An thought for a while: "The cost is about 6 million yuan!"

Sahahahaha ~

Everyone laughed, boss, boss, do you want to be so honest?

Jin Dabao almost smiled: "American company! Buy copyright from Japanese! Settle with RMB? Should you be so funny?"

Of all the people, only Shabei knew some inside information. He patted Jin Dabao's shoulder and shook his head and sighed, "Dabao, you have been a male runner for 4 years. Can this IQ grow a bit? The reason I say RMB 6 million is Make you understand, I have an impression in my mind, do n’t think about the yen exchange rate, the dollar exchange rate, really, math is not your strength, and ask you how much 149.99 dollars is equivalent to RMB? Can you figure it out? Three, answer me! "

"I can't figure it out ..." Jin Dabao's laughter came to an abrupt halt, and he asked: "Well, tell me, how much is 149.99 US dollars?"

Sabe shrugged his hands and said in a pure London accent, "I can't count it."

Jin Dabao was furious and wanted to fight with Shabei again: "You don't know, what qualifications do you have to say me ..."

Seeing that the two started to be naughty again, the others were smirking. In fact, everyone thought this way, and it was the classmate of Dabao who had the thickest skin and was best to bully.

Yang An laughed: "Dabao, as far as I know, the transaction amount is 100 million yen, or 1 million US dollars, which is about 6 million yuan. I really want you to listen to it."

The audience laughed, and Jin Dabao was used to it: "Okay, I admit, I teach math to a political teacher! After you take over this program, what are you going to do?"

Yang Andao: "I took a closer look at their plan. Seriously, the Japanese variety show has its own uniqueness, but the vision and structure are still a bit small. I have a lot of ideas to implement in it, so I plan to make guests The number of people expanded to 1520, because this program is intended to be broadcast on TV TOKYO and international stations. We will also broadcast it in China. In addition, I also want to give it to the Korean entertainment company to operate, so I decided to become a Chinese, Japanese and Korean star The match! "

"Yes! I have been looking forward to this day, I will punch Japan and kick Korea!"

Peng Yuyan turned out to be the first!

The handsome old man is also 30 years old this year. As a capable man, he fully displays the tough guy's image. Peng Yuyan is also a leader who rarely traitors in running men. His strength, courage, tolerance, generosity, and other excellence His character has been accepted by audiences all over the world. The TV series and movies he shoots outside of the running man are all similar tough guy images. It can be said that he should be one of the best and leading figures in domestic power artists.

"Yan Bao, why are you so excited? Are you a combat mad?"

Yang An just said a joke, but did not expect that Peng Yuyan had said anything, but Brother Hu stood up and said seriously: "I also want to participate in the Three Kingdoms pk!"


Yang An was really curious: "What are you doing, Brother Hu, why are you so serious?"

Hu Ge didn't say anything, Shabei helped to make a clearance: "Last year at the Gana Film Festival, Hu Ge had the opportunity to take the film emperor, but was eventually received by Kimura Takuya."

Everyone laughed, Yang An couldn't laugh or cry, pushed Shabei hard: "Don't you know that? Takuya Kimura is a TV series. When did he go to Ghana as a film emperor?"

Shabei stunned: "A TV show? Wasn't the movie emperor Kimura Takuya last year? Well, it must be Kitano Takeshi! Yes, Kitano Takeshi is acting in a movie!"

Guan Xiaotong collapsed with a smile: "Brother Sha, don't you say it? Hee hee hee ..."

Everyone else was shaking his head: "It's scary without culture!"

Kitano Takeshi is really playing movies, but most of them are directors, and there are not many actors. I want to get the best director award at the Gana Film Festival!

In everyone's eloquent introduction, Yang An knew a little bit. Last year in Huana, Hu Ge really lost his favor. He fell into the hands of an unknown Japanese actor and failed to become emperor.

The thing that Shabe said was actually the award of "2046" that year. Liang Chaowei went to Gana with Kimura Takuya. Liang Chaowei was the most popular film emperor candidate. Unfortunately, a 14-year-old Japanese actor burst out to be the emperor. It can't be described in words. It happened to Wei Tsai for many years. Last year, Hu Ge was also frustrated. No wonder he won't be comfortable. Of course, he wants to fight with other Japanese stars.

The reason for others is even more amazing, Jin Dabao said indignantly: "China, Japan and South Korea three stars pk? You must count me! Korean stars put aside first, anyway, pk Japanese stars I am willing to donate a life, I want to die They, anyway, I'm short ~ ~ I specialize in their next three roads ... "

The crowd almost laughed and sprayed. Zhang Yishan didn't give his life. He came over to please him and asked, "Yang Yeer, who are South Korean stars going to invite?"

Yang An Haha laughed: "The Korean entertainment star is full of women's group resources. Long-legged Ouba can also be invited. With the appeal of Jin Junhao and Huang Xiuying, front-line idols will definitely be able to invite them. Good guys, such as Kim Jong Kok in the Korean version of the running man, Song Zhixiao, you can also shout to play. "

Zhang Yishan rubbed his hands and frowned, "Which artists are there in Japan?"

Yang An thought about it: "The Japanese entertainment industry is also divided into categories, and the level is severe, mainly because we have little influence in Japan. I ca n’t invite you like the top idol team Lan, but I still have some beautiful girls in akb48. Come with confidence. Then there are some comedians, sports stars, photo girls worry about it! "

Zhang Yishan did not hesitate: "Leave it to me!"

The others snapped: "What's in your hand?"

Zhang Yishan said earnestly: "Funny entertainers and sports stars to deal with, Korean girl group, girl akb, and photo girl worry, all to me!"

Poppy poppy!

A group of people punched and kicked. For so many years, Zhang Yishan couldn't escape the image of a drug dealer and a sword. Especially in the filming of "Yu Gui" the year before, **** Yu has been deeply integrated into the **** Zhang's body.

Yang Andao: "I have no confidence in this program. It is not suitable for simultaneous broadcast in China, Japan, and South Korea after the revision. I'm not sure. One more thing, we are the strongest sports team in China. Go to the show. Will the stars in Japan and South Korea be abused? "To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search" blue book ", you can find this site the first time Oh.

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