The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 809: Extreme help service company

"It must be abused!"

Jin Dabao and Zhang Yishan cried out in unison. The two thought simple and said how they abused others after they were on the show.

But Hu Brothers all understood Yang An's meaning. Even if Yang An let them participate on behalf of Chinese artists, it would not be possible for all the running men to attend.

Since Yang An, the producer, is the gatekeeper, if China comes up with a big move, artists from Japan and South Korea will be completely oppressed to death. This ending will definitely be welcomed by the Chinese, but the people of Japan and South Korea certainly cannot. Accept, the Koreans may think a little bit, but for the Japanese people, none of these winning Chinese stars knows. What else is there for the show? Watch them Japanese being abused? The Japanese are so proud, so lonely, that this show must not enter the Japanese market.

And there is no certain result when doing the show. If the Chinese runners take off all by themselves, but in the end they lose the body, then they will be ashamed and thrown into the house. How can the runners rise afterwards? Also the strongest team in the country, this kind of thing is definitely not allowed to happen!

After announcing the incident, Yang An advised: "In short, everyone should do as they please. After the planning department is ready, I may notify some of you to participate. Do n’t blame me if you ca n’t go up. I do n’t want to repeat the story of Tian Ji's horse racing. Everyone understands. ”


"Don't guess blindly, just wait for Brother Yang to inform you!"

"OK, fitness! Running running! Swimming swimming! Japan, South Korea, wait for me to conquer!"

"AKB Girl Photo Girl Worries ~ He Zhiyuan is waiting for me"

"Zhang Yishan, you're enough! If you call it like this again, He Zhiyuan won't come, He Lixiu has been called by you!"

"I was wrong ... I was wrong ..."

After the noisy laughter, everyone went one after another. Today is the last meeting of the men who ran the year before. Anyway, everyone is not in a hurry to rush back, and a few people together, go to Mi Lexing k song!

Yang An asked everyone to go first. He wanted to talk to the teacher at the institute, and then went to them after he was busy.

He looked at the fitness equipment around him and saw a professional-level rowing training machine. He was a little excited. When Guan Xiaotong asked about the new program just now, he wanted to take the opportunity to introduce the rowing project, but he didn't say it in the end.

Doing rowing shows is also one of his aspirations. The Red Maple Sports Academy ’s rowing team scores well. He did intend to learn here, but this project is not ready yet, and it ca n’t be done in a day or two. This is a tough battle that takes quite a long time.

A long way to go!

"Young Brother"

Everyone else was gone, but Guan Xiaotong was still here, and God was mysteriously pulling Yang An.

Yang An was curious: "What are you doing?"

Guan Xiaotong said: "Can I use the lottery quota for the PK show in China, Japan and South Korea?"

"What lottery quota?" Yang An didn't quite understand the meaning, suddenly remembered: "You won the prize on New Year's Day?"

Guan Xiaotong nodded happily: "Yes, it's me!"

Yang An asked with a light smile: "Are you sure you want to participate? Are you so young that you want to expand the entertainment circle in Japan and South Korea? Oops, you are born beautiful, you do n’t need to go to South Korea for cosmetic surgery, and Japan is not a good place, especially For girls ... "

"Hate! Hate!" Guan Xiaotong blushed, holding Yang An's arm, and pursed out, "Oh, you don't care about me, you can say that this quota can be used?"

Yang An smiled and hid, thinking about it, she did not have much variety shows to do in the future, Guan Xiaotong is about to graduate from college, and variety shows can really bring her enough popularity, but to win prizes, she still needs to make movies and For TV dramas, to make money or rely on advertising endorsements, in other words, the variety show place in her hands really does not have much effect.

"Of course, what I promised will be fulfilled, and the lottery quota is available."

Yang Andao: "However, you'd better go back and discuss with your parents to see what your future development path is. Don't take advantage of this opportunity easily. I personally suggest that you still leave the quota as a favor. Or swap is better. "

Guan Xiaotong agreed: "Okay, I'll go back to discuss it with my parents tomorrow, and I will exercise my power after your show is confirmed."

After sending Guan Xiaotong away, Yang An had a talk with the sports institute teacher, also preparing for the rowing project in advance.

The teacher agreed very easily. As long as the Yang An program is needed, despite the mention, the sports school will do its best to assist and not hinder. Yang An is very happy. The rowing special prepared by the planning department can speed up.


According to the practice of each year, before the Spring Festival, generally starting in December, Enron will enter the crazy work of sprinting throughout the year, and then around the 20th of the first month of the month, half of the employees are on vacation, a hard year Work, get the big red envelope distributed by the boss, do not have to crowd around with the Spring Festival army, very humane.

After "Red Maple Escape", Extreme Challenge has made several warm programs related to the Spring Festival. The sixth issue is called "Extreme Help", which has been affirmed and welcomed by the audience.

The plot of this series is also continuous. After six people were arrested by the police, they decided to change the former, reinvent themselves and become a new person. So when they came out, they started a business together and set up a "limit help service company."

This company accepts calls from ordinary citizens for help. Any question can be asked, for example, "I want to ask for leave to take a wedding photo. Unfortunately, the boss refused to take my leave, and asked your company to find a way." The customer service staff recorded it and asked Ms. Liu to wait for notification.

Ms. Wang, a white-collar worker, was also in distress. She called to help the company for help: "My girlfriend is in a relationship now, but she always likes to call me at 1 am and ask me what to do better, and how to do that. Will be happy, forced me to talk for two hours, and finally said that I was sleepy, I really want to talk to her, my mother tomorrow, ah no, I want to squeeze the subway at 6 this morning! Excuse me, how can I reject her without hurting my feelings every day Harassment? "

There is also the problem of Mr. Zhang, an executive of the company: "Big guys from the extreme men's group, please ask for one thing. At 7:30 every morning, the underground passage of Gaoxin Avenue is jammed and too many cars are jammed. Rub it, you will definitely be late for work today, 100 yuan is gone! "

Of course, there are more than just these serious requests for help, there are also funny.

For example, Aunt Li called: "Any Yang An is there? Let him come to our community at 10:30 on Saturday morning. We have a blind date in our community. I want him to help my granddaughter pick a good husband ... why did he find him? Of course, he uses it as a template! Everyone on the earth knows that male girlfriends can find Shabei, and they must marry Yang An! "

Sister Zhu called and said, "My family is on a tree, and I dare not come down ... who are you coming for?"

Uncle Huang called: "The chess game doesn't stop! The old man Song is a stinky chess basket. He has to jump on a lame horse. He wants to play against my old veteran, Mad Dementia. Who will teach him how to play chess?"

There are even more speechless examples. In short, there are so many things in the world, a lot of strange things and strange things. The extreme men help six people get busy. They have selected some of the most interesting and topical help information. Everyone shares the difference. Task to help others solve problems.

This type of program is also quite interesting, mainly the hilarious of star artists. Many helpers saw the visit of extremely picky members, all of them were pleasantly surprised. Colleagues throughout the company were envious and jealous. The boss even agreed with vj. When shooting, celebrities often come up with some very interesting and brain-suggesting suggestions, and everyone is willing to give them face.

For example, in the first episode of the help show, Yang An was assigned a difficult problem.

A 25-year-old blue-collar worker, Xiao Zhu, lives in an old community. The 20-year-old house has poor sound insulation. There is a vacant lot next to the building and it was occupied by the aunt in the community square. It turned out at 7 pm every day. Started dancing ~ ~ I did n’t jump after being strongly protested by some residents. I changed it to start at 8am every day, because most people went to work during the day, so no one protested, they justified it. Came down.

But Xiao Zhu often went to the night shift, reincarnation once every three days, and fell asleep when he came back. The loudspeaker of the square dance was too noisy. He slept lightly and was awakened at every turn. He even had a killing heart.

Their family had protested at the neighborhood committee, reported to the police, thrown **** into the open space, spilled waste engine oil, but all had no effect, so he called the extreme challenge and said that if no one solves it, he can only take extreme measures. Already.

There is no good way to deal with such acute problems all over the country. It is said that the aunts are wrong, they are also aggrieved, that they want to exercise when they are old, there is no place to exercise nearby, call the police to come, call the community neighborhood committee to negotiate, Basically, they are all muddy, and national laws are lacking in this regard, which has led many young people who cannot bear harassment to take extreme measures.

The gentler confrontation is to sprinkle soy beans, throw sand, and make a burning table tennis rotten egg.

The upgrade points are the release of Tibetan mastiff, the empty gun, the laser pointer to shoot the eyes, and the active directional speaker to counteract, but these methods are easy to be chased down and cause greater contradictions.

Even more extreme is Dimita, a bag of babies that have accumulated for many days fell from the sky, slammed in the middle of the aunts, and splashed ...

Another is to hit steel balls, which is much more dangerous and guilty of intentional injury.

After receiving this help message, Yang An came to the mediation and took the vj shooting team. By the way, he called the director of the community neighborhood committee, the community police, the city management and the property, and came to the place for help at 8:30 in the morning. Zhu's door. To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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