The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 810: Aunt Plaza Dance

Xiao Zhu was in the white class today, but received a phone call from the production team and learned that Yang An would come to deal with the problem. He asked for leave with excitement, and the unit readily agreed.

After opening the door, Yang An brought vj and community workers together. Xiao Zhu invited them to come in and introduced them to the topic.

"Our family is small, with two bedrooms and one living room. I don't have a girlfriend yet and live with my parents."

Xiao Zhu took a brief visit with everyone. The two elders kept holding Yang An's hand and the hand of the director of the community neighborhood committee complained, almost tears. Yang An and they were quite embarrassed. Excited, talk and chat, then take a video camera everywhere.

In Xiao Zhu's bedroom, both Yang An and the community staff could clearly hear the sound of the loudspeaker outside. The director of the neighborhood committee was helpless. The police and urban management staff also spread their hands and shook their heads, sighing. They also worked hard, but failed. Already.

"You guys talk, how do you live this day?"

Xiao Zhu was really helpless, he took out the hospital diagnosis, and indeed there was a slight nervous breakdown. He continued to complain, basically everyone was ashamed.

Yang An interrupted him and said sincerely: "Xiao Zhu, we are an entertainment program, and I am not a government official, so first take a shot, you must not expect me to be omnipotent, so you follow us We will meet them, how about it? "

Xiao Zhu was angry: "I've talked countless times, it's useless!"

Yang An smiled and pulled him: "That's because you didn't open it properly. You have to open it in the extreme challenge way. Let's go. Uncles and aunts will stay at home. Easy to conflict. "

A group of more than ten people went downstairs. This time, they went straight to the square dance center. There were more than ten aunts dancing, and the songs that were burnt and burned were not mentioned. One of them was the love song of Atten. I was so impressed with a bucket of gold that I heard it all at once. How do I evaluate it? Still familiar taste, the lyrics are still so straightforward, the melody is still so brainwashing full of magic, it is too suitable for square dance.

I saw so many people coming, still carrying cameras, police and community workers took the lead, the aunts stopped slowly, an assistant quietly went over to stop the horn, and before the other party had time to protest, several aunts recognized Yang Anlai.

"Oh, isn't this our big star?"

"What is this going to do? Interview us?"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, since they came with that kid, they are not good! Don't talk blindly!"

The sharp-eyed guy recognized Xiao Zhu, immediately vigilant, and the combat effectiveness burst, even Yang An's face was not given: "What do you mean? What do you mean by taking a video camera? Off! Off!"

"You tell me that this is a human rights violation!"

"Closed! I told you to take the photography agency! No photography!"

Some people didn't want to be troubled at first, but some people started to coax, and a few sturdy aunts followed, pointing at vj and warning loudly.

Yang An laughed quickly: "Ma'am, it's me, it's me. I'm recording a show, will you give me face? Don't worry, if you don't want to, you can have a mosaic on your face, and you can change the sound to all sounds, and even Even your entire body can be mosaic to ensure that your human rights are not violated! Or should you calm down first, let me first understand the situation? "

Yang An's attitude is very good, and he always laughs and talks. He is also a star who has been famous for many years in Hong Feng. At this time, there were many staffs around, and the aunts did not dare to use force. They really broke the camera, and they couldn't afford it!

It shows that Yang An is really good-tempered and listens patiently throughout.

In the eyes of the aunts, they must be the wronged party for many reasons, such as the park is too far, there is no better space nearby, they can only dance here nearby, and they have already considered others, and the children write homework at night At that time, they never jumped. If they couldn't jump during the day, it would be better to call the police to come and shackle them and lock them at home to die.

Seeing the aunts talking up again, sulking, and deliberately referring to Sanghuai, trying to provoke anger on both sides, Yang An certainly knew what was going on, Xiao Zhu was even pulled by Yang An, and he never returned. Mouth, did not face it, restrained the whole process.

In people-to-people communication, there is always a difference between a strong and a weak one. A strong winner has a big winning face, and a weak one can only concede. In addition, there are always people in the society who have "I am poor and I have reason" or "I am weak." The idea of ​​"I don't want to die" has led to a lot of reasoning and law being useless. Even if it is reasonable, it will be irritated by the other party.

The incompleteness and imperfection of national laws, the dehumanization of some law enforcement officers, and the inaction of some public officials, who only know how to engage in muddy behavior, make communication difficult and make public resources "who is strong Whoever takes up more, you do n’t give it to me, I fight with you desperately, and you have to give in as soon as I try desperately ”.

Yang An cannot change this situation, which is caused by many reasons.

However, he can come up with a show to play a role of alerting the world, and use the influence of "Extreme Challenge" to make such issues cause strong social attention.

"You calm down, you eat more salt than our young people eat, what else have you never experienced, haven't you seen, right? Now, I understand on both sides, these staff help me testify, I Didn't lean to either side or make any statements, right? "

The community director and the police were nodding. Until now, Yang An had not given his own attitude and was qualified as a middleman.

Yang An left and right, holding the hands of Xiao Zhu and the lead aunt, and laughed: "We are the" Extreme Challenge "program, a variety entertainment, not a legal program, so I certainly will not say anything about the truth, nor I will make a decision or something, I ’m only responsible for solving the problem, and please cooperate with them. Well, you do n’t have to cover your face. Raising my hand, I'm really tired! "

People around wanted to laugh a little. The aunt took the lead and kept screaming about privacy, human rights, and covering his face, indicating that there is still talk about this matter. In case the other party rolls directly on the ground, it will be too late to talk. Ann will definitely leave without looking back and give up this point.

Yang An first asked: "Xiao Zhu, you said it was noisy here. Would you like to move and live in a quiet place?"

Xiao Zhu is dumbfounded, this is Yang An's solution?

Yang An added: "Limited Help Service Company still has a few single dormitories left, right next to the Enron Theatre in the city center. It can make you a room. The rent can be waived, although the environment is not very good. But it's okay to let you sleep quietly. "

Xiao Zhu didn't know the truth, looked at Yang An, stuttered and asked, "How is this ... how sorry?"

Yang An laughed: "Is there any embarrassment in this, aren't you sleeping well? I'll give you a place to sleep well, will it solve the problem?"

Xiao Zhu ended his speech for a while, and the aunts were silent, and their expressions were very uncomfortable. Is this the rhythm that forced others away, or was it because of them, hundreds of millions of people across the country looked at it, how could they be ashamed?

"But if I move away, what will my parents do? My parents have lived here for more than 20 years, and they will always move with them, right?"

Xiao Zhu said this, a few aunts were even more embarrassed, the community director next to laughed slightly, although not big, but very harsh.

All neighbours, forcing such a thing for the whole family? Is it too much?

Yang An said: "Okay, since moving is not convenient, then, let's change the method. I have inquired that there is a high-quality sound insulation kit made in Germany, a sleeping artifact. Can you put on that sleep?"

Xiao Zhu was still reluctant: "I'm not used to sleeping on my face ..."

Yang An grinned, "Some girls are not used to long hair. Compared to good sleep, I think any attempt can be made. This set of sleep artifacts is paid by our extreme help service company. What do you think? ? "


A group of people were a little surprised. How did it become Yang An to pay the bill?

This set of equipment, at least a few thousand? Xiao Zhu laughed a little awkwardly, UU reads www.uukanshu. Com holding her hair and saying, "Isn't this good?"

Yang An smiled, "Nothing is bad. Solving the problems for the people is the purpose of our ultimate help service company. In addition, your bedroom also needs to be more soundproof. I will arrange a construction team to help you renovate it. The cost is also What about me? "


Everyone looked at each other, why did this cost Yang An a break?

Xiao Zhu quickly waved his hand: "No need, it's too much trouble ..."

Yang An quietly shook his hand and smiled: "That's it. Let's talk about your aunt ... I don't think there's a place for dancing around here, right?"

The aunt did not know what to say, the community director next said quickly: "In fact, there is a grove, which is also a public area, but it is also a residential area. Some people have wolf dogs and Tibetan mastiffs ..."

The director did not want to say too much. Everyone understands it. It must be bullying and fear.

Yang Andao: "Since there is no suitable place, we will not consider anything else. The state calls for fitness for all. We run men and challenge extremes. They all promote sports and healthy living. You few love to dance. This is your right. Auntie, I have some suggestions for you, too. Change the sound, it's too harsh. I'm so crazy when I hear it! "

The aunt said with anger, "You listen to the sound of China's good sounds every day, you definitely dislike our junk! You can buy good sounds for money!"

Yang An immediately said, "No problem! I'll buy you a good set of speakers! I will give you a pair of wireless headphones for each of you, and you will jump in every day, jump during the day, and jump at night. Jump, all the equipment costs, all I come out, how about it? "To be continued. ... Friends who read books, you can search for "Blue Book" and you will find this site as soon as possible.

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