The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 811: The influence is almost catching up with the focus interview!


Seeing Yang An is so generous, the aunts are not happy, but they feel a little panic. They have inquired about it. The better audio and headphones, the whole set must be at least several thousand larger, and let Yang An pay the bill?

Yang An smirked aunt's shoulders: "My mother has been working in the community neighborhood committee for a lifetime. She told me a truth. In fact, all things in community work can be solved. It depends on the method. Sometimes, one step back to the sea. What do you think? "

Many people heard that Yang An bought the stereo, and wireless headphones were given away for free, and they were all happy again.

Unexpectedly, Yang An blinked and said, "Of course, everyone should know that our extreme men's gang has just been released from the bureau. Running this help service company is a middle-aged entrepreneur, and the funds are not rich, but as long as I can do it myself, but I am willing to pay it out of my own pocket. But I want to leave the stereo and earphones to the neighborhood committee for custody. If you want to dance, go to the neighborhood committee to sign and collect it every day. Can you do it? "

When I heard it, there were various restrictions. The headset was not his own property, and many people muttered again.

But Yang An's attitude is here, and it is a sincere attitude to solve the problem. If the aunts do not agree, the people of the country will certainly not agree. What about mosaic? What about voice change? Maybe the righteous and angry knights quietly touched them and used extreme methods against them!

For aunts, dancing with headphones is really not as cool as big speakers!

In addition, some square dances are actually an industry chain. The loud speakers burst into the air, and dozens of people danced. They looked quite imposing. If a newcomer was excited, and he wanted to follow the dance, he could pay the fee. Qian's standards vary from place to place, but leaders need to teach dance, provide big horn equipment, maintain order, and fight against residents, which involve complex economic benefits.

Like Yang An, everyone who joins must sign the headset and return it when they run out. What if the equipment is broken? Needless to say, you have to pay for it yourself, and you ca n’t lose it. You have to sign it when you return it. Who will lose it at a glance? If you add all kinds of shackles, can you still do the square dance business?

But if they don't agree?

The morality of others is here. National fitness can be supported by the whole society. Yang Anning can buy these equipment from his own pocket, and his attitude is already quite good.

If they are doing self-employment under the banner of nationwide fitness because of their own self-interest, while violating the interests of others, this will lose their morality. With Yang An ’s influence, if they disagree, turn around The government will definitely act, this is a matter of course.

Yang An knew that the aunts were very distressed, but this matter must not be easily said. Xiaozhu resolved today, but there will be Xiao Zhao tomorrow, Xiao Liu and Xiao Ma the day after tomorrow. This is a social problem. Regardless of life, the root of the problem lies in disorderly management, not whether the equipment is muted, the key point is in regulations. This is forcing the government to pay attention to the phenomenon of sound disturbing the people. Only by formulating regulations can problems be solved in an orderly manner.

In fact, I can hear the voice down, and I can still dance, but I lose the effect of the loud speaker soliciting customers to do business, and there is competition from my peers. If I have a loud voice, I can suppress him. My students are more and my income will be lower. Many, if he wants to surpass me, he can only continue to increase his voice, and seeing that he has increased his voice, of course I have to fight back, I continue to increase, but also with a subwoofer vibration ...

Of course, as in many communities, square dance competitions are held to win honors. Aged collectivist life proves its value in society. Songs and dances level up to show a harmonious society. TV stations interview photogenics and other deeper things. Needless to say, everyone knows it, in the final analysis. , Or those words, name, right, profit!

The community, police, urban management, cameras, and other mediators finally agreed.

The community made a guarantee on the spot and would uniformly manage these silent devices. Yang An also promised to find reliable companies in the society and provide more affordable equipment so that the aunts could afford it even if they were private. Xiao Zhu did n’t have to wear it. Sleeping in condoms, the cost of sound insulation is also left, and the aunts are able to pass, and become reasonable.

After this issue aired, it caused a great response from the society.

Some social commentators have said: "It is a sign of government incompetence and reduced credibility to completely hand over social problems to businesses and private individuals. There is financial funding during the national fitness period, and almost every community has fitness equipment. Why is the government not going? Strengthen supervision of square dance? Is this a government inaction? "

"Extreme help companies can only solve one thing, but there are more than tens of thousands of similar conflicts across the country? Do you have to pay for Yang An? There are obviously good ways to solve it. Why does the square dance negative news always appear in the media? The media is also one of the killers that contributed to the flames! "

The audience also said: "If the old age square dance can really achieve silent dancing, the society will definitely be more harmonious!"

"It's not impossible, but it's not about it ~ there must be a fight where there is someone. Without an effective and tough supervision, it is impossible to count on everyone's consciousness!"

"There are so many public resources. You are strong, and others are naturally weak. Seeing the blood and blood of square dance, killing and decisive. Seriously, I just clamored with college students to buy computers for programming, learning, and pads. In order to see the courseware, is square dance really just for fitness? Teenagers, you think too simple, the pattern Tucson is haha! "

"Although it is a social problem, Extreme Challenge is willing to come forward to talk about things and provide possible solutions. I think the attitude is very positive and supports Extreme Challenge, but Yang Geer should stop paying the bill and help contact the cheap and good products. That's it! "

"The" Extreme Help Service Company "series is good, come on!"

Yang An, they were actually very pleased. After the show was broadcast, Deputy Secretary General Liu of the General Office of the Municipal Government called and said with a bitter smile: "General Yang, you have given us another problem!"

When answering the phone, Yang An was holding a year-end summary meeting with the company's senior management.

He deliberately put the phone out, and the company's executives heard it.

With sloppy eyes, he said haha, "Secretary General Liu, we are just entertainment shows. Everyone passed by after watching it, right?"

Deputy Secretary Liu sighed: "But your entertainment program is almost catching up with the ratings of the news webcast. People all over the country are watching our Red Maple City Government! After the program aired, the leaders opened it for 6 hours. The Standing Committee went back and held a government work meeting and called the heads of seven or eight relevant departments to take accountability and study solutions. This is almost going to be a big New Year. You said ... "

Yang An laughed, because the municipal government attached great importance to the ordinary people, and as a sought-after variety show, their purpose was achieved.

Deputy Secretary-General Liu added: "As personally, I am very supportive of you, but it is best to greet us in advance next time. We will not be too passive, being stared at by the people across the country and under great pressure. ! "

Yang An smiled and said, "I have written it down, and I will definitely prepare in advance next time."

Hanging up the phone, Dang Jie smiled happily: "I didn't expect that our variety entertainment program could still serve as a focus interview?"

Others laughed: "Since TV is being inquired everywhere in the country, whether it is formalism or not, anyway, they are doing it, we have to help!"

Yang An was also very pleased: "The city government did not blame it, but accepted it to a greater extent. This is the practice of enlightened leadership. If you change leaders, this end is not necessarily the case. Everyone will really want to work in the future. Pay attention to the method. "

The crowd expressed their understanding.

The extreme help service company continues to operate, not only for the help of Hongfeng citizens, but also sometimes specials in other cities. Of course, as a long-term series, a few issues a year is enough, "Extreme Challenge" will work hard Do your own social responsibility.

A few days before the Spring Festival, Yang An attended the talk show of pap sauce and participated in the lol opening of Whale Shark Live Network ~ ~ according to the agreement. He recorded several interviews on other stations and made a public entertainment. No small contribution, no matter what he plays casually, makes the show full of laughter.

On New Year's Eve, during the day, the "Quiet Distance" interview program broadcasted a trailer for the third day of the first month. In this issue, Yang An was invited. There was a question in it. Yang An acknowledged the momentum of the show, and also mentioned that the right celebrities were being contacted during the Spring Festival. The host was surprised and asked what kind of people he wanted to choose. Then he left a suspense and the trailer ended.

This news spread throughout the entertainment circle in an instant. Many people called the production unit of "Quiet Distance" and asked about it. If the relationship was good and the foundation was firm enough, they called Yang An directly, without exception. The New Year excuse is used.

"Guide Yang, in addition to the old year, to welcome the new year, I wish you ... that, I heard you want to open a new variety show after the Spring Festival?"

This is the standard approach, blessing first, then asking.

Yang An was tirelessly answering other people's questions. In fact, he had a file in his hand. He thought that the right candidate was listed long ago. If the caller happened to be on the list, he would smile and say: In preparation, I don't know if you will be free after the start of the year, would you like to look back? "

If the phone call is not suitable for "Accelerating All", he will hint a few words, basically the other party will also be interesting and will not mention it.

Tian Liang called at around 9 pm. After a few words of humiliation, he asked, "Is a sports star needed for that new show?"

Yang An remembered that he was on the shortlist and asked: "Need, are you free?"

Tian Liang refused! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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