The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 812: Share happiness with family

Yang An was curious: "Do you have any arrangements after the Spring Festival?"

Tian Liangdao: "There is no arrangement, but I heard Xiaotong talk about this. You have very few places, so I won't make up the fun."

Yang Andao: "There are not many places, but if you don't come, I can only find other people."

Tian Liang was an honest man, but he didn't sell well at this time, but he told the truth: "Let Bao Chunlai go. I took him to the premiere of Extreme Challenge on New Year's Day. He won the prize like Guan Xiaotong and got a quota. Right I'm not recommending him. Don't get me wrong ... "

At this moment, Yang An wanted to understand a lot of things, and suddenly felt good for Tian Liang!

Originally, there were only a small number of places in "Accelerating All". If the difficulty of the game is high, 24 people can't be more, and the difficulty may be only 1215 people.

There are only seven or eight of them in China, Japan, and South Korea. Bao Chunlai and Tian Liang are sports stars. If they are on the same stage, their positioning is prone to conflict. Tian Liang must take this into consideration and take the initiative to refuse. What's more, Bao Chunlai won the prize. If he still fights, it will be too ugly.

And recommended? Regardless of Tian Liangshi ’s recommendation, Bao Chunlai must use this privilege to go on a new show. Tian Liang does not want Yang An to misunderstand, indicating that he knows how to be a man, and will not cause "It is Tian Liang's initiative to give this opportunity to Bao Chunlai." The illusion!

The subtlety here needs to be carefully considered. Anyway, Yang An is in a good mood. He laughs: "In case Bao Chunlai is too busy with his work? Don't think about it so much. If you have time during the Spring Festival, you should also Strengthening your physical strength is not a bad thing, right? On the sixth day of the first month, I will go to Zhongjing to pay tribute to the seniors of the old artists, and find a time to get together. "

Tian Liang was ecstatic. He suppressed his excitement and tried to calm his mind: "Okay, you must inform me when you come to Beijing."

Hanging up the phone, Tian Liang yelled a few times, his emotions burst out, he wanted to vent!

The family was watching the Spring Festival Gala in the living room. Mom, Dad, wife, and children were seeing a sketch, laughing and seeing her husband come out from the study with a festive smile. Ye Yiqian smiled and said something in the ear of Mori.

Mori turned his head and asked, "Why is Dad so happy? Did he shake the red envelope?"

The two elders also looked curiously. Tian Liang is a person who can't hide his heart. It is New Year's Eve. It is an opportunity for everyone to share joy. He bit his lower lip and sat in front of everyone, saying calmly. : "Yang An has a new show after the New Year, and said to prepare me."

"Ah? Really! You are awesome!"

Ye Yiqian reacted the fastest and screamed. How could she not understand the meaning of this invitation? Her husband is taking off in the entertainment industry, the family has undergone tremendous changes, and everything is thanks to Yang An!

Tian Liang finally couldn't help laughing, and he liked to share happiness with everyone!

Sendi was also happy, crawling on his dad, and asked excitedly: "Is Uncle Yang still looking for you to shoot" Where is Dad? "

Tian Liangdao: "It's another show. The reality show of China, Japan and South Korea star pk, he needs sports stars."

Father Tian was still a bit unable to sit still. He pulled Tian Liang and asked him non-stop, Tian Tian even held Ye Yiqian's hand, and the two girls looked at Tian Liang expectantly, so that he could say something more.

Tian Liang held the forest saucer and explained briefly in the future: "Yang An may come to Zhongjing from the sixth day and the seventh day. The specific situation will be discussed later, but he wants me to be prepared. It is estimated that he intends to let me go."

Father Tian understood that and said, "Then you call Xiao Bao and tell him about it. Let Xiao Bao stop thinking about it. Yang An's decision cannot be changed by anyone. He wants to choose whoever is his idea. Xiao Bao was not selected. Don't affect your feelings. "

Tian Mu and Ye Yiqian had the same meaning, so Tian Liang called Bao Chunlai in front of everyone.

Love is something that tortures people, waiting and anticipation is even more tortured.

After receiving a call from Tian Liang, Bao Chunlai had been in a state of suffering and suffering for more than ten minutes, and was tangled and terrified.

Tian Liang explained a lot to him. He didn't really think about it, but kept asking Tian Liang, what should he do?

"Should I call Yang An?"

"Is it just a New Year? Or just ask about the new show by the way?"

"What if he thinks I'm not suitable?

"Will I annoy him so aggressively, will he offend him? Will he not impress me?"

"Oh, Brother Tian, ​​why are you calling me? You don't say, I don't know anything, and I won't suffer so much ..."

Tian Liang chuckled: "Chunlai, you are the same as me. When I received the notification from Yang An, I was more flustered than you. Later, I have been in contact with Yang An for a long time, and I know that he is actually very good. People, it ’s easy to talk. It ’s definitely not as serious as you think. I suggest you still call and pray for a few years, and mention it a little bit, and I ’ve already told him about your winning, so you just need to be in a position. Then wait patiently, he thinks you can, he will definitely contact you. Do you remember what he said before the lottery? "

Bao Chunlai still remembers: "Prefer the one who is selected, I understand, he still has to focus on the quality of the show. Hey, what does Xiaotong say?"

Tian Liang said: "Call her and ask!"

Bao Chunlai spent the New Year at his hometown in Xingcheng. He also had brothers and sisters on it. His father only got him in his 40s. Now his old father is in his 70s. As long as he has time every year, he will definitely come back to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

In the past ten minutes, Bao Chunlai, who has suffered a lot, has affected the heart of the whole family. After he retired, he developed into the entertainment industry. Unfortunately, the aura of sports has not given him much bonus. The star road has not been smooth, but he is ironed out. My heart is on this path, and other members of the family can't help, so I can only worry.

Now seeing this opportunity, the family didn't even watch the Spring Festival Evening. They circled around the sofa, watched Bao Chunlai bend down, and kept talking to the phone on the small coffee table. Everyone was nervous and could not help it.

Brother-in-law asked curiously, "Who is Xiaotong?"

Bao Chunlai flipped through the address book and said casually: "Guan Xiaotong, the number one woman in the men, she also won the prize."

The elder sister familiar with the variety show immediately agreed: "You want to call her and ask her attitude. If she wants to go, you must seize the opportunity."

Although the elderly parents do not understand these, life experience tells them that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, especially when Tian Liang said on the phone that he needs sports stars, Bao Chunlai must let go, can he break through in one fell swoop? In one fell swoop!

Bao Chunlai dialed Guan Xiaotong's phone. After greeting the New Year, he talked about the quota.

Guan Xiaotong said with a smile: "Chun Lai brother, I used this quota, and I suggest you also use it. We asked Yang Geer a few years ago and said that this time it is the PK of China, Japan and South Korea. This is to go directly to the world. ~ And I think you are a very suitable candidate. You are also the world champion of badminton. It has a great international influence. I think he will definitely take this into account. "

These words sounded too comfortable, Bao Chunlai continued to thank, and asked carefully: "Would you like me to call him now?"

Guan Xiaotong giggled: "Are you afraid to disturb him, right? Rest assured, Brother Yang is very kind, don't be afraid, usually I always bully him, he never gets angry."

That's because you have a good relationship. What am I?

Hanging up the phone, Bao Chunlai still decided to call Yang An to say hello, Tian Liang sent him the number, but before he called, he hesitated again, his lips were a little bit sloppy, and he didn't even know what to say during the New Year.

Nervous, hesitant. At the critical moment, Bao Chunlai was a little timid. His character family knew too much. He used to be a runner-up for a while in sports, because he was not strong enough and did not have the arrogance of a king like Lin Dan. This is also his fatal weakness.

Seeing this behavior from his son again, Father Bao yelled, "When is it, what are you still cowering? Is it difficult to worship for a year? Would you like me to make this call?"

Seeing that the old man lost his temper, his sister and brother quickly winked at him, and my mother comforted Bao, too ~ ~ I came ... "Bao Chunlai said.

Big brother quickly turned down the TV sound, and the atmosphere in the room was tense. Everyone looked at Bao Chunlai dialing a number, only two beeps, a female voice came: "Hey, who?"

How is a woman? Bao Chunlai hesitated: "Is it Mr. Yang's number? I'm Bao Chunlai, who plays badminton ..."

There was a snoring sound that everyone was familiar with, and Yang An laughed, "Hello, hello, I'm Yang An. I just saw a strange number and thought it was wrong!"

Bao Chunlai breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said a few words of blessings for Chinese New Year. Yang An was really kind and joking with him, greeting his family and making him feel like a breeze.

Seeing the elder sister constantly making gestures, and his father's expression of hating iron and steel, Bao Chunlai stubbornly asked, "General Manager Yang, I heard that you have a new reality show coming up next year, right? "

Yang An said aloud, Bao Chunlai said with courage: "I have had a lot of rich time in recent months. If I can, I hope Yang can always give me a chance."

He didn't say anything about the lottery. Since Tian Liang helped him, he didn't want to add to the snake, which really annoyed Yang An.

The opposite side is a long silence, and these seconds are suffering. The Bao family really is like seconds. Everyone is holding their breath, frightened, for fear of hearing Yang An's rejection and negation.

Bao Chunlai even accelerated his heartbeat to a level of strenuous exercise. His fists were squeezed tightly, his teeth were about to bite, for fear of hearing the result that he didn't want to hear.

A few seconds later, Yang An's voice came and reported a phone number: "You contact this phone and she will arrange a ticket for you. On the sixth day, you go to Zhongjing. Let's meet and talk." To be continued ~ www. Friends of ~, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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