The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 814: Team completed

Under Guan Xiaotong's introduction, Yang An finally remembered who Jiang Yiyi was.

At that time, Shenzhen City TV created "China's Most Beautiful Child Voice" and sold it to the four companies of Nebula Laser, which seized the market for children's singing programs that Yang An had not had time to get involved in. Finally, it was successfully broadcast on China Beijing TV, but was innocently affected because of bankruptcy. Stop broadcasting.

Jiang Yiyi was the runner-up in the first season of "The Most Beautiful Child Voice in China". At that time, she was only 10 years old. She was a very successful child star. She also filmed many movies and TV dramas and commercials. In several classic martial arts films, Xiao Renyingying, Xiao Guofu and Xiao Yinli have all starred in costumes with beautiful costumes. They have a very good relationship with Guan Xiaotong, who is also a child star, and the two girls have played on the Children's Day program together.

Jiang Yiyi, who is only 14 years old this year, is still developing. She is 155 tall and is a very thin little loli, but she has already proved her beauty embryo and her character is good. She was very embarrassed when she first met, everyone. After becoming familiar, in her own words, "I really want to be a quiet and beautiful woman, but you are so quiet and beautiful for only three seconds." The quaint she quickly became lively, and Guan Xiaotong didn't know how close she was, no matter what What two women are giggling for a long time.

Everyone sits together for breakfast. The cafeteria in the training base has good meals. Although there are not many varieties during the Chinese New Year, they are rich in nutrition and there are masters on duty. They provide services to athletes who don't go home for Chinese New Year and are still training.

Father Guan said: "Xiao Tong won the prize last time, and came back to report to me with excitement. I told her that you are about to graduate now. It is enough to stick to the show of running men. People have limited time and energy. The show you participated in was expensive but not too much. If you were too distracted, you would probably lose more than you paid. President Yang asked her to think about it a lot. We discussed at home for a long time and decided to give this place to others. "

Yang An has always liked Guan Xiaotong's younger sister. He thinks that women's variety shows are always inferior. The most brilliant age of women is 20 years old. It is boring to do variety shows with old men every day. It is better to take the film and television line and win awards. Playing the big fire drama, he had already figured out this way for Guan Xiaotong. In the ten-year contract, there were no restrictions on things other than variety shows.

What a clever man he is, and now it ’s clear that Guan ’s father and daughter brought Jiang Yiyi ’s family, saying, “Yes, I do n’t recommend Xiao Tong to participate in the variety show again. You want Jiang Yi Do you participate? "

Father Jiang was a little nervous. Father Guan gave them a look, and said carefully, "Is this okay? I don't know what you have to ask for, and if it doesn't, we won't force it."

Yang Andao: "There are no special requirements, how is her physical fitness? The two-hour hide-and-cat game does not have a sufficient physical fitness, and it may not even last 14. The format of our show is cruel, and it may be one season. Forty or fifty stars will be invited, and scores will be calculated in each period. The lower rankings must be eliminated. All of them who can persist are masters with outstanding physical fitness and IQ. The most important thing is that China, Japan and South Korea have pk. Most of the stars invited are adults ... "

After hearing these words, everyone's heart was bitter.

With 14-year-old Jiang Yiyi and dozens of adult pks, how big is this heart to agree?

But China, Japan, and South Korea ’s pk can easily open the Japanese and Korean market. This temptation cannot be refused by everyone. It ’s not good. Someone must be able to mix one period and one period. One minute of photo shooting is a victory. To participate in the idea, and the game is not entirely hard work, many times we still need to talk about wisdom and luck.

Father Jiang said: "Difficulties can be overcome. I believe Yiyi can suffer this hardship."

Yang An smiled, turned her face, and Jiang Yiyi was drinking porridge. She quickly put down the spoon and sat in danger.

"Don't be so nervous, Yiyi I ask you, how is your relationship with Xiaotong?"

"We are good girlfriends"

"Well, have you seen running men, Xiaotong did it, can you do it? For example, the first phase of the Macau Tower bungee jumping, and the Dubai skydiving behind, various fingerboard games, crossing the river, mudflats War or something. "

"Although I haven't done it, I'm willing to try these."

Jiang Yiyi said solemnly, Guan Xiaotong also stretched out her hand, holding her good girlfriend's hand to encourage her.

After receiving Yang An's eyes hint, Zhang Yishan understood and spoke: "Student Jiang, running a man can be more than just these exciting challenges. There are also unknown dangers. Outdoor variety shows are easy to be injured. Xiao Tong once swollen his shoulder. Right?"

Guan Xiaotong nodded: "Shoulders are okay. My deepest memory was the film" Adventure with Bell "with Yang Geer. We went to the Himalayas and were attacked by crocodiles and tigers. We were all scared. Later we climbed with a heavy load and our body was very uncomfortable. He was gagging and almost fell to death. Sister Wang Luodan was seriously reflexive. He was embarrassed and looked back. In short, outdoor variety is very dangerous, but it will definitely be a great gain if you persist. "

Yang Anxin comforted: "Xiao Tong grew up from that time. At that time, Xiao Tong was 16 or 17 years old, right?"

Guan Xiaotong smiled and said, "17 years old, more than two years older than Jiang Yiyi now!"

Yang Andao: "Since you have confidence, it is not impossible to consider. Uncle Jiang, we may go to Japan and South Korea, or even some small countries in Southeast Asia, because the broadcast platform is, TV TOKYO, TV TOMori, Singapore International Taiwan, Phoenix Satellite TV International Entertainment, etc., basically cover key countries and regions throughout Asia. Jiang Yiyi is still a minor and may need you to send individuals and groups. Can you do this? "

The two were relieved, and Jiang Father laughed, "It's no problem. Yiyi's mother has been filming since she was 3 years old. I also stopped my business five years ago. The whole family serves Yiyi."

Yang An heard it for the first time and gave a thumbs up: "Like this enlightened parent! Then you are the agent, right? Let's train here today, and I will let the assistant contact you to sign the contract. Things, conditions are on par with Xiaotong from the beginning, how about it? "


Several people shouted in their hearts, ecstatic, and their father Jiang was very excited and didn't know what to say. They nodded and laughed a little.

However, Jiang Yiyi's performance surprised Yang An slightly. The young girl was happy and of course happy, but she could hold it stubbornly. Her emotions were not so out-of-the-box, indicating that her restraint was still strong. Then she thought that she would not lose to Guan Xiaotong. Having a good personality, Yang An decided to focus on her, maybe she would become a bright spot in the show.

After eating early, everyone went to the training ground for a half-hour rest before starting the test.

Today's test is just a way for Yang An to get a rough idea. "Accelerating All" does not rely on physical strength to win. Can Sister Po stay in hiding until the end? There are various ways to play the game, and the decisions you make, no matter what the audience will scold after the broadcast, you also have to bear the consequences with tears.

The test results were beyond Yang An's expectations. He and Zhang Yishan had the best physical fitness. Second, in the 1000-meter test, Bao Chunlai was thrown 100 meters away by the three of them. This score made Yang An himself. They were all surprised, could this stamina also win the world championship.

And Jiang Yiyi's performance also exceeded everyone's expectations. Although the sprint power is not strong, the endurance of the long-distance run and the agility test of the return run and change direction run are all in the middle and upper levels. Thanks to the teaching of Father Jiang, he is learning Apart from filming, Father Jiang insisted on running fitness with his daughter every night, laying a solid foundation.

"I have three idols, Sister Chen Yihan, Sister Zhang Junning, and Sister Xiaotong ~"

Jiang Yiyi said this, and everyone else laughed. All three idols are sports madmen, and all of them are beautiful and intelligent co-existing public figures with a positive and healthy image. This also makes Yang An's love for her even more. a bit.

More than 10 o'clock, Yang An was leaving.

Regarding the test results, he did not comment too much. Bao Chunlai volunteered that he would stay in Zhongjing these days to strengthen his training ~ ~ Yang An didn't say anything, so let everyone leave without thinking about it.

On the tenth day of the first month, Bao Chunlai finally received the exact notice. The director of the "Accelerated All" program group called him and asked him if he would like to sign a contract. The stone in his heart finally landed and was quickly dispatched to Zhongjing and Enron. The team that came has signed up.

There were several other people who signed the same day. Tian Liang, Zhang Yishan, Jiang Yiyi, all three had met, and Zhen Ling from the Northeast had also participated, which made Bao Chunlai completely foolish.

He asked Tian Liang with curiosity: "How did Zhen Ling join? Lottery?"

Tian Liang whispered in his ear: "Should not, I guess Chen Ou should use this privilege. He is an entrepreneur, ceo, who came to be a star. Before recording" Adventure with Bell ", Wang Shi is still the leader! I only It can be said that these rich people's world makes me unable to imagine. "

Bao Chunlai laughed: "Ceo can't be a star? We do n’t want to be stars in sports. Real estate agents can be presidents of the United States. What ’s weird for Chen Ou to participate in this? I just think Yang An ’s selection criteria are very high. strange."

Tian Liang nodded: "He chose this way, he must have his own reason. You see, Ma Xin is here. He is a brother who loves to laugh. I personally think that Ma Xin and Zhen Ling are in charge of funny, while others are in charge. Run away. "

There was no press conference for signing the contract, but a group signing form was obtained at a five-star hotel.

The general director Du Xiaolei popularized the relevant content of the program and announced the recording time. It will be on March 20th, and there is almost one month to prepare. The first recording location is in Japan. The Chinese representative is Yang An, Zhang Yishan, Tian Amount, Bao Chunlai, Ma Xin, Chen Ou, Jiang Yiyi, Zhen Ling! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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