The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 815: Tactics (Putting the bowl on today's birthday)

"All members are accelerating" Yang An will participate in the first phase of the revised edition, mainly leading the team, to feel the details of the Japanese and South Korean markets, he really does not know if such a law change, Japanese and Korean audiences will accept it.

Eight people from each of the three countries did not communicate with each other before recording the program. They did n’t know each other ’s existence, but some of the stars had a word explanation in their Twitter or WeChat, which was picked up by fans and announced. Go online.

The Chinese side has set up a WeChat group on its own. Some people often share news on the Internet in the group, saying who is determined to participate in the show.

"Zhang Yishan, your akb48 welfare is here! You are right, Watanabe Mayu, the sixth champion of akb48, she is going to participate! Big beautiful woman ~"

"Where? Where is the link? Wow [slobber expression] is really Watanabe Mayu! This is my dish, haha, no one of you will be able to grab it then!"

"Zhang Yishan, your welfare is here again! There is another beautiful woman to participate. Look at this picture. Have you met each other?"

"Wow, isn't this Momota Erixiang, she also wants to participate? I'm going! Who is this, who's making such an international joke! How can I invite her? Don't talk nonsense, there are underage girls in the group! "

Jiang Yiyi exited the chat group

"Look, you guys who are shameless, say this in the group, don't think I don't know who Momoya Erixiang is! Wait until March 20th, the old lady will scratch your ears and beat your ass!"

"Sister Zhen Ling, don't get angry ~"

"We were wrong, we were wrong, we will not talk about this topic again ..."

The group was giggling, and after a while, Jiang Yiyi joined in again. Within a few days, she also sent a message: "Sister Zheng Endi of apnk is coming to my goodness! Why is she coming too? I like it so much Her ~ "

South Korea's Zheng Endi is coming?

A group of men couldn't sit still and talked again. Even Tian Liang and Bao Chunlai, who were sweating on the treadmill, couldn't help but stop and watched Zheng Endi's photo sent by Jiang Yiyi in a daze.

It seems that the high-quality actress from Japan is Mayu Watanabe, and the Korean actress is Zheng Endi taking the lead. She looks so beautiful, smiles all day long, sings superbly, clean and refreshing, unpretentious, cute and domineering. A man with a cute girl is a particularly suitable marriage target in the eyes of Korean men, and almost everyone likes her.

No wonder the bachelors Zhang Yishan and Bao Chunlai are all excited!

Zhen Ling suddenly issued a picture: "He Lixiu is coming, Zhang Yishan, she is yours!"

Seeing an enchanting picture of a beautiful woman, beautiful back, smooth skin, and sacred music, the eye-catching little eyes are indeed He Lixiu, beautiful, but why is there a layer of hair sweat behind it?

Zhang Yishan quickly typed: "Sister Zhen Ling upstairs enjoy it ..."

Just a moment before he sent it, Jiang Yiyi updated another message: "Crash! Sister Zheng Xiuyan is going to the show!"

After seeing the photos of jes private a, it was too late, Zhang Yishan's hand had been ordered to send, spit out a blood, eyes quickly popped out, and quickly typed and remedy: "Say it wrong, the beauty upstairs is mine!"

At the moment he sent, it was another face of He Lixiu, or Zhen Ling was asking: "Zhang Yishan, He Lixiu, you really don't want it?"

He made the mistake again!

This time it broke down completely!

Zhang Yishan almost threw away the mobile phone. Many people laughed at these encounters, and he was fooling around, saying that Zhang Yishan and He Lixiu were true love!

After chatting for a while, Chen Ou, who almost never spoke, was in the group and Yang An asked: "The Korean team has three female members?"

Yang An was not online, Ma Xin helped to answer: "I know a little bit, the Korean team is also six men and two women. Zheng Endi and Zheng Xiuyan are indeed coming. The others are male stars. I only know part of the list, including Li Guangzhen and Li Xuan First, the others are temporarily unclear. Isugi, Xiao Bao, your opponents are here! "

As soon as Zhang Yishan and Bao Chunlai saw these names, the warfare broke out instantly.

Who is Li Guangzheng? The betrayer of South Korea's running man is almost the same person as Zhang Yishan, and Li Guangxun is better at sister-in-law, taller, and has a lot of fans, and his popularity in Asia is not small!

And what about Li Xuanyi? At that time, Bao Chunlai participated in the Olympic games at his doorstep. In the men's singles 14 finals, Bao Chunlai lost 0: 2 to South Korean celebrity Lee Xuanyi and missed the semi-finals. This is a lifelong shame for Bao Chunlai and a lifetime of hatred. !!

The appearance of these two people almost made the WeChat group fry, angry, Zhang Yishan and Bao Chunlai took turns to speak, stand, swear, bet, they will definitely pk off the two Korean men in the show.

"With him without me, without me!"

"It's time for a showdown!"

"Inviting them to participate in the show is exactly what I want. I have long wanted to defeat him in my lifetime. Thank you, the director, for giving me a chance!"

"Playing betrayal? You South Korean running man, but we bought the copyright of our Chinese running man! I am the originator of betrayal, and the younger generation will go to play!"

But it ’s useless to say anything ruthless. At that time, it still depends on whether the strength can be exerted, but this chat is not without gain. The two men took the initiative to increase the training intensity, because they absolutely cannot lose the game!

After the fifteenth of the first month, major universities and colleges across the country have already started classes. Among the sports teams across the country and outstanding students who have graduated over the years, the production team has found more than a dozen qualified, handsome, cold, and possesses super endurance and explosive power. Professional athletes, and signed a variety show contract, began professional training, mainly understanding the rules of the game, the use of props, and headset monitoring control training, etc., their identity are hunters.

After entering March, 10 Chinese hunters aged 2026 passed the training. Their physical strength and strength reached the peak of men's life. Du Xiaolei trained them into unsmiling cold killing machines, plus 5 original Japanese experience The old hunter, the newly formed hunter team made several directors very satisfied.

In mid-March, ten days before the recording of the program, the production team issued an emergency notice. In the last training session in Beijing, all Chinese personnel must be present for five days.

This time everyone met for the first time, and Yang An was here too, but these five days, he listened to training sessions during the day, practiced actual combat, and went out to record running men and extreme picks at night. This professionalism has impressed other members. Guifuru, others can only bite the bullet and insist on training.

Finally waited until March 19, 8 Chinese members of "Accelerating All", a total of more than 20 guests and agent team arrived in Tokyo by Japanese Airlines, the production team has arrived three days in advance, all preparations Already done, just wait for the show to start recording.

TV TOKYO, as the second owner of "rf on the go", is only responsible for coordinating and receiving. This time is very different from last time. The extreme ratings of "Extreme Challenge" shocked the Japanese, and Japan gave the Chinese production team quite With high respect, Shigeru Yamaguchi, deputy director of TV TOKYO, personally took charge. Every detail was considered very well and everyone was very satisfied.

The Three Kingdoms Star pk Tournament is just a verbal talk. In fact, the word is absolutely not allowed inside the program group, and it is not allowed on any occasion. The external caliber is the China, Japan and South Korea Star Gala.

However, the difference in nationality and race makes them naturally feel a sense of resistance. It is normal for them to form alliances with nationality players before the game.

The Chinese side is no exception. After checking in at the hotel, Zhang Yishan took the lead and called all Chinese people except Yang An into his room. He took out a piece of paper with densely drawn tactical diagrams for everyone to see.

He asked, "Everyone should be clear about the rules of the game? I asked Du Xiaolei and Du Du for more than an hour. If you have any questions, please ask me now."

Jiang Yiyi was a little nervous and asked, "I want to know whether this revision or follow the rules of the original" rf on the go "?"

Zhang Yishan said: "It should be that four hunters caught us and we ran away at will, but during the escape there will be various missions released, and the difficulty may increase, such as increasing the number of hunters or reducing the range of activities for all of us. Whoever survives to the end wins and can get money. "

Chen Ou asked: "I deliberately took out the original past shows and watched them. I found that they have a feature. Each episode will set a theme task, and then all the accelerated team members will do tasks around this theme ~ www. ~ I'm thinking, because we are the stars of three countries, will there be situations that do not understand the subject matter? For example, if the theme is the Qing Dynasty, the stars of Japan and South Korea will certainly not understand. We and the Koreans are crazy. "

Zhang Yishan explained: "I asked the director that there will not be too complicated topics in this issue, and it will not be a unique folklore in any of the three countries, unless they are common to the three countries."

Tian Liang deliberately asked: "I only have one question. We shot the revised" rf on the go ", but when it was aired in China, it was renamed" All Accelerating ", right? If we win, we can really take it. Is it money? "

Zhang Yishan laughed, "Hey, Tian, ​​this is what I care about the most. R is called milk nfor touch ney throughout the process. Star artists participate in this show, whether they survive or surrender, they can get real money, and with His survival time is directly proportional. What about us? Sorry, Du Tao gave me a slap and didn't tell me the answer! "

Tian Liangdao: "The Japanese can go straight to the money, but the Chinese will definitely make virtual currency, and then find a charitable foundation to cooperate with. Ultimately, the virtual currency we all win will be converted into RMB by the charitable foundation. , Donate to people in need. This routine, I have seen too much in my life! "

Everyone laughed, it was not strange to see it.

It's okay to see other people, Zhang Yishan started to say his tactical thoughts: "My tactics are ..."


ps: 2017, I wish you all a smooth work, good health, and everything is fine. Today is also my birthday, two more, let ’s take a day off, set a bowl by the way, and go to the group to distribute money and red envelopes at night, so all kinds of tickets and rewards to be continued ~ ~ friends , You can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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