The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 818: Digging Japanese 3/4

Tanaka is an old player. It can only be said that he has rich game experience, which does not mean that his timing is accurate.

Everyone dare not disturb him loudly, Tanaka raised his fist, looked up at the night sky, kissed the ring on his finger, took a deep breath, and resolutely took the blue button.

Didi's card sound came, Tanaka nodded slightly, others were meditating, and no one knew the exact time.


Tanaka pressed the red light and everyone fry!


"No, just right, it definitely succeeded!"

"It's too early, really, I think it's around 17:50!"

"It's been 18, it's really been 18 seconds, I don't believe you guys look at the results!"

Everyone ’s opinions have diverged greatly. In fact, from the beginning of a fan, many people are not sure about the time. The more heated the discussion, the easier it is to worry.

Tanaka shouted back and shouted: "It doesn't matter! If I fail, I will not run, I will stop here and give you time!"

This is indeed a man, but the others must be prepared to run away, Tanaka opened his arms and made an interception action, but after 10 hunters rushed out, how could he stop it?

The baffle slowly rose, it turned out to be 18:21!

Seeing this number, Tanaka clenched his fists, jumped up in place, and growled loudly.


Already someone ran out and learned that Tanaka was successful. Everyone retreated in sorrow. Many people felt that their legs were frightened!

Nervous, quite nervous, five people succeeded. This is a miracle. In the past ten or so original editions, there are many opening games, but few teams can successfully complete them all. Today's timekeeping countdown is the first in r history. Two times, and the last time failed, many people can't count the simple 12 seconds!

"Yang brother, all the stress is on you now!"

"Oh my god, 21 seconds. This time is too long. If I count it, there is a possibility that the error will be more than 1 second!"

"Please, please ~ must be correct!"

"I beg you ... it must succeed!"

Yang An stood out and looked around. Everyone was looking forward to it. He intentionally smiled and said, "Warm up, get ready to run!"

There was wailing for a while, and the sound was everywhere, so many people couldn't laugh or cry.

Is this giving up?

Yang An could not give up. He took a deep breath and stood in front of the console.

He turned his back to everyone, and suddenly made a grimace at the camera on the roadside: "Should I give up? Ha! Forget it, Sister Zhen Ling can't run, I'll try to give them some preparation time!"


Yang An took a breath, put her left hand on the console, slowly tapped with her fingers, and began to beat with her right foot, then took a blue light.

Time passed every second, Yang An could only press the red light by feeling.

Sure enough, there were many sorrows in the back, but everyone didn't complain too much, because everyone knew that it was too embarrassing for him, it was useless to complain, and it was kingship to prepare to escape. Many people started jumping around, warming up, and getting accurate. The direction of escape, always ready to escape.

"Tell you! I won't stand here to die, everyone remembers to run!"

Yang An shouted, everyone was crying and laughing. Just when she was ready to see the results, Yang An suddenly yelled: "Breast!"


Several unsettled guys rushed out. In the laughter of many people, they learned that Yang An was playing a prank and all came back in annoyance. Several girls shouted in disgust.

It was finally announced that the sound of the machinery came, and the speed of the shutter's rise was actually slowed by half. Yang An's eyes lighted up. This is a good opportunity. In the event of an error, they will have 2 seconds more escape time. This is Intentionally give Yang An a way to live!


A miracle happened!

The body counter of six groups of people turned out to be successful!

Yang An clenched his fists and shouted yes, and then he was surrounded by his swarming companions, celebrating together!


"You are amazing!"

"We have 81 seconds to escape!"

"Brother, you are so handsome! A ~"

Zhen Ling hugged Yang An and pursed her lips, frightening Yang An to make everyone laugh.

It is not too late, everyone splits their actions, and the 81-second hiding time is not too long. For most people, they just leave the stadium.

There were people running away in the three directions of the hunter's box, left and right, and as if they had made an appointment, they basically hid in groups according to nationality. Only Zhang Yishan ran halfway and suddenly turned from an alley: Look over there! "

"This kid"

Everyone was crying and laughing. Zheng Endi was his goddess. He even abandoned everyone and went to the Korean team.

Ma Xin didn't know which muscle was cramped, and he had to leave the group: "I'll go over to the Japanese and take a look at the phone!"

The situation is urgent, and everyone is hard to say anything, because it will be safer to disperse and hide, and the remaining six people will be scattered. Behind the box, Chen Ou is standing on the street corner where art graffiti is painted.

The best hiding should be Jiang Yiyi. She took advantage of her petite body and hid in an open-air restaurant in front of a cafe. This restaurant is just umbrellas, wooden tables and chairs, surrounded by a 1-meter-high wooden fence After getting up, Jiang Yiyi half-knelt behind the fence, and his eyes looked out through the gap between the fences, which was indeed very concealed.

Of course everyone else was hiding it. Just 60 seconds after the timing, the mobile phone on everyone's shoulders hummed, Yang An quickly crouched down, hid behind the advertising shelf on the second floor, and took out the mobile phone.

"No! The missions are here? This ..."

Yang An was stunned, and everyone else was dumbfounded.

This is not a task, but it is a reminder that after the 10 hunters appear, they will always look for acceleration players. After catching 3 people, the hunters will disappear for the most part, and only 4 hunters will continue to hunt.

The point is, who will be the three unlucky eggs caught first?

Yang An was secretly crying, and he couldn't easily say something.

If you follow the randomness of hunter search, 10 hunters will definitely be evenly distributed throughout the Harajuku mission area, which is fair to everyone.

If at this time a guy who runs fast takes two or three hunters to disrupt the game, such as Ma Xin taking the hunter to escape where the Japanese gather, and he can run away smoothly, then the average distribution pattern will be Break, the probability of Japanese being caught will definitely multiply.

But how can Yang An say it? He can only meditate in his heart!

"At this time, I would like to say, let others be caught ..."

Li Guangzhen honestly said that selfishness and betrayal were originally set by his people. Such a tall man just shrunk himself into a folded person, shoved it into the corner of a pile of glove boxes, and kept waving to vj to let him Stand off.

Jessica hid behind a small flowerbed and asked vj a bit worried: "Will you expose my place?"

Vj smiled at her and said no.

Many people have this doubt, especially the experience of participating in outdoor variety shows like running men. Everyone will understand that they will involuntarily capture the figure of vj, because where is vj, it means there must be an artist nearby.

But this will not happen here. The hunter has feelings and wisdom, and will only patrol the cruise in accordance with the route established in advance. There is not much intelligent search ability. The black sunglasses worn on his face are actually photography lenses. Seeing speeding players or specific abnormal sounds in the camera, hunters will hunt.

As for vj, the air is non-existent in the eyes of hunters, and it doesn't care.

During the hunting process, if the acceleration team disappears from the sight of the hunter, the hunter will only chase a short distance at most according to the inertia. If the target disappears from the sight of the hunter for more than 3 seconds, the hunting footsteps of the hunter will stop and search nearby. Fan, if you can't find it, you will return to the original position and patrol again.

Accelerators must be familiar with such settings, and use rules to improve their survival rate. The best way is to run back and use obstacles to block the sight of the hunter instead of running away in a straight line.

Speeding up the speed of the team members and hunters is to find death. This batch of hunters brought from China are all trained masters, most of them graduated from sports schools, some are fitness coaches, and some are models ~ ~ There are also veterans who have retired from various sports teams. All of them are tall, strong, and cool and handsome sportsmen.

These hunters have almost reached the level of national second-level athletes. The 100-meter sprint has an explosive power of about 12 seconds, within 1500 meters within 4 minutes, and 10,000 meters within 35 minutes. Basically, a two-hour program is recorded. Four people After killing more than 20 acceleration players, they didn't even sweat much.

After 81 seconds, there was a loud noise, a white smoke burst out, the hunter's box door opened, four black suits, black sunglasses, and a cold-looking hunter rushed out like a tiger. The four of them followed the other six, as if As planned, Si scattered!

Zhang Yishan walked quickly in the street. From time to time, he looked back. When he passed the narrow intersection, he would lean on the corner to see if he had no hunters and then quickly crossed the street.

He was not looking for Zheng Endi in a place where the Koreans were hiding, as Yang An had thought. He had been holding a flame in his heart, which was inexplicable.

Just like when he was studying, his grades were pretty good. He was always the teacher's darling. The class cadres respected by the classmates and the female classmates secretly loved them. Suddenly, he was transferred from the ordinary class to the rocket class. The master, the grades are not weak to him, the female students are not so bad at him, the teacher also ignores, the feeling of loss, tangle, depression, and anger is the same as now.

I want to be a man who can turn the tide and change the world!

Zhang Yishan secretly resolved that he was going to do something big!

He trot cautiously all the way, the goal is the direction the Japanese team left, it is you! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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