The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 819: Grim Reaper informs troops! four four

He ca n’t move himself. The Korean goddess is reluctant to think about it. He wants to pit or pit the Japanese. This is Zhang Yishan ’s most direct thought. He feels that his physical condition has reached the best. To pit, it is now!

The hunter won't recognize it, but I can recognize it!

Zhang Yishan was silent, and along the way he had seen at least three Japanese artists hiding places. Although he did not know who it was, he had no psychological burden to hang up.

He clenched his fists, his protective gloves were strong, and his knee pads and wrists did not feel stagnation. The air-cushion running shoes could barely feel the weight, and he was about to take off.


Suddenly, a scream came from behind, Zhang Yishan quickly turned back, he saw Ma Xin!

Ma Xin during the rush also noticed Zhang Yishan in front, but he didn't have time to shout. A bald hunter was chased about 20 meters behind him. He was almost half-squat and inclined, and his hands became swinging machetes. !!

For a moment, Zhang Yishan's mind came up with a crazy idea. He actually pointed at the corner of the left hand and shouted, "Run over there!"

Then he slowly accelerated, like a relay race, and eventually maintained the same speed as Ma Xin. He became a straight line, attracting hunters to chase himself!


Kenta Maeda, who was not far away hiding on the second floor, said in shock, he couldn't believe that there was such a tactic. Was he going to sacrifice himself and save his companions?

This bald hunter chased Ma Xin before, and he must have run a distance of at least 50 meters. Now he sprints in a straight line for 30 meters. His body has already been used up and has entered a decline period. The body ’s oxygen uptake Extremely increased, began to break down amino acids, and lost the strongest burst energy.

And Zhang Yishan was prepared. He was almost stuck at speed, always kept 20 meters in front of the hunter, and constantly walked through the streets and lanes.


A small voice in front came and ran along, Zhang Yishan had only one time to shout rry, and was annoyed for a second that he could not harm the girl, and began to return to run with the hunter.

Japanese girls can harass more slowly, take the lead and take the Japanese men first, this is Zhang Yishan's battle plan.

Watanabe Mayo had good luck. When she saw Zhang Yishan being chased, she rushed out, ran up the second floor, and tried to escape from a high place.

The bald hunter below judged the threat coefficient, and after Watanabe Mayu disappeared into sight, he continued to pursue Zhang Yishan.

Unfortunately, standing tall makes it easier for other hunters to find it. Another hunter found Watanabe Mayo who ran on the second floor overpass and chased him vertically from 50 meters away.

Watanabe Mayo escaped very simply, it was enough to drill into a building, but the hunters brought by her and Zhang Yishan confuse the area, making the chicken jump, and hiding in a place is no longer safe. Here Without a safe place, everyone must escape!

After fleeing 200 meters, Zhang Yishan's crazy escape almost exhausted his explosive physical strength, but the hunter's speed also dropped and was thrown away!

For a moment, Zhang Yishan almost hit the edge of the glove box at the corner. Fortunately, he was blocked by the knee pads. He just stabbed at the edge of the box, but it still hurts a bit. Fortunately, there is a half-opened rolling shutter next to him. On the ground, I rolled in from under the gate, and I couldn't help crying and laughing, and I could only crawl along with him.


Zhang Yishan gasped, his face twisted, his body undulating, and he said intermittently, "It's terrible. The speed of the hunter is terrible."

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang suddenly, Zhang Yishan was in a happy mood, took it out and saw that, sure enough, a Japanese male artist was arrested!

Boo boo!

Zhang Yishan seemed to see a shadow flashing under the shutter. He quickly turned off the light of the mobile phone and felt that it was inappropriate. Then he pushed the mobile phone from the hem of his clothes into his arms, and pressed his belly with his hands, for fear that it would make a noise, which caused the hunters outside the door. note.

The bald-headed hunter who was chasing was patrolling near the glove box. He was here with Zhang Yishan. Due to the program setting, he must look for 30 seconds in the vicinity, confirm the loss, and then leave.

The two met no more than 5 meters. Under the light of the camera, Zhang Yishan walked carefully into the store. This is a clothing store. A female owner in pajamas stood at the corner of the stairs, panicking with her chest, almost screaming. Come.

Zhang Yishan whispered secretly, raised one hand to hiss, and then pointed and then pointed outside the door, making a helpless gesture, but unfortunately did not dare to say anything, so much fun!

Jingle Bell

A dull cell phone ringtone rang, and Zhang Yishan's head was too big. This was from his cell phone hidden in front of his stomach. The second person must have been arrested!

But the moment he reached in, the female shopkeeper was finally frightened and screamed at high frequencies.

This time, the bald hunter patrolled outside the shop finally heard. He turned back and lifted the hem of the rolling gate with one hand. He pulled the rolling gate with a stab, and the light came in, finally facing Zhang Yishan!

Just when Zhang Yishan's thoughts were destroyed and his hands were ready to die, suddenly, the hunter heard the instructions and stood still!

And at this time, the mobile phone in Zhang Yishan's hand rang for the third time, the first phase of the game ended, three people were arrested, 10 hunters paused, 6 disappeared, only 4 were left, and the bald hunter in front of him disappeared. On the list, he was lucky to escape!

Seeing the bald hunter turn around and leave, Zhang Yishan slumped in the corner, only then remembered that there were still people behind him, and he turned back and said rry, and fled here quickly.

Zhang Yishan violated the rules. This is one. The truth is that a couple lives in this store. When the man went out to prepare goods in the morning, he did not close the rolling gate and was drilled in by Zhang Yishan, which led to such a misunderstanding.

In the acceleration of all employees, it is not counted in public places such as the film and television city or shopping malls. In the escape scene of urban streets, private invasion of private houses is not allowed, and traffic laws are not allowed to be violated.

All such wonderful shots have to be cut off. Starting from Zhang Yishan's almost hitting the glove box, all his shots will not be edited out later, and the production team will immediately send someone to do aftercare work. A Japanese female director directed the shop. The boss provided comfort and compensation.

Three hasty text messages finally lifted the first mountain on everyone's shoulders.

Two Japanese artists and one Korean artist were arrested and now become 421, everyone is relieved.

Yang An didn't know what Zhang Yishan had done. He thought that the Japanese were unlucky. He wouldn't have thought that Zhang Yishan would do that. After the show was broadcast, Zhang Yishan's psychological activities would definitely not be hit. This kind of Yin Zhao can only be done in the shade, and must not be placed on the table!

The countdown was only 115 minutes, three people were arrested, and the remaining people could finally do the task.

At this time, the command center set up in a secret room of TV TOK applied the settings of Kepler Planet Commander, and the commander released the first task. Of course, these high-tech pictures can be put in post-production. In front of the battlefield, the general director Du Xiaolei took the walkie-talkie in order.

"Notify the troops of admission! Notify the troops of admission!"

"Successful release of a group!"

"The second group was released successfully!"

At this time, three squid-shaped flying objects quickly landed in the Harajuku area. Its shape was similar to that of the squid cleaning robot in the Matrix, and it even flew up in the sky.

The most important point is that it is relatively large. The main body is a large and medium-sized suspension flying device, but there is a tentacle kit of at least 11 in size. The joint has a metallic texture and a strong sense of technology. It has ten long contact wrists. At the end of each touching the wrist is an eye-shaped camera, which is very scary!

The Matrix has been seen by almost everyone. This killing robot is a human nightmare. Several artists who heard the sound looked up and saw them in the white air, almost all frightened!


Several people couldn't help crying out, these swear words were destined to be unable to be photographed.


Li Guangzhang raised his head for a half, and saw the squid flying device flying in the distance. He was intimidated and indented: "What is this? How could this thing appear?"

Chen Ou also saw it. He quickly hid under an ornamental tree, for fear of being discovered by the air forces. He was facing his own face and couldn't believe it: "Is this the number one in the air?"

That's right, this is the number one in the sky!

The three air reconnaissance crews became a group of notified troops ~ ~ The idea came from the extreme challenge of the Red Maple escape. This is a setting strongly requested by Yang An. The air forces are added in. This is fun!

What about the second group of the notification army?

Yang An happened to walk into the second floor of a shopping mall, and through the glass, saw a scene that made his eyes almost fall.

Three deaths!

That's right, three deaths!

The pale skull mask, the long black mop, with a huge sickle on the back, and at least 3 meters high death, are patrolling around the square where everyone starts!

"Oh my God"

Yang An was really scared!

Who came up with this setting?

Obviously, three people played on stilts, and their body proportions were extremely uncoordinated, but why did it look scalp?

"What the hell!"

"very scary!"

"Oh my gosh, what are these things?"

"Mom, how terrible"

The remaining acceleration members either saw the squid flying device or the Death Patrol team, all scared to move.

Jingle Bell!

Ringtones like Life Slayer, this is the mission post!

"Mission 1: Stop reporting troops! Six mission members were notified in the mission area. Once the accelerated team members were found, they would send position information to the hunters! To stop them, you must press the three stop buttons in the area at the same time!"


The remaining 21 survivors almost shouted in unison.

This is an impossible task!

: Thank you for the great reward of the leader "only here." Come and vote for a recommendation. Red envelopes for monthly passes are getting harder to grab now. You can also vote for me. These days happen to be double monthly ticket periods. To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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