The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 826: Ruined by one's greed

Li Guangdi saw the scene where Zhang Yishan counterattacked the hunter, and he was very envious of the bundle of Xianxuo. He is also a mixed running man, and his physical fitness is okay. If he holds a bundle of Xianxuan in his hand, it must be a tiger and he will survive The odds are higher, he didn't know it before, now he knows, this task must be done.

He came to the back of the temptation door again, but did not expect to see Yang An who was staying there.

"Sorry, sorry ... what are you doing?"

Li Guangxi kept bending down to apologize. He really didn't know what to say. He was surprised when he saw an NP standing beside Yang An with a fixed rope around his waist.

"I'm doing the task."

Yang An was in no mood to chat with Li Guangxi, he was watching left and right, worried that the hunter would find out.

This task is very daddy. He came here a minute ago. NP introduced it like this: "You can get a bundle of cents from here, but you have to pay a fixed price for 1 minute. Next you can get the first 2 bundles of cents, but the second fixed time is 2 minutes. If you are not satisfied, you can take the third one, the third fixed time is 3 minutes, and each person can take up to 3. "

Sin of sin!

This was the first thought that Yang An jumped out of his heart and secretly made him suffer.

Greed of human nature is the original sin. Other evils are supplements and extensions. He is also a kind of greed. The ultimate result is definitely to kill himself. The purpose of this task is to examine human nature!

The time passed more than ten seconds, with a click, the organ tied around Yang An's waist opened automatically, the rope was broken, Yang An got the bucket from the pop-up shelf and was free to move.

Li Guangzhang had heard the explanation from NP's mouth, and his heart was moving. He saw that Yang An was okay, and his courage also grew up. He asked Yang An: "Do you want to continue?"

Yang An shook her head and gave up her seat. Li Guangxi happily stood up, picked up the belt of the organ, and tied herself up.

Yang An said: "Guang Ye, if someone else comes over, will you let the seat open?"

The NP, who is fluent in the three languages, is helping to translate. Li Guangzheng doesn't know what Yang An means, but he nodded. Yang An said good, then quietly left here, and continued to hide in the shop by the square to observe here.

Yang An didn't believe what Li Guanghuai said. The betrayer was not so easy to change himself, and the task seemed not dangerous. Li Guanghuai really gave the opportunity to others? not necessarily!

Now there are 9 people left. The best solution is for 9 people to line up here. 1 person for 1 minute, everyone can take a bundle of immortals to claim their lives.

If it was Li Guangye who wanted to get three, he would waste 6 minutes, which is equivalent to reducing the chances of other people's survival. To put it plainly, is it a temptation of humanity, is it good for everyone, or is it alone?

One minute was up. Li Guangxi got a bundle of cents. He secretly encouraged himself to say yes and looked around. No trace of the hunter was found, and he continued to say to NP: "I want to get the second one!"

He studied the barrel in his hand, the countdown continued, and the fixed time of 2 minutes was full of more risks, but he was holding a bundle of cents in his hand. If a hunter came after him, he could use it immediately!

"There must be risks, but I believe my luck should not be so bad?"

Li Guang stomped his feet and looked around and said to himself: "Why aren't there? Why don't they come to do this task?"

Others did not come, but looked at the door of temptation. Everyone was worried. The massacre just now was really vivid and no one wanted to go through it again.

At 54 minutes, the situation changed. A hunter walked to the square to patrol in the direction of the temptation gate.

Li Guangxun didn't know, because he couldn't see the hunter because of his sight. At this time he just got the second bundle of cents. He said to np: "Hurry up, I want to get the third one!"

With two bundles of immortal cords in hand, Li Guanghuan was very confident. In his opinion, it was just taking another minute of risk. It was a big deal that he had used both bundles of immortal cords.

"Fool! Too greedy!" Li Xuan murmured secretly when he saw the scene.

"The hunters are here, why hasn't he left yet?" Jessica hid in the attic on the second floor and saw the scene, asking worriedly.

Zhang Yishan and Yang An merged together. The two hid behind the counter, exposed their heads and looked at the door of temptation. Qi Qi sighed, "This is life!"

53 minutes, the hunter found Li Guanghuan, who could not move, and speeded up.

"Oh oh oh !!!"

Li Guangxi was dumbfounded. He wanted to run away, but was **** around his waist. How did he escape?

The hunter was flying fast. Li Guangxi held a bucket in one hand and dropped one in a hurry. He pointed the bucket at the hunter and snapped a rope to catch the hunter. The hunter's limbs were entangled and stopped 4 meters in front of Lee Outside, struggling.

"Scared me! Scared me!"

Li Guang shuddered, seeing that the hunter was unravelling the net, he was slightly calmed down, but the next second, he saw the barrel still rolling, and soon collapsed: "Come back! Come back!"

The falling barrel was rolling, exceeding the maximum distance he could reach. He was tied around his waist and couldn't move at all. Even if he stretched his legs enough, there was still a short distance. What can he do?

There is still 2 minutes to the fixed countdown. The hunter is slowly breaking away. Li Guangxun leaned against the wall in fear and shivered. The wall he leaned on was the door to temptation. It was really ironic!

"Li Guangxi is over!"

"No one can save him ..."

"Take two and don't leave, haha ​​..."

Many survivors saw this scene, sighed, shook their heads and sighed. Sure enough, if people can't resist the temptation of the outside world, if they are too greedy, they will easily fall into this sad end.

The 15 people detained in the cage beside the square were also talking and waving their fists.

"Take your own fault!"

"Did he go in just now? Retribution!"

"Li Guangye, give up, come with us, there is still a place here!"

"What a lesson for everyone ..."

Li Guangzhen must have regretted it at the moment. He could only beg the hunter not to arrest him, but begging was useless. The hunter spent a minute to break free and easily grab him!

Jingle Bell!

Li Guangzhang was arrested, he was destroyed in his greed, and 8 people were left!

Many people have feelings. Li Guangzheng is imprisoned. Others can't say anything in front of them. In fact, several people are secretly thinking: "Deserve your kid!"

A fan also saw Li Guangzhen being arrested throughout the process, she said to the camera: "This is not good ... it is almost 4 million now, should I be able to surrender?"

4 million yen is the annual salary of ordinary white-collar workers in the city. Such a temptation is enough. A fan said with a smile: "I'm sure I won't stick to the end. I'll take it as soon as I see it ..."

Accelerating members do what they do, do not do tasks, help others, whether to hide or run, when to surrender, feel free to, a fan to surrender, the director will never stop her.

But the surrender point is located on the edge of the square, which is also an open place. Want to surrender your money? It also depends on whether you have this luck!

There are always hunters patrolling the square. Although the location is different, it is not wise to surrender to the square.

A fan has been waiting for the opportunity, but luck seems to be far away from her, until 30 minutes, she was not determined to run out.

In 30 minutes, the command center sent a fifth mission: "Two carrier helicopters appeared in the air in the suburbs of Tokyo, containing 30 hunters. The helicopters will land at Harajuku Square in 15 minutes. The acceleration team members need to get the key to close the GPS positioning box. , The key is hidden on a mechanical mouse. "

There is something similar to a satellite antenna in the center of the square. Everyone did n’t know what it was before. Now I know that this is a GPS positioning system. Below is a control box similar to a street light base. After the key is turned on, the power can be turned off. Without accurate GPS positioning signals, Harajuku Plaza cannot be found.

"What is a mechanical mouse?"

Everyone was curious. A picture was displayed on the mobile phone, and I saw a bunch of small mechanical toys like mice on the ground. Of course, they are relatively large, tens of centimeters long, and they are remotely controlled at a glance. On the terrazzo platform, the ground is smooth and can be seen, and the reflection can be seen in the picture.

Yang An reluctantly said to Zhang Yishan: "This is to exhaust our physical strength ~ ~ to the limit! Remote control mechanical mouse, how many can you catch?"

Zhang Yishan shrugged: "How do I know! I now feel sore legs and can't run."

Yang An said: "This task must be done. If you can't run, you have to run. After 15 minutes, 30 hunters will be released, which is more terrifying than the door of temptation. Our 100 will destroy the group."

Zhang Yishan sighed: "It goes without saying that in the 15 minutes, someone will definitely be arrested! Let the fate of you ..."

No one dares to pack the ticket and he will survive. This time, it must be done by all the members. Otherwise, there is only the possibility of destroying the group.

Do not!

Yang An suddenly remembered one thing: "You can surrender!"

Zhang Yishan was startled: "Is anyone really going to surrender? Before opening the door of temptation, I persuade Li Guangzhang and a fan to surrender, but neither of them ..."

"That's because the temptation is not big enough. The reward of more than 1 million yen was only 60 minutes ago. That money is not enough to surrender. After 60 minutes, the amount will increase and accelerate, and after 30 minutes, it will accelerate again. As long as it enters within 30 minutes, it will soon It can reach 4 million yuan. This temptation is big enough. I believe many people are thinking about surrendering, right? "

Yang An expressed her worries and then sighed, "People don't care about loyalty, just because the weight of betrayal is not heavy enough, so cruel reality!"

Indeed, many people are thinking about surrendering themselves. Let's end it all quickly, too tired, too suffering, need to be nervous all the time, need to be frightened, too uncomfortable!

Li Guangzheng has been arrested, who can do it from the capital today, only a fan can't! I was arrested for fighting, and I must not let her take money away after she betrayed her!

Zhang Yishan calmly said: "Let's do the task first!" Friends who are not going to continue ~ ~, you can search for "Blue Book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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