The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 827: Doing the same at the same time!

Fifteen mechanical mice roamed in a restricted area, and it was clear that someone was controlling it.

The mechanical mouse has sufficient power, flexible steering, and fast speed. The staff members are holding the remote control and playing in the dark. They are very exhausted, but they are already exhausted after suffering the pain. , Almost drained of the last physical strength.

The capture area of ​​mechanical mice is not large, but one person can absolutely not complete the task. The best way is to go in and surround them. Even if the remote control is better, there will always be unlucky rats.

After seeing the mortal mission, Jiang Yiyi, who had rested for more than an hour, finally walked out of the building.

Because of Yang An ’s paired clothes, she was very open. She believed that Yang An would persist until the end, so she cut herself out, becoming more aggressive, active, and bolder. She even dared not run away after seeing the hunter, and It was hiding behind a corner of a flower bed and waiting for the hunter to walk by, and then stomping away from the hunter. Little Loli's cleverness made many vj like it.

Jiang Yiyi came to the mission area and found that Yang An had arrived and was catching the mouse, while Zhang Yishan seemed absent-minded and left after a while running, Yang An didn't ask.

"How to catch?"

"Follow me! Hurry up! See if there is a key on its belly. Turn it over!"

For a brief exchange, Jiang Yiyi grabbed one without the key, and she turned the mechanical mouse over so that it could no longer run.

Raise one's foot and kick one, but unfortunately it is still empty.

Chasing the third one, slipping too fast, I could n’t catch the turn-back run, Jiang Yiyi stopped and said to Yang An, "This is not a good job, Yang brother, you have to call someone to help!"

Yang An held her cell phone and signaled: "I just sent a message just now, they should all be going this way."

In fact, with the exception of a fan, everyone is slowly approaching the mission site. Everyone understands that missions that cannot be completed within 15 minutes are missions. As long as you want to survive, you must do the mission.

Unfortunately, as long as it is a task, someone will accidentally expose themselves.

Jessica was carefully looking at the front. She did not notice a hunter appearing in the alley behind her. The hunter was chasing fast. Jessica heard the footsteps and looked back. It was too late at this time. The hunter quickly decelerated and caught her. She didn't even do the rebellion, she moaned, and leaned on the rest bench beside her, leaving 7 people left!

"too tired……"

Jessica leaned her legs together, tilted to one side, leaned on the calf muscles and held it. Although not tired, the image should not be ugly. She straightened her pretty nose and smiled at the camera. "I Absolutely ... it's better to strengthen my body and then participate in this show ... I ran at least 3,000 meters today ... more tired than the concert. "

Jingle Bell!

A fan saw the text message of Jessica being caught and covered her mouth in surprise: "Don't she have a net gun? Why is she still caught? It's terrible!"

She didn't know that Jessica's props were used when the door to temptation was opened for the first time, so Jessica's arrest was also accounted for by her account.

Not long after Jessica was arrested, there were four people playing the mechanical mouse game in the square together, and there were also seven mechanical mice that were overturned to the ground. When the form was good, Jiang Yiyi accidentally looked up, and suddenly Shouted in horror: "Hunter!"

Yang An followed the prestige without thinking, immediately pulling Jiang Yiyi to escape, while not forgetting to warn his companions behind him: "Run! Hunter is here!"

The hunter sprinted in a straight line.

Takayuki Tanaka was stared at. He was forced to enter the temptation gate before. To atone for the sin, he worked hard to do the task when he came out. Overstretching physical strength did not give him too much acceleration. He kept looking back at the others and confirmed that everyone had fled. Afterwards, he stopped at the entrance fence of the Gate of Seduction, holding the door with both hands, and let the hunter handle it.

"Woohoo ... this is ... destiny ..."

Takayuki Tanaka looked at the symbol of Eden, sighing with a grin: "I can persist in high-tech surveillance ... I can avoid the pursuit of death ... I try hard to do the task ... I did not expect to lose in the end. Under the temptation of ... this is the situation I have participated in 4 escapes ... never happened ... "

Tanaka Zhuozhi simply lay down, looking at the blue sky, his chest was still undulating, he smiled: "I feel better suddenly ... because I have no psychological burden ... this is liberation ..."

Jingle Bell!

The arrest message rang again, and there were 6 people left, and the time came to 25 minutes!

After learning that the master of the task, the show veteran Tanaka Zhuozhi was arrested. A was panicked. She began to run. The goal was the phone booth at b: "I want to surrender ... I must surrender! Even Tanaka Jun was caught. ... I must not stick to the end ... "

She ran to the phone booth. She had to pass through the jail halfway. More than a dozen people saw her. Several people shouted the name of a fan. Finally, when she came to the phone booth, everyone was exclaimed. I didn't know where she was going. What are you doing?

"She wants to turn herself in!"

"Oh my god, this is really ..."

"4 million, you can surrender, a fan sauce, you really have a good abacus!"

"Awesome ~"

Everyone is speechless. Because of their face, it is inconvenient to swear in front of the camera, but from the heart, who wants to see this woman running away with money at the last minute? Such people are the most hateful!

Several people shouted, "A fan, hold on!"

"They are doing the task. You cannot surrender!"

"Go help the rest?"

"Must stick to the end ~"

A fan is unmoved, still pick up the microphone. After the other party answered, she just said a word: "What is it? What is it ... Ah!"


Just twenty meters away!

A fan screamed and threw away the microphone, and was frightened to run away. The hunter rushed over, which was a few seconds, and quickly approached within ten meters!

Everyone in the jail clenched their fists. Most of them shouted, "Hunter, come on," but only a snap, the barrel in A's hand exploded, and the bundle of immortal cords shot out, binding the hunter tightly!

"Oh my God……"

"I have forgotten that she has this in her hand! She obviously has props. Why did she open the door to temptation?"

"Can't understand, can't evaluate!"

"This woman is really ... so creative!"

Does this game really have the bad guys in the right place, win the prize for selfishness, and the dark and selfless death of the Grand Duke? Many people dare not think, really, a fan has returned and she came to the phone booth again, she began to surrender again!

The bound hunter is definitely not so easy to break free. It takes at least a minute. That is how Li Guangying died in the hands of the hunter. One minute is enough to surrender twice!

A fan was about to speak again. Suddenly, a rush of footsteps came from behind. The prison area exclaimed, and when Zhang Yishan ran wild, he shouted, "I want to surrender!"

Shouting, Zhang Yishan hurriedly ran across the jail area, pounced on the phone booth where A fan was, and grabbed the handrail of the phone booth to stop and stand, watching the hunter chasing behind him.

"Ah ~"

With the scream of a fan, the hunter grabbed her, the first target in the sight of the hunter locked on the nearest a fan, and then without hesitation, the hunter caught Zhang Yishan who ran to the collapse and gave up the resistance. Double kill!

"Good job!"

Zhen Ling was the most excited. She kept her mouth open and didn't hide her. She was just cool, happy, and excited.

Heaven has eyes!

Many people in the prison were relieved. Although a fan was caught by the hunter, many people felt worthless and sorry for Zhang Yishan.

Ma Xin just sighed: "Zhang Yishan was miserable today. Starting from the gate of temptation, he wasted a bunch of immortals and he didn't say anything. He also carried a name for entering the gate of temptation. Now he wants to redeem himself, but can't help but sacrifice himself. Stop her ... hey, I'm really worthless for him. "

Tian Liang whispered beside him: "What else can we do together? The rules of the game are like this. Doing tasks and surrendering are all free power. Yes, yes, the betrayal of the temptation gate makes us all angry, But we are men, and the camera is facing the camera. You ca n’t just grab someone for a meal, right? "

Ma Xin rolled her eyes: "No need to fight ~ ~ Let me see, let her succeed, let her take the money out, and you look, I promise the audience will scold her into a ball ! "

Tian Liangdao: "Although it is such a rationale, I can only say that Zhang Yishan is a **** man. He cannot rub the sand in his eyes. He is a little impulsive! Hey, he is a timid and timid man in a running man, never Only he betrays others ... "

Ma Xindao: "This is not a running man, this is a new show, and it involves the true three views of each of our guests. Okay, now that the boat has become a boat, there are only four people left. I think it is very mysterious. The regiment is here. "

A fan was really stunned. She really wanted to ask Zhang Yishan why he brought the hunter. Did she intentionally hurt her? The loss of more than 4 million yen really made her very sad!

But after Zhang Yishan was arrested, he ignored her, and instead took the initiative to walk to the nearby cell, high-five with his Chinese companions, hug Japanese and Korean friends who liked him, and was treated by the hero.

After A got in, she only stood in the corner with a few Japanese artists and ignored her. Even if someone was talking to her, it was meaningless and bland language, and she seemed to take her as air.

Yes, this show is very open and free.

But being a human cannot achieve this level, what about getting 5 million yen? Worth losing your girl group career? Only those hilarious entertainers who deliberately hacked, such as a variety show coffee with a label like Li Guangying, can do this. You, an idol star, go for fun, you really have a bad brain!

No one sympathizes with a fan. With 20 minutes left, 30 hunters will be released. There are 4 people left. Can they win? To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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