The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 846: Undead Rock

These three axes are very sharp in the industry.

Those who are eligible to buy tickets must first be on the official website of Enron Film and Entertainment, or the official website of Extreme Challenge, or a senior registered member of the Yang family ’s fan concentration camp. "Recharge" and other active record people, sleeping and zombie users do not meet the requirements, you know, all users of Enron's website must be registered in real name!

This requirement has caused quite a lot of dissatisfaction in the country, of course, most of them are scalpers. If all the tickets have a real-name system, how can they make money?

There are a few people who are dissatisfied. They like the Enron series variety shows, but they have no habit of registering or posting on the Internet. Just like some people watch online novels, they pay for photos and look after books, but they never vote. And the habit of writing book reviews is not active, but it cannot be said that such people are not true fans.

To this end, Enron accepts manual applications and fills out a questionnaire. After manual review, it will confirm that these are real fans, and then give the real-name account the qualification to purchase tickets.

The second trick is 10,000 tickets per month. When the "Extreme Challenge" is broadcast every week, you can scan the code through your mobile phone and enter the app-specific ticket grabbing interface. You can also collect each time the extreme challenge is broadcast. From time to time, the man who jumped out of the TV screen helped the small doll with the QR code and paid attention to the sign-in, which increased the chance of winning the ticket.

The third measure is to update the verification code without restriction.

In the past, there were 30,000 fixed verification codes in the 12306 verification code question bank. The scalper party used the server group to access the 12306 website. It quickly exhausted all the verification codes and cracked them.

However, the verification code of the Enron app is almost endless, and it will change every 30 minutes. How many videos have they saved in ten years? Just take a picture of a person and ask the star's name, this is the verification code. Wait one minute before the ticket is grabbed, and then update the database. All the ticket grabbing software will be dumbfounded.

In these three ways, the ox will be fart, and can only watch a lot of opportunities to make money slip away from his eyes, anxious.

You know, gd has held concerts in China the previous year. The maximum ticket price is 20,000 yuan, which is more than 10 times the face price. Many young girls want a ticket. Unfortunately, they have no money or ca n’t buy it. You can use the form of sleeping together to get a ticket for the party of the oxen. The oxen can make money and treat their sisters. Why are they unhappy?

Now, a starting ticket of 388 yuan is really low, the price of area a near the stage is the highest, and it is only 2,000 yuan, and there is no increase on the Internet, because the official website said that there will be a quadruple verification. All fingerprints, voices, passwords, and ID cards must be on the same number. The ticket holder must be the person to enter the venue.

Also grab a fart, the cattle are crying!


Seven days later, "Extreme Challenge" struck again, and the highlights of the second phase of the song contest were released. This time the production team finally found out with conscience and decrypted the rest of the team.

The helper Huang Bo invited is the Red Wolf Band. This is awesome. Huang Xiao is the first person in Chinese contemporary rock music. The combination of these two people need not be thought about, it must be rock, and the Red Wolf has toured the country many times. Now, the concert stage experience is extremely rich. There is almost no one in the country. Can such a combination still have opponents?

"I'm going! The first person in domestic rock is here, and the others have not surrendered quickly?"

"This is how it feels to have a concert!"

"Huang Bo is absolutely playing hi. If there is a red wolf, they will help, and they will definitely get a good ranking!"

"Rock is the best!"

The audience shouted in their hearts, when they saw a group of Red Wolf bands wearing cool sunglasses, accompanied Huang Bo in their practice studio, auditioned "Swing Together", Huang Bo held a microphone and roared, and Huang Xiao The two scrambled for the camera, and the familiar melody immediately exploded the audience in front of the TV.

"Let's swing together!"

"Swing together!"

"Forget all the pain!"

"Swing together!"

"What will happen tomorrow?"

"Who knows!"

"So let's enjoy ourselves at this moment!"

"Swing together!"

This rock and brainwashing divine tune was first sung by Yang An nine years ago with the Red Wolf band at the China Workers Stadium. It hit the country and swept the major lists, occupying the first place in the major lists. As long as 45 days, and listened to it nine years later, it is still a well-deserved rock classic, and it immediately evoked the audience's meeting, and produced great resonance!

Reality show, reality show, as long as you see the real person show on the screen, no matter what he is doing, it is all good-looking, even though the extreme challenge now seems to become the v music station ~ ~ but then again how? Follow your favorite celebrity, that's enough!


"Just want this feeling!"

Many viewers shouted this sentence at the same time as Huang Bo. Huang Bo and Huang Xiao gave a high-five with a smile, and said, "That's the feeling! Sing this kind of rock, and you can definitely turn around the audience by then, and 40,000 people follow us. Hi, with salute, flames, lasers, wow ~ that feels great! "

Huang Bo's remarks brought the audience into an endless imagination, but Huang Xiao pulled everyone back in one sentence: "But it's hard to write a rock song that exceeds" Swing Together ". This song came out nine years ago Now, the rock songs that have surpassed it in recent years are not more than 5. My brother, I am not afraid to lose face in front of the national audience. This song is composed and composed by Yang An. You let me surpass him in 100 days. Original author? Hehe, hehe ... Chen Ye can't do it ... "

A group of people from the Red Wolf band laughed. The relationship between them and Yang An was too close. There was no problem joking between friends, and it was no problem to raise Zhuang. Besides, this kind of thing is not a secret. It ’s more frank, Red Wolf It is also impossible for the band to lose the status of the domestic rock and roll scene because of this song.

Huang Bo reluctantly said, "We can't admit defeat so easily, why not give me the title song of your next album?"

Huang Xiao laughed, and all the Red Wolf band laughed: "Forget it, let's take a good total and see how crazy it is!"

Huang Bo shook hands with him again: "Rock is not dead!"

"Rock is not dead!"

Everyone roared together and made rock gestures together. This group was also established, and they will participate in rock songs! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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