The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 847: Three thousand tickets in three seconds!

Yang An, who has been deliberately concealed by the production team, has finally come up with his partner.

Due to the restrictions given by several other people, he could only choose unknown musicians within one year of his debut.

In the end, Yang An chose the campus band from the first episode of Extreme Challenge, the "vioceline" of Hongfeng University of Science and Technology.

After more than 10 months, I entered the production team of the extreme challenge again. The members of the sound band seemed to fall into a dream, and for a long time I couldn't believe it was true.

"Hello, teacher!"

The five big boys bowed together at Yang An, and saw a large group of people, such as cameras, agents, directors, music directors, stylists, assistants, etc. Everyone was frightened and somewhat restrained.

Yang An laughed: "What are you so nervous about? Let Teacher Liu make up your makeup and let's start."

The Voice Band debuted just one year ago. It was a campus band before graduating this year. Instead of looking for a job, they are preparing to make their own original music. Occasionally, they also participate in some small band competitions. Sometimes they perform "Night Sky" on a non-profit basis. "The Brightest Star", which is the work they have accompanied Yang An. Their two original songs are not well-known and fully meet the requirements.

After understanding these situations, Yang An said, "I met you in the first episode of Extreme Challenge. Is it a coincidence?"

Everyone nodded, thanking them for their coincidence and a more lively atmosphere.

Yang Andao: "So after I got the assignment, the first thought that came up was you. Is there a song that doesn't sing like this? There is a chance to meet for thousands of miles, but it ’s hard to hold hands across the other side. Cultivate sleep together ... well, it seems wrong ... let's come back to this one! "

The sudden emergence of "Love" made the vocal band collectively stunned, stunned on the spot, I don't know how to respond, and the director and agent also supported their heads and laughed.

The task of the vocal band is simple. Help the accompaniment and improve the details of the vocal part of the song written by Yang An. Let ’s rehearse and master it together.

After a happy exchange, Yang An put his hands together and said, "Then in the next three months, I'd like to ask you all, we all work together to strive for a good position in the song contest!"

The crowd shouted, "Fighting!"

The vocal band is also at its best, twice on the extreme challenge. These awards were not even enjoyed by many first-line stars. They directly signed an artist contract with Enron and hurry up with the help of Enron Li Jun and others. Time to improve themselves, whether it is musical instrument manipulation technology or creative skills, after the master's guidance, their strengths have leaped forward.

In this episode, Zhang Yixing's team candidates were also explained. The next day, he went to see iu. After careful discussion, they found that they were still not in line.

Zhang Yixing's dance is very good. If you want to maximize your advantage, it must be dance music.

gd and the sun are the masters in this area, and although iu's song style is changeable, it is still slightly lacking in dance. Rap ​​rap is rarely touched. After comprehensive consideration, Zhang Yixing chose gd.

It is just that his choice is the most painful. There are so many idol stars who can sing and dance in South Korea. It is very tangled for him with selective difficulty, and it will hurt some people inadvertently.

iu is like this, even if you do n’t invite at the beginning, everything is scheduled, but the pigeons are released in the end, it definitely feels a little uncomfortable, but the status and popularity of gd is much higher than her. Privately provided an irresistible temptation to help her organize a Chinese tour next year, and the two parties reached an agreement happily. Therefore, in the show, Zhang Yixing and iu broke up peacefully on the grounds that they did not match each other, and they were all happy. .

The last group is the cooperation of Shabei and Liu Feng. These two are old-fashioned academics, but in order to compete, they still have to find a way to break through themselves. The specific details are not shown. The details of Shabei's learning to sing are quite funny. Yes, Liu Feng is also a teacher Yan. He constantly beats him, saying that he is not as good as Yang An of that year. In the process of learning to sing, Sha made a lot of jokes.

After this episode aired, audiences across the country were excited.

"The six groups of singers with very different styles are all big names. What kind of sparks can they collide with? Really looking forward to it!"

"Rock must win!"

"Buy a ticket, you must buy a ticket to see the scene ~~~"

"Haha! I bought it, I bought it! Zone A, fifth row in Zone a!"

"Ah! I bought the first row of Area A! I am going to pass out with excitement!"

Because when this issue was broadcast, the official website released 3,000 tickets, many viewers took mobile phones to grab tickets ~ ~ a lucky man grabbed the tickets, and then posted in the official website forum to show off, Not proud.

Of the 3,000 tickets, there are a total of 2500 tickets in Zones C and B, and only 500 tickets in Zone A. The first two rows of the stadium are only a few hundred people in total. Those who can grab the first two rows are really lucky!

At the beginning, many people felt it did n’t matter. Seeing such a hot ticket rush scene, seeing the flaunting posts posted on the forum, as well as photos of fans crying and crying after grabbing the tickets, seeing college students The scene of pulling a banner to buy tickets, thinking that many fans are going to Korean stars, because only fanatics will do so.

Gradually, however, everyone found that the situation seemed a bit wrong.

Four extreme challenges were released in November, and the content of the song contest was not continued. However, some domestic big-name stars were invited. The same is true of the running men playing at the same time, or other Enron variety shows, as long as there are Guests, all will mention the Enron Art Festival on January 18th in the program, and these big-name stars basically said that they will definitely be welcome at that time.

What's wrong is that tickets are getting harder to grab.

The first 3,000 tickets were grabbed in the first 5 seconds, and in December, it became the grab in 3 seconds!

As time approaches, seeing more and more stars confirm their joining, which also means that more and more fans are joining the ticket grabbing army!

The direction of the wind in the forum is not correct. Previously, only those who grabbed the tickets for area A would have to dwell on the pictures, but now they can grab the tickets for area B. They are so happy that they can't agree. I believe that in the last month, they will get area c People who vote also frequently send friends to show up. Tens of millions of people across the country are envious and jealous. They just want to get a standing ticket but not ... (to be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience .

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