The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 858: Celebration opening!

At 6:45, the last 15 minutes counted down. All six teams in the lounge were seated, all of them were officially dressed to perform on stage. Only Yang An wore a formal outfit.

"Hey! Why are you so handsome?"

A group of people protested and saw that Yang An was dressed in a tall, tall figure, and all the hair, clothes and shoes were carefully matched, exuding the mature charm of a middle-aged man. What made others think?

Especially Shabei, wrapped in that over-the-knee down jacket, patted the table and protested, "Today you are the protagonist with great attention, do you want to give others a way to live?"

Everyone laughed, people were more angry than others, and everyone really couldn't be on the same stage with the same camera. The gap was too big.

Yang An repeatedly stooped to apologize: "The host is still a little more formal. When it is my turn to perform, I still have to dress up. Okay, time is running out, let me say a few words at the end. Extreme Challenge Song Contest It finally started. After 100 days, everyone who participated in the competition was very hard and worked very hard. I want to express my sincere thanks to everyone! "


Everyone applaud, this is proud. For this competition, no one was lazy and slacked off. They all worked hard for 100 or even 120, just for a few minutes to bloom today.

Yang Andao: "Because there will be a variety show awards later, if some of us win the prize, remember not to be stage frightened. I believe you are ready for the award?"

Everyone laughed and said that it was not prepared, that was a lie, but it was just a one-year broadcast of the extreme challenge to win the award. I am afraid that we can't convince the public. So many variety shows have accumulated for many years, and all are waiting to erupt The judging committee is not affected by celebrities, so it is really up to the fate of those present to win.

Yang Andao: "If you can't get the variety show award, you can get the award of the song contest. It's a good time to quit the variety show and enter the music scene, right?"

Everyone was joking, and the tension was gradually relaxed. Even before gd put his hand to his mouth, it seemed a little nervous. Now that the atmosphere is active, the newcomers of the vocal band also smile.

Ten minutes left, the deputy director signaled to start, Yang An stood up, took a few steps forward, and then turned around and bowed to everyone: "I'll take a step and see you later. Zhang Taizhi, waiting for you Great performance! Come on! "

"Come on!"

With everyone's expectations, Yang An took a deep breath and left the rest room with a smile.

He has been a host for nearly 10 years. He has countless lives on various stages. Only the peak night of good sound is such a large scale, but at that time he was only a host. Today, he is still a performer. He Mastering the main wheat of the biggest celebration in China, and integrating it into it, the feeling of integration is really special and difficult to describe.

When the door was opened, Rong Feifei and her two children stood in front of him with a grin, and Yang An's mood suddenly relaxed.

There is no confidant than his wife. At this time, he needs his family's company most!

He hugged his wife, kissed her cheek, then pulled the child's hand from left to right, squatted down and looked at them, lovingly touching their heads.

The child is big, thriving, healthy, and eccentric. The sisters and brothers kissed each other on both sides of Yang An, and then said with a smile: "Daddy is the best!"

Yang An was all soft, holding them left and right, kissing each other left and right: "You two are the best, you are my pride!"

Xiaoyin said pitifully: "Dad, shall we watch the show off stage?"

The scene was too noisy, and in case the scene was lively and the children were not safe, Yang An had never agreed to let the children attend the celebration. He promised his daughter's request. He never let his daughter down: "Okay, but you have to bring a soundproof plug and don't run around in a safe area."

Xiaoyin was overjoyed and rushed over again: "Thank you Dad ~~"

Yang An likes her daughter. She is almost unconditionally indulged. Her daughter is very similar to his personality. She is outgoing, lively, cheerful, knows how to make friends, and loves acting. She also works hard. Here it hurts her daughter even more.

Xiao Le also took the opportunity to make a request, and said a little timidly: "After the celebration, I have ... I have a surprise for you ~~"

Yang An smiled: "Thank you Xiaole, but after the celebration, my father will have to celebrate with many uncles, aunts, grandparents, it may be very late, can you wait for me?"

Xiao Le Zheng focused his head: "Okay!"

The son's personality is more similar to his mother's, a little cold, and not very active, but singing at a young age is very good, and perfectly inherits the advantages of professional singer Rong Feifei ~ ~ and looks pretty tall, Yang Usually, he will be harsher and harsher on his son, and he hopes to beat and hone. He has never spoiled his son like a spoiled daughter.

The deputy director reminded me twice. The family finally embraced each other and encouraged each other. Yang An waved his hand and walked towards the stage without turning back. Rong Feifei held the children's hands and shouted secretly to cheer.

A 10-second countdown began on the big screen of the stage, and the audience of 40,000 shouted in unison. Yang An stood on the side, took a deep breath, and when the lights went out, the audience cheered. He strode to the stage.

Oh ~~~

The moment I saw Yang An's figure, the audience burst out with the warmest shouts and screams. Everyone was shouting his name. The noise from the beginning gradually became a unified rhythmic harmony. Can't stop for a long time.

At this moment, Yang An felt particularly satisfied inside.

He brings joy to the audience, and the audience rewards him with enthusiasm and love. This is the meaning of his existence. It is worth the hard work and hard work all these years.

He bowed in three directions, very sincerely, and said, "Let everyone wait a long time, the first Enron Art Festival Awards Gala, the first Extreme Challenge Ballad Contest, now open!"

With the screams and cheers of the audience, a group of fireworks shot in front of the stage, which exploded into a dazzling firework rain in the night sky, and then ejected a second group of fireworks. It turned out to be a special word that formed the logo of the extreme challenge. !!

In the extreme challenge program, we were lucky enough to get the red maple city government's dazzling launch license. At the cost of our money, we created such a dreamy opening ceremony performance. The entire red maple stadium was shrouded in brilliant sparks. The heat wave is boiling, it seems that the whole city has heard cheers.

Celebration, start now! (To be continued.)

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