Looking at the shiny mobile phones, light sticks, small LED brands in all directions, and directly under the stage are the faces of familiar entertainment friends, Yang An felt very satisfied.

"Thank you for participating in the Enron Art Festival. This is a feast of variety shows. We like to watch variety shows and enjoy the laughs it brings us. We love variety shows because it is the purest and most relaxed. Watch the variety show, because we can never guess what the next episode will be, full of expectations. It's as if you can't guess what form I will use to combine awards and songs now. of……"

Before Yang An's words were finished, the audience was cheering.

"First, let us have the first group of guest guests, Zhang Yixing, Sun, gd, Zhang Taizhi, to bring the song" ohygod "!"

Screaming and roaring one after another. People who have seen the previous issues are quite impressed with this combination. Many people have learned the song clips released on TV and wait for this day.

The lights on the stage went dark, and Yang An's figure disappeared into the darkness. The scene quickly calmed down, collectively held his breath, and waited patiently until he saw three shadows in front of the big screen.

The screams rang slowly. In the dark, Zhang Yixing and his two big brothers bumped their fists, focused on their heads, and prepared for three months. At this moment, they were ready!



The hurried four drums beat the noise at the scene.

I only heard gd shouting, "areyouready?"

"Yeah !!"

The audience shouted in unison, holding up the led lights of the three names, and more often the mobile phone screensavers were changed to the three names and kept waving.

A sharp electric sound rises, the fierce drum beats are getting denser, and gd sings loudly: "give-e-that, drop-that! Give-e-that, oh-y-god!"

The three of them jumped up with the Wumei team. In the sound of heavy drums, eight groups of fireworks exploded in front of the stage. The entire venue was instantly lit, and the audience of 40,000 couldn't wait to jump along with the melody.

The first rap was sung by gd. Today he wore a shiny gold-colored sequin jacket, opened his chest, exposed a sweater with a low v-neckline and an open chest, and hung a glittering necklace. The whole person seemed to glow.

"Three months ago, I received a call and the extreme challenge came to invite us. When-i-feel-happy, no one can stop us, we must do our best to sing and dance. Line up before and after, let me Command by yourself, today is crazy Saturday, let the extreme challenge take you to fly! "

When gd finished singing and the stage was shrouded in flames, the sun's enchanting sound sounded, and the audience sang a chorus almost at the same time. Numerous audiences followed their bodies and sang loudly, "What does boobooboo need to say ..."




The drum beat was heavier than the sound, the stage screen was flashing with explosion effects, and the fans and audiences were enthusiastically immersed in the sun's "empty, empty, empty, making my heart beat even more" quickly integrated into his songs.

When Zhang Yixing jumped and sang, after singing his part, the music suddenly changed and became more intense than before.

At the same time, the second round of fireworks exploded, like thousands of gorgeous golden flowers and silver trees. The entire stadium was illuminated brightly, Zhang Yixing sang loudly: "let \\ s-go! Everyone present raised their hands to swing! With both hands raised above your head to swing! Dj-let-the-bass-dra-go! Everyone present raised their hands to swing! Both hands raised above their heads to swing! "

The whole atmosphere was hot, and most of the people followed by raising their hands and swinging with the music, their bodies beating involuntarily.

The large-scale snowflake effects landed from the stadium, shrouded the auditorium in front of the entire stage, and the laser light hit it, showing the magical beauty, coupled with fireworks, flames, dry ice and white mist, the stage became the center of the jubilant ocean. A lively party carnival officially kicked off!

When the last group of fireworks soared and exploded, singing and dancing ended, and all music stopped, the audience burst into super high decibels!

Many fans have lost their emotions. They are yelling at the names of the three people, waving their arms frantically and screaming, even if they break the sound, they are shouting, and even more excited when they pass out and are rushed by the security. To the next medical center.

Dance music is like this, rap, electronic music, dance, lighting, special effects ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as long as they cooperate well, it is definitely the biggest weapon to enhance the atmosphere!

This song completely ignited the atmosphere of the Red Maple Stadium. Many people are feeling that today is really right. Just hearing such a shocking scene, it is worth the expensive ticket price.

There are many singers in the guest area of ​​the audience. They are also shocked by this "ohygod" and have nothing to say.

The singing is so lively, what other miracles can others bring?

Everyone dare not think that if every song in this ballad contest is like this high-quality, super-level play, the excitement of this episode of "Extreme Challenge" is definitely no less than the peak night of good voice, and it must be It will be even higher. You must not underestimate the creative strength of famous singers. They are much stronger than those who have just debuted!

On the stage, Yang An has begun to relax the atmosphere. He shouted to the three of them and laughed: "Okay, the finale song is finished, the extreme challenge is over, thank you for watching, goodbye, good night!"

The audience laughed, but everyone agreed with Yang An. "Ohygod" is indeed more suitable for the finale. Such an enthusiastic dance music was taken out at the beginning, and it was too high a starting point. This made the audience curious. Can five groups of people reach new heights?

Yang Andao: "First of all, we thank Quan Zhilong and Dong Yong Pei from South Korea, and Zhang Taizhi, who is composed of Zhang Yixing, to bring such warm k-pop songs to the audience, it is quite exciting!"

Everyone is applauding gently, considering that the language communication is not smooth, Yang An did n’t make too much jokes, and finally asked: "There is a multiple choice question below. Do you want to go back to rest, or are you willing to help me issue the next few? Awards? "

The audience screamed and cheered. After communicating with the two elder brothers, Zhang Yixing smiled and said, "Let's give a prize!" (To be continued.)

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