The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 863: Best Couple Award

After the "Red, Yellow and Blue" group bowed to the audience collectively, the stage began to clear the field, Huang Bo and Huang Xiao waved their greetings and retreated. The audience cheered them more and more, as if they were calling them back. network

In the lounge, everyone from the other teams was applauding.

The front teams No. 1 and No. 2 were both regular swings, and the results were very good. The remaining people sent congratulations to them, and everyone felt that the pressure on them was surprisingly great.

Coming to the stage on the 3rd is Sun Honglei and Chen Qizhen. Chen Qizhen ’s concerts have always been very artistic. She has never played such a large-scale concert. She was really distressed and nervous by the two rock and dance music. This is Human instinct.

Sun Honglei patted her shoulder and comforted: "It's okay, look at me, is it more nervous than you?"

Chen Qizhen did not respond, or Shabe reminded: "In addition to the intense competition between Hong Lei and me, we also presented awards. Huang Bo won the award and compared us all of a sudden. Of course it will be tense because of the later The award is definitely getting harder and harder to get! "

However, Sun Honglei spread his hands coolly, leaned on the seat and lifted Erlang's legs, and he said, "Do you look at me like I'm nervous? No [the extreme challengers are pure men, can afford to lose, and let go!" "

Sabe was also funny: "The Mole thinks so too!"

Sha Yi pretended not to know: "Aren't you and me running around, aren't you running around? Are you a mole?"

This group of people interrupted so much that Chen Qizhen laughed, and the tension really disappeared. Most of them continued to watch TV.

On the stage, Yang An stopped Huang Bo and Huang Xiao and interviewed: "It's a very nice song. What I hear is the anger of unfair fate, and I can hear your fighting spirit teacher who fights against fate. Are you singing today? "

Huang Xiao moved a little, and said, "It hasn't been so cool for a long time. The last time was when you and I were on the same stage. Thanks for the extreme challenge for giving me this opportunity, let us touch the depth of the soul again, and ignite the long-lost enthusiasm. ! "

Countless audiences roared in unison, "!"

Yang An also likes the warm feeling of interacting with the audience. After the scene is a little quiet, he asks: "After the end of this period of extreme challenge, everyone will break up. Do you have any more words? I want to be a good partner. Huang Bo said? "

Huang Bo also looked at Huang Xiao with great anticipation, but did not expect Huang Xiao's pretense to be deep, and said, "I want to say to him, let's not meet again in the future, anyway, you have found a new killer partner."


This is overturned vinegar jar, proper envy, envy and hate!

At the bottom of the stage, Jiang Yiyi covered his mouth and laughed, and the audience followed suit. Huang Bo smiled awkwardly and hugged Huang Xiao: "Brother, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Huang Xiao did n’t say that he wanted to come to the next session like gd. In fact, it ’s also a bit embarrassing. I ’m angry. It ’s really difficult to write a classic song. How about letting FLag stand now? It ’s better to wait for the song to come out. Anyway, it ’s still early, and it ’s not too late to make a temporary invitation.

Continuing to tell a few jokes, Yang An gave them another chance of ulcers: "I still give you two ulcers below, either you can go back to rest together, or leave a person to award, but you can invite the audience Female guests, stand here to present awards instead of yourself. Do you understand the rules? "


The two laughed loudly, why didn't they understand? This Yang'an, digging again!

Of course, variety shows must be based on hilarity. The two looked at each other directly, and spurred each other directly on the stage. They pushed and pushed unceremoniously. One wanted to drive the other off the stage. Huang Xiao was very strong and won by experience. Push Huang Bo down.

"I will be back!"

The bad guys would all say this, Huang Bo shouted loudly, and said to the microphone, "Sister Zhen Ling, go up and present the prize for me!"

The audience laughed crazy. Many people guessed that this was the end. Those who were eliminated would surely find a harlequin to add block to their partner. If you think about it, only Zhen Ling is the most suitable.

Zhen Ling made her debut as a full member and only participated in one episode. Her performance was average, but she is a well-known comedian in the comedy world. Many people like her very much.

"Mr. Huang, I really love your song so much!"

Zhen Ling came to the stage and stretched out her hand and hugged Huang Xiao. Huang Xiao could only close her eyes tightly. After waiting for a pair of powerful hands to hold her back, she turned around and asked Yang An: "Can I sing I am angry again? I want to send To Huang Bo "

Yang An laughed: "No, two people, can award prizes."

After receiving a stack of envelopes ~ ~ they just smiled. Although it was a bunch of obliques, they had at least a long shot.

After presenting the Internet Popularity Award, Excellence Award, and a diagonal of the TV series, Zhen Ling was a little excited when she saw the envelope number 4 in her hand: "The next award is the best couple award!"

Huang Xiao said with a smile: "Let's take a look at the waiting check!"

The first couple, He Jiong and Li Ji from Star Detective!

This pair of screens has appeared in three seasons, and everyone else has changed a lot. The only thing they have been insisting on is that the more they understand each other, the sweet details of friendship are often shown in the show, but both of them play roles in the play. They are very strong people, so when they solve the case, they often stir up their mouths and suspect, but in the end, when they are suspected, they will repay each other with heart and soul to make up for the crack between the two. They will kill each other in love. Noisy and noisy, but the feelings of lovers who have become more and more profound each day have become classic images in the history of variety shows.

The second group has caused the national variety show. The biggest outdoor reality show ever, the most classic couple combination of brothers, Hu Ge and Guan Yan. They are loved by countless fans, so many people forget it. It's just a show. I thought they would really fall in love, get married, and keep going.

The third group is well-known couples in the entertainment industry. Variety shows have your model husband and wife Don and Sun Li along the way. They have participated in many variety shows, but they only participated in this kind of travel reality show. The couple's daily life made the audience laugh and laugh. They are also popular award-winning Yan, and unlike other competitors, they are real couples.

Then came the last candidate combination, but as soon as he appeared, the audience burst into long laughter immediately! (To be continued.)

[Remember the website three five Chinese website]

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