The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 864: Defeat strong opponents and win!

I saw on the big screen, Yang An and Shabei looked at each other affectionately. Two people were eating with a bun, and they were drinking together with a bottle of water. The brothers have difficulty supporting each other. You mop the floor, I wash the dishes, and I do a bad thing when you do bad things A set of photos of the two of them on the same show on different programs was played, which really reflected the brotherhood. Hunting Network

But why in the final freeze photos, the first three groups of candidates looked at each other with affection, and they looked at each other with affection?

Whole intestine spray!

Zhen Ling covered her eyes: "These photos really can't bear to look directly, let's give this award!"

"The awards will begin." Huang Xiao opened the envelope with a smile, and wow it, handed it to Zhen Ling.

Zhen Ling read: "It is the winner of the best combination"

Yang An and Sha Bei were giggling, knowing that they were jockeying, they didn't care.

Hu Ge touched his chin, and Peng Yuyan patted his hand next to him, begging him not to be nervous.

She closed her mouth and said that she was not nervous. It was false. As the official CP of the running man, she did not dare to relax in every issue of the running man in recent years. The couple did not perform well. Real couples are the same, but outside the show, you must control your emotions. Do n’t get caught up in it. You ca n’t confuse the show with reality. It ’s really difficult. She knows that if she can get a big prize, it ’s for her acting skills. It's best to prove that she is eager to get the award.

He Jiong and Li Yan also have the same feeling. He Jiong is okay to say that after all, he is an old driver, he is more dedicated to his career, he is more knowledgeable about variety, and he is quick to get started, but after all, Li Yan is still a little girl. The show must have cp, and finally did a season show, she finally understood the importance of cp, so from the second season, the interaction between the two became better and better.

Do n’t think that the screen couples are not good, the real couples are good at acting, the couples are also nervous, they have performed a lot in variety shows, but they have never been as comfortable as you along the way, and have won a lot of awards, but Magnolia, Golden Eagle Judging from the variety show awards, the professionalism is far inferior to today's Enron Art Festival. Even if they are indifferent to fame and fortune, they are full of expectations and fantasies for this award.

There is only one grand prize, no one wants, no one wants to give in.

Zhen Ling glanced downstage: "The winner of the best combination is He Jiong, Li Yan!"


The music sounded, and all rappers, He Jiong and Li Yan couldn't believe it. They sat on a stool and stunned. They didn't realize that they had won the prize until they came around to celebrate them!

"Congratulations, Teacher Ho!"

"Li Yan, you are awesome, great!"

"Don't be stupid, you're right, it's you!"

"Come up and claim the prize!"

From the perspective of colleagues in the industry, He Jiong's strength lies in everyone's expectations and convinces others to take it orally!

Although Hu Ge and Guan Yan were the first couples to appear on the screen, in the men's game, because of the frequent mixing and disruption of groups, Yang An's performance was too eye-catching. many.

It is warm and warm to have you along the way. The performance of the couple is wonderful. Unfortunately, the problem of the positioning of the program caused the audience rating to be less than 2%. The results on the transcripts of them are not very good.

In the star detective, He Jiong and Li Xun have been fixed for three seasons. They have been fixed cp couples. Teacher He is really good. He is a soul figure. With the help of Li Xun, the two have almost supported themselves. This horrible show with a rating of about 4% has certainly won the praise of most judges.

Although there were some boos and protests in the auditorium, most of them were of quality. After calming down and thinking about it, they said that the result was understandable.

"It doesn't matter, the biggest competitor won the prize this year, and the best combination next year must be Hu Ge and Xiong!"

"Yes, it must be a family for a year, as long as you don't get off, everyone has a share!"

"Furthermore, Teacher He is also an old variety artist. His performance in the great detective is very good. I have no opinion on his award!"

"It's a pity Sun Li, they have played a lot of variety shows, but unfortunately they haven't become popular. After all, their main business is on electronic music and television!"

"It's a pity really, I really hope that Hu Ge Guan Yan will win the first best couple award. Unfortunately, Teacher He and Li Yan are too strong. Alas, come back next year. I am also happy that Teacher He won the award. "

"Yeah, I like every candidate so much, and I feel wronged for the other two."

"Hee hee, it would be fun if Brother Yang and Brother Sha win the prize!"

The audience talked about it, even if there was grievance in their hearts, after thinking about it from another angle, they were relieved.

He Jiongqiao and Li Yan's hands came onto the stage, bowing to the audience in full ruffles and applause ~ ~ Thank you to the awarding guests.

After receiving Jin Chancan's trophy, He Jiong first expressed his opinion.

He raised the trophy slightly and said, "I'm very happy to get this award. In fact, it doesn't matter if the other big star detectives don't get the award, as long as Li Yan and I share it quietly, it's enough."


The audience laughed out loud. Is this love show in fancy dog ​​abuse? Teacher He, you are naughty again ~~

He Jiong quietly turned to look at Li Yan, and now her tension is relieved, he continued to smile and said, "Just a joke, in fact, I am very grateful to everyone in the star detective show group, we shot Three years of great detectives, I have learned a lot, and met a group of screenwriters who were so tired of writing scripts that they were almost bald, such as the first award-winning Qian Chen today. "

Laughing all around, Qian Chen sitting under the stage couldn't help touching his head in the camera. Fortunately, his embarrassment was covered by a cap.

He Jiong continued: "I also saw a lot of guests who could not normally meet, and made quite a lot of friends. Yes, my mobile phone number reached the upper limit, all thanks to the great detective. I believe that after winning the award today , There will be more people who want to add me. So, please hurry to congratulate the text message, I will clear the number of diving all year round tonight "

The applause is thunderous, He Jiong is also a good talk show host, and the star detective is really a huge gain today. It ’s no wonder that they are so excited that a horrible show won two heavyweight awards.

He Jiong said, "In the end, I would also like to thank Li Ye. If it was not for your outstanding performance, I would definitely not have won the best combination award. Really, I dare not think about the next few awards. There is absolutely no mine. Share "

"You can win the prize again and again!" Yang An's voice came and startled He Zhe. (To be continued.)

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