The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 867: Happy Worship

"Thanks for the love of the brothers, let my brother of my age say something on behalf of the team, then I'm welcome. Net."

Sun Honglei said with emotion: "In the past, I looked at the challenge and thought that it was interesting for a group of 30-year-old men to play this. Later, I jumped into this pit myself. I am in my forties, and it is also fun to play. 】 The annual extreme challenge has three intensive shooting seasons. That is my happiest working time of the year. It is much easier and more fun than making TV series and movies, because I do n’t need to act in the extreme challenge. It takes a lot of thought to figure out how to play the character and what the expression is like. These are not needed. What the audience sees is a real Sun Honglei. Although this is just my idea, I believe that other brothers are the same. , I think this is also an important reason why the audience likes us and the judges are willing to give us the big prize because it is true. "

Many people focus on their hearts. That's right, the good looks of the star reality show are here. The unpretentious extreme man help has won the love and respect of everyone!

"We are a happy, happy, hard-working, tacit, positive team, do our best, bring happiness and touch to the audience, this is our biggest dream for men to help everyone. Of course, it is not just our six Individuals, as well as hard directors, follow up with VJ, props, logistics, security, a team of hundreds of people are silently paying, the purpose is to do the program of extreme challenge! "

Sun Honglei raised the gold award in his hand and said aloud, "So, this best program award belongs to everyone in our production group + limited challenge, we are the best!"

There was a thunderous applause. Sun Honglei turned around and embraced the five, and the six stood in a row again, bowing for a long time. In the applause, they shouted with a smile: "The ultimate challenge, this is life! ! "

The fourth group sang Sha Yi and Zhang Shaohan, and the stage was set up. After receiving the award from the extreme challenge program group, the performance soon began.

This time, there was an edm mixer table in the middle of the stage. Sha Yi had really worked hard. The previous use only proved that he was proficient. This time, he was preparing to come to the scene to play the disc in person. This was really the test. Time for dJ technology!

The dJ is not that easy. Sha Yi has big **** headphones on his neck, slams his fingers, shouts at the moment the music starts, and starts timing.

The lights were so bright that the entire stage appeared in sight. A group of dancers came out from behind. The high-altitude camera shot Sha Yi's operation on the mixer. He shook his right leg and sang from his seat.

"Follow me if you have forgotten your name,

Now let ’s worship for joy,

Come with me if you put down the burden,

Spread it to build a happy era! "

Surrounded by dancers, Sha Yi danced and walked forward. He rehearsed the dance hundreds of times, making him like a fish. Every cell in the body was controlled by music, and he could not help jumping.

"Which era does happiness belong to,

7o, 8o, 9o or Generation y?

Open the history textbook, even if you look for the answer carefully,

You will not find it, and your back will not be good.

Relax, let me say,

What kind of wind is blowing in any age,

I take my microphone,

Sing o1d-schoo1-sho-ya11,

Ready-to-ro11! "

The part of the wonderful Rap came out, this fast rap song is very sophisticated about the singer's skills. Although the lyrics are not difficult, but the control of the breath is very important. In addition, dancing has already exhausted the physical strength, and Sha Yi found the best method for him. The choreographer's tailor-made dance can take care of all the details. At this moment, it is perfectly presented!

Zhang Shaohan's female voice part of the melody came out, she sang and danced in the flames, stepped out from the center of the stage and stepped on the white mist, the audience followed along, calling out the names of the two.

The charm of Rap dance music is here, extremely fast rap song lyrics, fierce drum beats, and stepping on the burning flames of the drums, people can't help but nod after watching.

Especially when Sha Yi returned to the front of edm and started to play the disc, the crunchy sound came out, and the feeling of nightclub dance music suddenly came up!

dJ Sha Yi shouted loudly: "everybody raises his hands, hi with me!"

An audience of 10,000 people followed Zhang Shaohan and sang, "Forget about your existence, what expectations, and joy you invite it to come to its longing care, it is better to be wonderful together, happiness will be contagious, please be generous, netbsp; to the end, except Beyond Sha Yi, who is playing discs continuously, everyone is jumping!

This is a carnival of edm, old men can also rejuvenate ~ ~ can also dance like young people Hi skin, can also release the body's shock!

The Red Maple Sports Scripture has become an ocean of joy. Every time when it encounters such an enthusiastic dance music, the audience will stand up and follow the grandfather's body.

A lot of people in the guest area are already overjoyed. While feeling the relaxation of the open-air nightclub in their hearts, the cuckoo dances with the melody and rhythm of the song, abandons the star status, and forgets the idol image. Now they are just captives of music, following their hearts Dancing in 舅!


In the end, all the moves were fixed and the fireworks were released. Sha Yi and Zhang Shaohan stood back to back, uttering a rumble.

Everyone is applauding and praising, the song contest has four songs, all of them are classic and nice songs, can drive everyone's emotions together, this is the real concert effect, quite successful!

Even Yang An, who re-entered the stage, stepped in three steps and two steps, watching the two jokingly sing, "If you have finished singing, please follow me, now let's sayhi to the audience!"

Zhang Shaohan and Sha Yi really waved to the audience while walking, Zhang Shaohan chuckled: "Hi Feng, hello audience!"

Huh ~~~

The audience responded to her with enthusiasm. Many people held up the Led lantern with her name on it. Although she was not as good as several other well-known female dancers in the country, her efforts were seen by everyone. And it was such a wonderful spark that could collide with Sha Yi, which made the audience very satisfied.

Yang An pinched the pants of Sha Yi up to 7o% holes: "You look very chic, you have a fight with the sun, you can just wear shorts!"

Seeing this scene of the sun laughing in the lounge, their idol stars who follow the trendy male route can wear cloth strips, what is it to judge the pants? (To be continued.)

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