The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 868: Best Female Artist

Sha Yi quickly pushed Yang An's hand away and said deliberately: "Don't pull my pants, don't look at the holes on it. It's very expensive.

Yang An laughed: "Speaking of trends, how do you comb your head and put on flared pants like the lyrics sing? Your last piece of electronic music really scared me, ange1a, the last disc hit is you Is it a link prepared for him? "

Zhang Shaohan hid his mouth and laughed: "Actually, Sha Yige said that our group is very weak. If we don't want to fall to the last place, we must make a strange move, so this section is quite lively. Haha ~~~ "

Seeing her joking herself, Sha Yi said a little awkwardly, "Who said that the old guy can't wear pants or play discs? Is it everyone? Think that we sing well, can we cheer and applause?"

"it is good!"

Cheers came from all directions, Sha Yi was not satisfied, and waved his greetings. Hunting Network

Next was the award. The two took the envelope and looked at the title.

"This award is incredible. It is a great honor for us to award this award!"

"The best female artist award is given below. Let's look at the candidate nominations."

At first I heard that it was the best female artist. Several outstanding female stars were nervous, sitting up straight and staring at the big screen.

First place, the star female detective Li Yan!

Li Yan covered her face with her hands and couldn't believe that she had been nominated. In so many variety shows in China, there were more outstanding female artists. She was nominated for a variety show, which was beyond her expectations. As for Winning the prize, she never thought about it. The best couple award before was won with He Jiong's light!

The second place is Xie Na of Huang Mangtai!

Seeing Xie Na's photo appeared, the response of the audience was quite normal, because Xie Na's performance this year is also very good, very active, and well-known, it is fair to get this nomination.

But the TV station and the entertainment industry were so surprised, muttering one by one, how could she nominate her? Everyone searched around the stage, but didn't see Xie Na's figure, nor did they see a star celebrity artist such as Wang Mang from Huang Mang TV. They suddenly understood something and all laughed secretly.

The relationship between Huangmang TV and Yang An is not a secret in the circle. At that time, He Jiong changed his job. It was rumored that Yang An intervened in the industry. However, Enron Film and Television Entertainment Co. denied this statement. The agreement of the industry so no one knows the truth.

But it was because of this incident that Huang Mang Satellite TV hated Yang An, but he was jealous of his face and did not openly torture him, but he always hated it.

After He Jiong's departure, the happy family must be rebuilt. Xie Na courageously picked the girders as a woman. Not to mention the gap between her and He Jiong, just to say this courage is worthy of respect from colleagues. She has also come through. The signboard of Happy Base Camp has performed well last year. In the domestic indoor variety show, she laughs with the rivers and lakes every day for three minutes.

Her nomination this time also shows that the Enron Art Festival is really about presenting awards for all shows in the country, but it is a bit embarrassing that Xie Na didn't show up.

In contrast, Huang Mang TV immediately became a villain. It is estimated that Huang Mang TV will lose face again after this episode is broadcast. Many guests are laughing, in case they thank the winner, Huang Mang TV No one came, and no one was there to accept the prize for her, so funny!

The third candidate, Yan Yu, is Lu Yu's contracted female host Lu Yu. As an established interview show evergreen for more than ten years, she was nominated and everyone recognized her strength.

Lu Yu was also in the audience today, sitting in front of her big head, smiling and talking to the friends next to her, but many people were lucky when they saw her. It was a miracle that the previous four songs did not shake her head. .

The fourth nominated candidate is Sun Li from Huafan Sister. Sun Li really fell in love with this tourism variety show and insisted on participating in the three seasons. Generally speaking, she participated in Huafan while she was filming and traveled around the world. Relaxation of mind and body.

Sun Li lost the award for your best couple along the way, and now she is nominated for best female artist by her elder sister. Of course, she still has a problem, because she pays more attention to the big scorpion curtain, and still does not use 1oo% for the variety show heart of.

Let's run together, at least I also got two nominations.

Sun Li thought so, Guan Guan also, because she was the fifth nominee, and she lost the best couple award. Now she has been nominated for best female artist because of running men.

Hearing the cheers from the audience, Guan Huan gently left his lips, afraid to look at anyone, and he did not dare to show the mood of the waves ~ ~ In addition to Li Ye debuting later than her, the other three Everyone is a senior, she is very suspicious that she is the companion today!

"Well, come on!"

Zhang Yishan and Jin Dabao came together, encouraging each other, "You are our man running a flower. Everyone sees your efforts. No matter if you don't win, you are the best in our minds!" "

Guan Yan was very grateful and wanted to say something, but she noticed that the camera was aimed here, and she could only try to stay elegant, pretending to be pretentious.

Zhang Shaohan finally began to announce: "Who won the best female artist award"

Four nervous faces, plus a picture of a big smile, the headshots of the five candidates appeared on the big screen, everyone's expressions were clear, except for the photo, none of the four laughed and their eyes did not blink a bit.

After the urgent Bgm stopped, Zhang Shaohan opened the envelope, breathed a sigh of relief, looked up towards the running man, and happily said, "Guan! Congratulations ~~~"


All the noises, countless sharp whistles, plus countless cheers, lanterns, fireworks, deafening celebration music, everything is like a dream.

"I won the prize!"


"Don't cry, don't cry, just laugh. After you go up, will you be happy to receive the award?"

"Guan Ye, the running man is proud of you!"

The running men's brothers gathered around, helped Guan Yan up, and crowded up and pushed onto the stage. At this time, she could barely move, and was emotionally terrified.

The running male brothers brought flowers, and also gave her a homemade crystal crown. Yang An also personally came to the stage to deliver flowers. When he saw that the flowers in his hands could not be held, he smiled and helped her to put some flowers. Take it away and set it at her feet. (To be continued.)

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