The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 873: My funny guy!

Yang An's stomach was almost laughing and painful, and the pretender asked, "Brother Sha, are you okay?"

"What is it?" Shabe's face turned flushed, rubbing her eyes, looking down at the envelope, and then looking up at Yang An, she couldn't say a word. network

who is that? The audience is dying. Sharkie, you can say it!

Yang An took the envelope and said with a smile: "The one who won the best male artist award is Shabey!"


All right, what's going on? what on earth is it? Why isn't it Yang An, but Shabe?

Brother Hu sat upright, his expression of surprise overflowing in words, Lao Cui and He Jiong looked at each other. Although they had never thought of winning the prize themselves, how could it be Shabei's turn?


Some people laughed and laughed. The sticker stem was remembered, and the laughter grew louder, but Yang An held up the sticker in his hand and showed it to the camera. It was never used, and he enveloped it again. Shown to the lens, Shabei's name was written on it, clearly on the big screen.

Everyone in the stadium is aggressive. What's going on?

Shabei stunned and said, "It's wrong. The judge must be wrong. How can I win?"

Yang An pressed his shoulder and said with a smile, "Brother Sha, you deserve this award. I always remember that the first time we worked together was on the stage of comedians, and I was very fortunate to be able to Knowing you, you are really not suitable for wearing a suit and tie, sitting behind a solid wooden table and reading serious news with a sad face. The stage that suits you best is a variety show with fun and joy. "

Shabey embarrassedly touched his nose, and laughter and applause came from all around. Everyone thought of Yang An's appraisal, and joyful escape was definitely one of Shabey's labels.

Yang An also said, "Our first outdoor variety show is a great challenge, which is the predecessor of our extreme challenge now. Remember the first episode? Life Theater, yesorno, you move forward on the road of variety show, you It has achieved a height that ordinary people can't reach. All your efforts in these years have been seen by everyone. You are definitely qualified for the best male artist award. "

Seeing Shabei to shirk, Yang An said: "This award, I did not participate in the competition at first, but after knowing that you won, I intentionally asked the director to add my name, just to joke with you."

Shabei said, "What do you do?"

Yang An smiled: "The director said that I will be pleasantly surprised later, hey, audience friends, because our ultimate challenge is recording and broadcasting, this section can be cut out, and you should not know the surprise later All right!"

The audience was both moved and funny, and everyone came to their senses. This is the recording site of the extreme challenge, and it is also the award party of the Enron Art Festival. Can be understood.

Yang An patted Sha Bei's shoulder: "So Brother Sha, would you please express your appreciation for the award, friends, would you please give Sha Bei the warmest applause and cheers?"

Oh ~~~

Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, with thunderous applause. Except for Yang An, Shabei is indeed the best recognized male artist. All these were spelled out by himself, deserving its name, and three other competitors in the audience also Stand up and applaud, smile sincerely, and congratulate him!

Shabe's eye circles have long been red. She took the trophy from Yang An and kept raising her arms to wipe her eyes.

The rest of the audience didn't come up to disturb the brothers. The stage belonged to the two of them only. The audience of 40,000 understood that the combination of Yang An and Shabei was basically invincible in the variety circle. The relationship between them was definitely Deep and deep!

"I lived almost 4o years, and I have never cried so happily like today without shame"

Shabei's lips were already thick. At this time, she couldn't even say a word, and she was completely stunned. With the continuous tears pouring out, his face was really ugly under the camera. Where is the image of a male god? Let the audience look sad and touched, can only applaud him.

"Thank you, thank you for giving me this award. I am most grateful to Yang An. I remember that the first show he promised me was to follow Pei Ye to risk me. Pei Ye is not me. This is to hold me. As the protagonist, I agreed as soon as my mind was hot, and as a result fell completely into the pit of the variety show and never got up again. "

Looking at Shabei who was crying and laughing, the audience burst into laughter. It was wonderful to have you in the pit of the variety show. You would never get up!

Many colleagues laughed and laughed, and Yang An on the stage kept clapping and applauding, thinking of the scene that year, it really looked like it was vivid, just yesterday.

Shabe wiped his eyes again and became even more red: "Later, one after another did variety shows, challenged the old hens, and became the spider man of the Oriental Pearl Tower ~ ~ to survive in the jungle, helicopter diving pool, challenge the virgin forest, Fighting with wild boar tiger crocodile, climbing the Himalayas, conquering the Tea Horse Road, jumping the Macau Tower, paper boats crossing the Yangtze River, and rolling in the mudflats is what makes me think that variety shows are so fun. I have n’t looked for a girlfriend for so many years just to have fun. In the end I still like him somehow "

Sahahaha ~~~

Seeing Yang An step back in fright, a few meters away from Shabei, tens of thousands of people laughed and laughed at the same time, this award is really against the sky!

Fortunately, Shabei returned to seriousness: "Please rest assured, I have got a marriage certificate, and I am a normal man. My love for Yang An is similar to that of worship. Do you understand me?"

Upon hearing this, all Shabei's close friends will smile, not only get married, but also become a father, okay, announcing this news at such an important moment is really a head-starter, Shabey, you can!

And the audience is collectively aggressive, understand what is understood, but what? Are you meow married?

"No way!"

"When are you married?"

"Is it too tight?"

"Who's married?"

"My amusement is better than a male **** ~~~ Say it's good to treat me with a waist, and you will marry me ~~~"

Many people shouted in sorrow. Such a big and shocking thing unexpectedly broke out here. Is it

Sure enough, Shabei started to sincerely thank his family and colleagues, which made many listeners feel warm and moved.

At last he turned around and strode toward Yang An, his mouth narrowed, and his head was buried in Yang An's arms in a grievance, choking and saying, "Thank you"

Lei Ming's applause and laughter disappeared for a long time. Yang An couldn't laugh or cry, pushing Sabay's head hard.

This tease buddy, what a beautiful job!

[Remember the website three five Chinese website]

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