The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 874: (Final ending) King of variety entertainment!

When Shabey finished his speech, and a group of people came up in the background, they carried a cuboid object covered with a red cloth and walked down to Yang An. The mysterious object over two meters high made him curious. Oh dear

"what is this?"

Yang An pointed at the red cloth and director Guo Hongyang explained: "This is a gift customized for you by 649 employees of Enron Film and Entertainment Company. It is a surprise for you. Don't open it now!"

Then he handed him an envelope and said, "Please give me this award!"

Yang An chuckled, pretending to be an imaginary, and said to the audience, "Well, let's forget what you saw five minutes ago!"

Hahaha ~

The audience was very happy. Sure enough, they saw this prediction. The extreme challenge was so funny. It turned out that the shooting of the show was so absent-minded, the stars really let go!

After the staff left, Yang An glanced at the reminder and smiled: "The next award is ... the Enron Arts Festival Variety Award! This award is given to this year, from performance, strength, image, influence The most outstanding person selected through comprehensive consideration of various factors is the award with the highest gold content at the Enron Art Festival each year. Well, anyone who has won the previous award may repeatedly win this award. "

There was a light laughter all around. Whether it was the audience or the entertainment industry, they all looked at him with a smile, and the smile was self-evident. Don't say who was ahead, just give it to yourself.

After a moment's pause, Yang An turned out to be totally stuck, and said, "Wow, this feeling is really weird, it's the feeling of embarrassment to death. I suddenly understood Brother Sha's mood just now ... no matter what, I'm fast Click on the award ... "

Everyone laughed happily when they saw Yang An talking to himself and awkwardly smiling on the stage.

Although everyone said in their hearts, "This award is yours!"

But they just love to see Yang An appear embarrassed, cute and cute.

"The winner of the Variety Award is ..."

Looking at the envelope, Yang An couldn't help crying, "... well, it's me, congratulations Yang An!"

In the festive bgm, the fireworks soared into the sky and crackled in the sky. The entire Red Maple Stadium turned into a sea of ​​joy. This is definitely a scream of celebration from everyone's heart. They felt that Yang An won the award. Glad, this is definitely the least controversial award ever, and no one will ever question it!

The awarding guests who came to the stage turned out to be small tones and small music wearing extra small evening dresses. Yang An was almost shocked!

The audience laughed and watched the two little cute hands passing the trophy and flowers to their dad. Then they took the microphone and said solemnly, "Daddy, please give us your award!"


This burst of laughter really made countless people feel so good, so cute!

Yang An held the microphone and said earnestly: "Variety is the favorite of my life and my eternal pursuit. People have many ways to achieve self-worth. My method is to persist in doing the best variety shows. Laughter brings to every audience. I have a song called "To All Who Knows My Name", which sings, 'Maybe one day, I ca n’t sing and can't move, I will also offer you the most sincere 'Smile', I think that's what I want to say to you at this moment. "

The continuous applause has been ringing. Yang An's sincere attitude has touched many people, mainly because he has done a good job. The word “popularity” is used on him, and it is no exaggeration to see this award, the only person you think of. it's him.

Yang An continued: "I want to thank too many people. First of all, I want to thank my parents. Without you, I would not have come to this world ..."

Speaking here in a pun, Yang An got stuck and groaned unknowingly, feeling a little emotional.

Without his parents, he would n’t be able to reach this world. In the past ten years, it ’s like a dream, so illusory and so real. He realized his dream here and created an ideal variety entertainment world. This is It was absolutely impossible in his original world.

He is grateful to the people, parents, friends, and viewers who have given him all of this, without everyone's support, he could not take this step and reach such a height.

The applause was so encouraging that the audience was encouraging Yang An. He continued: "... I also thank my wife Rong Feifei, my lovely children Xiaoyin and Xiaole, my parents created me, gave me a new life, and You are my heritage and continuation, and I will always love you ... "

Yang An squatted down, holding her children, her eyes were red.

For him, the career has reached its peak, and the family has become the most important part. Parents have reached a high age and need to enjoy their old age. His wife has worked hard for many years and stood behind him silently, sacrificing the most beautiful time of a woman. The child is growing up healthily, which is the critical age that needs father education and company. Yang An feels responsible for taking care of everything.

The man who is in charge is the most handsome, and everyone understands Yang An's mood.

Yang An stood up again and said, "... Thank you again to my food and clothing parents, thank you fans who like to watch my show, like me, thank you for staying with me all the time, thank you for sharing with me, You are the ones who know me best. I really ... I don't think I can report it. I can only reward you with the best programs ... "

Cheers and shouts sounded again, and this sincere confession reached the hearts of the audience.

Respect is mutual, fans are crowded, and stars do well in themselves, so that a virtuous circle and a harmonious ending will appear.

No matter how nice the promise is, it's better to act now. Yang An's world never plays tricks, only to be down-to-earth and do everything step by step.

Yang An continued: "... Thank you also to all the brothers and sisters who accompany me to fight. Without your wonderful performance, I can't do this alone. Thank you all the staff of Enron Film and Entertainment Company for your hard work. Created today's achievements. Thanks to all the people who support our society. Without everyone's help, we could not reach such a high level of influence. Today I am very happy, very happy, very happy. Tomorrow I will work harder and will Happy, happy and joyful feedback to everyone, thank you! "

The audience stood up, the applause and shouts kept on. Everyone was sincerely blessing Yang An, hoping that he will always be so happy and happy, and after working hard for many years, it is time to harvest!

At this time, Xiaoyin and Xiaole walked to the red rectangular parallelepiped object and pulled down the red silk cloth together, and the red cloth fell down.

This is a crystal clear crystal display cabinet with a real statue in it. Under the light of a spotlight, the figure is lifelike, and even the smile on his face can be seen so clearly. Who is not Yang An?

Yang An was really shocked!

He didn't expect it to be his own statue, who knew it was a crystal showcase!

Seeing the two lines on the nameplate on the base, his grit persisted for a night and his emotions broke down instantly and he couldn't cry.

Seeing the gold-plated nameplate, Yang An reached out and rubbed his carved font, feeling that everything he had done was worth it, and he could not say anything.

Yang An was filled with happiness in her heart, slowly closing her eyes.

This scene was filmed on a big screen, and the entire stadium was boiling, and 40,000 people witnessed this moment of great significance together!

The brightest fireworks exploded in the sky. The Red Maple Stadium became an ocean of celebration. Bgm is that song for everyone who knows my name. Countless people sang along. Now only the voice can sing in everyone Joy.

The guests from the audience all came to the stage to celebrate with Yang An.

In the vague eyes, he saw so many familiar faces, all of whom were his best friends. Everyone was congratulating him, willing to continue to follow him for continued glory.

Yang An saw Rong Feifei. In the crowd, she held the hands of two children and looked at him with a smile. Xiaoyin and Xiaole kept yelling at their father, proud of their great father.

He also saw his parents, although already gray-haired, but still stood proudly and proud and proud of his great son.

He pushed the others away and walked straight to them, hugging them tightly.

In a circle around, friends are applauding.

Only the flying hovercraft in the air can capture the details inside. This is the warmest, most touching and most happy moment!

For a long time, after Yang An's mood was slightly stable, the seven-year-old man Yang Rongle solemnly said, "Dad, I want to give you a carefully prepared gift!"

Yang An squatted down to encourage his son: "Thank Xiaole, what is the gift?"

Under the attention of all the relatives and friends, Yang Rongle pulled out a folder clipped on the trousers of the small suit from the back, and opened the first page, which wrote a big line "Crazy wheat 》

Yang Rongle read aloud: "I want to plan and produce a variety show for children's puzzle and adventure decryption. This is my plan for writing. Please look over!"

After taking over the son's plan, Yang An froze and saw Rong Feifei, Shabei, Sun Cannon, and Guo Hongyang smirking. The mood was extremely complicated. There was nothing to say. Needless to say, this must be their professionals. from!

However, the most enthusiastic laughter erupted all around in an instant. Seeing this new variety planning plan on the big screen, all 40,000 viewers also laughed!

Brother Yang, your family is up!

(End of book)




Testimonials are also written here, 1300 words testimonials, I want to charge one way ^ _ ^

I joined the industry in 13 years, and I wrote five completed books in four years. This one is the happiest, the best grade, and the most unwilling to finish. I wrote the chapter of the sea and the sky at noon yesterday, and I couldn't stop crying. After coming down, I choked for a long time. Fortunately, my wife took two children to take a nap next door, otherwise I would definitely think that I am a snake ailment, and I can write myself crying when I write a novel.

The 2.66 million words are just the end of the main line. It is about the following shows, as well as the laws of the jungle, the masked song king, and so many copies of running men and extreme challenges to write, such as rowing specials, water gun battles, etc., I I want to write it all (continuing the water). On the one hand, I find it very interesting, and on the other hand, I don't have to finish it to have a continuous draft fee.

After the old book is finished, if the new book does n’t improve, my family of four will be out of food. I am also a son and a daughter. The family eats and drinks Lazarus and I support them. The condition of my family is not too good. My mother is at 14 He died of severe illness in the year, his family owed a debt, his father worked in Fujian to pay off his debts, he could not return during the Spring Festival, his parents-in-law were not healthy, and the two children were very naughty. I was doing part-time work, and I also did musical instrument training before writing this book. I ran Didi, worked as a salesman, worked in various jobs, and wrote a full-time job. Still, this book is a little better. A little better.

Only when people are poor and scared, will they cherish all the hard-won, life forced, I have a lot of responsibility and pressure on my shoulders, I have to bow my head!

So, please allow me to continue the water for a while, I will use, or something like that to continue to update the vip chapters, interested book friends can continue to subscribe, thank you, food and clothing parents!

Finally, thank you for your support. There are too many people. Thank you for your name.

One is qibao. From the beginning of the book to the present, he insisted on casting 15 recommendation votes every day, and I only got about 400 recommendation votes a day. He persisted for half a year, and I really appreciate it. Everyone ’s voting history can be seen in the background of the writer ’s assistant ~ ~ Many familiar ids, and the votes are mature every day, I do n’t thank them one by one, 10 votes are not too many, 1 vote is not too small I remember you all!

The second is the great **** of history writing on this site. Silently subscribing to my book has become a deacon. I do n’t comment, I do n’t speak, and I secretly vote for a few monthly tickets every month ... I saw him voting for the first time, I really I ’m very excited. It ’s really good to be recognized. For the great god, it may be just a throw away, but for my new vest, it is the greatest encouragement. Thank you very much, the great god. You do n’t talk and I do n’t go to you. Comment there, you can only use your old account to secretly vote for you. Also, I don't want you to vote for me. As long as you break the tintin and reconnect, it really convinces you!

Then there was the leader "only here", and I was able to talk to me in the group, almost old, with children. He said something that touched me and didn't know how to respond. He said, "There is no one book. The leader ca n’t drop it. ”Then he was rewarded by the leader. He also bought a high v number, all of which were fully booked for me. I voted for more than ten votes a day, and sometimes red envelopes returned blood for me. ... Thank you brother, I don't know how to return ...

Then there are so many helm masters who are rewarding, and "Mousai Weishao" who has been in charge earlier than "Here alone". The helm master who has slipped on the fan list, folks, the thigh lacks pendants ? Those friends in the group who chat and fart with me every day, are you satisfied with your dragon suit?

I once said, "Giving rewards is love, and subscriptions are supposed to be." I write a book well, and everyone subscribes well. It is enough. All the brothers and sisters who have subscribed to this book are my food and clothing parents. It is you. Supporting me to have such good data, the editor only valued this book, gave good recommendations, and thank you sincerely, I wish you good health, happy every day, just look at the funny variety show and keep a good mood!

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