The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 877: Rowing three

Everyone was a little bit embarrassed. They thought that Guo Hongyang had just entered the door and said that they had just come from the State General Administration of Sports, and everyone just reacted.

"The rowing is that water paddle sport?"

"Are we going to travel around the world?"

Guo Hongyang explained: "At this time last year, we filmed an issue of" Red Maple Escape in the Extreme Challenge ", and the social response was very good, and it was praised by the relevant leaders of the Ministry of Public Security. This year the General Administration of Sports suggested that we also produce A sports album, because this year's Asian Games will be held in Yangcheng, we can participate in the rowing competition of the Asian Games on September 20! "

All the people on the sofa were dumbfounded and couldn't believe it!

"Asian Games?"

"You said let us attend the Asian Games? Am I right?"

"Six of us ... we are not professional athletes!"

"Just kidding, it must be kidding. So you guys still said to participate in the Olympics!"

No one really believes it, how could it be possible for them to have their six star artists with an average age of 34 go to the highest level professional sports games in Asia!

Guo Hongyang handed in an a4 paper and said, "After the application of the Hongfeng City Government report, the General Administration of Sport of China has decided to allow the rowing team to participate in the men's rowing event of the Yangcheng Asian Games on September 20 this year. For Hongfeng City Government and Hongfeng Sports University. That is to say, there are professional coach training techniques and training venues. Just at Hongfeng Sports University, the six players are you! "

When they saw the official letter and the red seal, everyone sighed around Yang An.

"Oh my god! It really is the Asian Games ..."

"Are we participating as a national team?"

"With less than eight months, can we do it?"

Everyone felt that this was unreliable and shook their heads.

"The rowing is a less competitive event in China. Last time in the Beijing Olympics, the Chinese team won the gold medal in the women's four-handed scull. Only then did the rowing enter the sight of ordinary people. But rowing is an old-fashioned Olympics. The official competition project is very team-oriented, which is in line with our team spirit of extreme challenge. "

Guo Hongyang explained: "We ca n’t join the Olympic Games, but this time we made such a special feature because we are the host country and have such a small privilege. The General Administration of Sports has commissioned us to participate in the competition. You can refuse. Today this The issue can be completely abolished, and the videos recorded at this time will not be revealed. If you agree to participate, you must insist on the day of the race. We will seriously make this rowing special. "

The six discussed for a while, mainly listening to Yang An's opinions, and finally their attitudes were unified.

Yang An said: "The General Administration of Sports is also an old friend. This face has to be given. Our extreme men's help is a brick. As long as it is needed for the revolution, move it where it is needed, not just rowing. Participate! Just exercise! I can still participate in the Asian Games, alas, I have envied those gold medal players since I was a kid ... "

"Come on! We're not the last, just get the gold medal?"

"I miss my brother!"

"That is, do it as a fitness program at most. Don't expect too much. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!"

"Maybe to participate in a rowing, can we become muscular men?"

"We are the ultimate challenge, the extreme things are to be played! This project must participate, why not participate in the matter of glory for the country?"

In fact, everyone is looking at this with the amusement mentality, and their enthusiasm is relatively high.

Sun Honglei suddenly asked: "Why do we have to choose the sport of rowing? Golf, f1 racing is also okay, we can also play basketball football!"

Everyone hurriedly exclaimed: "Play basketball? People are two meters tall on average, and they can hit you with one hand!"

"Neither golf nor f1 is an Olympic event?"

"Don't talk about football, we are only six people, we still have five to play team!"

"But rowing is also bad? Is there a six-man rowing?"

No one at the scene understood the rules of rowing, Guo Hongyang explained: "We are going to participate in the men's eight-handed single paddle competition, plus a helmsman, a total of nine people, so you have to hire four helpers and three people to board the boat. One substitute. "

Yang An gave a high-fiving applause: "Just the rowing! Let's invite foreign aid, invite stars from across the country to participate, and choose the best one to participate!"

Huang Bo was excited: "My first thought was Peng Yuyan!"

Shabei also agreed: "Peng Yuyan is too suitable for the male ability. This strength is really not bragging. With him in the team, I can guarantee that the speed is 30% faster!"

Zhang Yixing and Sha Yi also have nominees. Yang An said: "In this way, nomination or something, we commissioned Honglei brother to work hard ~ ~ to make a list, after the opening year, we still listen to the professional coach's plan Then decide, how about it? "

Sun Honglei spread his hand: "I'm fine, I'll leave it to me, and I will be ready during the Spring Festival."

Guo Hongyang reminded: "Choose a person to record a special episode, we are a variety show, first let the first episode go out, create momentum, please invite others, please!"

Hey hey, everyone will laugh. The production of the first episode of the rowing special will surely take into account the effects of competition and variety shows. They unilaterally list dozens of stars to allow the audience to vote, and make it bigger. Finally, let these stars compete for a small number of places, it must be full of jokes, and the program is also beautiful.

Guo Hongyang said, "That's all for today's recording. You can add a few more shots later. This Spring Festival is best not to eat and drink. We will officially shoot the rowing special after the fifteenth of the first month. I hope that everyone's physical fitness will be the most abundant at that time. Don't gain five pounds of meat! "

"No no!"

"I'll start working out when I look back!"

"Don't do blind fitness, go back and collect some information first, ask friends in the sports industry to figure out how to play rowing!"

"Tian Liang, Bao Chunlai, these two boys can't run, I'll just call them!"

"Guo Guo, happy Chinese New Year, I won't call anymore in the New Year!"

"Xiaosha, if you don't make New Year's calls, be careful of Guo Dao next year!"

The group laughed and laughed, and the rowing special finally started.

They are now full of confidence. They thought that after participating in the rowing, they would become model-level figures. Few of them now estimate how hard this challenge is.

The hardest and most exhausting sports special in the history of extreme challenges is finally here!

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