The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 878: Rowing four

On the 29th day of the last month, Yang An took the time to make a phone call to Wang Shi. This well-known entrepreneur has completely put down his real estate company, and achieved success, retired smoothly, devoting the rest of his passion to sports and public welfare .

It's no surprise that Wang Shi received Yang An's phone call. He has now removed the position of ceo, and there is not so much entertainment during the Spring Festival. He is playing games with his grandson at home, and only some old friends will call to find him.

"Xiao Yang, Happy New Year!"

"Father Wang, I wish you a Happy New Year!"

The two laughed. They met when they filmed "Adventure with Bell" seven years ago. They climbed the Himalayas together, conquered the jungle together, and climbed Mount Everest about a few years later, but Yang An was too busy to spare time. Wang Shi could only go there again.

Yang Andao: "I still know from Director Guo, are you still the chairman of the Asian Rowing Federation?"

Wang Shizheng is holding a small brush to help his grandson paint the wooden speedboat model. His grandson is 10 years old. He also loves water sports. He loves motorboats and windsurfing, which is his pride.

He put down his brush, walked to the garden with a phone, and said with a smile: "I knew you were here for this. I heard about the decision made by the General Administration of Sports a year ago. The controversy above is big and can help you get it. They have made a lot of sacrifices for the place of the Asian Games, so since you have decided to participate, you must go all out. "

Yang An thanked a few words and asked curiously: "I'm surprised, but we are non-professional athletes, how can we compete with others?"

Wang Shi explained: "The rowing race is very ornamental, and each time a race boat will be followed by a speedboat to take a close-up video. One of the waterways on the shore is normally left for the assault boat. This time, the organizing committee won you the right to use it alone, and then gave you a special quota for your special event. In case you are out of the line, you can really participate in the finals and even get medals. This quota is still my Asian competition. The boat federation only got it in the middle of coordination. You don't need to know the troubles and hardships in the middle. In short, you owe me a favor! "

Yang An laughed: "Can you still get the medals? Well, I owe you kindness, and I will agree to whatever you ask."

The two talked a lot, and Wang Shi told Yang An that the current rowing competition in China is getting more and more attention and welcome. During the Rio Olympics, the Chinese team also won the bronze medal for women's single sculls. You must know that this sport has been a century old. It ’s all over the European and American countries. The Chinese team can get a medal, which is quite a rare breakthrough!

Yang An finally understood the ins and outs of this matter. Since the competition became justified, there is no reason for the extreme men to not prepare hard. Such a big thing is not a joke, all Asian people are watching him!

A few days of the Spring Festival, the news of the extreme challenge to be a rowing special has spread throughout the small area of ​​the entertainment circle, many celebrities have heard of it, and well-informed people are exchanging information with each other.

Tian Liang was a bit busy. He received countless calls and was asking about extreme challenges.

"I'm not very picky, where do I know the details ..."

This sentence was repeated no less than 30 times during the Spring Festival.

On the fifth day of the new year, he reluctantly repeated this sentence. This time, Wu Jing, the star of Wu Da, was called, and the two became friends after participating in a variety show called "Cyclone Rider" because the two were very good-looking. Like, outsiders say that the two are brothers, but they do match up as brothers and have a good personal relationship.

Wu Jing said: "Brother, although you are not in the extreme challenge group, but you have participated in several Yang's shows, right? How about you helping my brother today? I'm in a hurry! I heard you will be the agent tomorrow Are you getting married? I ’ll get a red envelope. ”

Tian Liang smiled: "You are the best when you arrive. You do n’t need any red envelopes. I will ask you for things, but I do n’t give you any guarantee. You do n’t know Yang An. He is a perfectionist. He chooses everything. It's up to him. "

"Well, you can just ask for help. I can't even ask anyone now."

Wu Jing thanked him for a long time, and waited in anxiety all night.

The next day, he packed a 6666 auspicious red envelope and came to the International Hotel. Today, Tian Liang and Ye Yixian's agents got married and held wine here. All the friends of the studio came to join us. Not stingy, in addition to personally giving the key of an Audi q5 as a dowry, he also invited several stars who have a close relationship with the studio to join the show.

Wu Jing was an uninvited guest outside the invitation. When the bride standing at the door welcomed him, he screamed and couldn't believe it.

The groom was overwhelmed, only to smirk.

The four parents were even more radiant, with smiles on their faces, and they were so happy to be able to invite a star of this level.

"Congratulations to both of you, I wish you a happy wedding, a hundred-year marriage, and a precious child early!"

Wu Jing sent a bulging red envelope ~ ~ after signing, led by the bridesmaid to the VIP seat and saw Tian Liang couple.

The guests who saw Wu Jing in the hall were a little surprised, because this star is very personal. The older generation of domestic and Hong Kong and Taiwan martial arts stars have been broken. They are **** men in their 30s and 40s who carry the banner. Many I thought it was the bride's boss' face!

Tian Liang stood up and asked Wu Jing to sit down, Wu Jing said hello to everyone, and then sat down beside Tian Liang.

"Brother, are you in a hurry?" Tian Liang held his hand in front of him and asked with a smile.

Wu Jing sighed, "The recent past years have been unfavorable. I need urgent support, and Master Yang needs guidance."

Tian Liang was curious, but at the request of Wu Jing, he first told the general situation.

Wu Jinghua breathed a sigh of relief: "You have to wait until the show is broadcast before you start choosing ... Is it the older brother Sun Honglei who is responsible for the list, isn't it? I can go to him for help."

Tian Liang took the opportunity to move a seat, sat down to the vacant seat, leaned over, and whispered, "What the **** happened to you? You have to go to Yang An's variety show? Want to enhance your personal image?"

Wu Qiqi: "I still blame my mouth! On January 5th, I participated in an interview program to promote my movie. The host asked me if I knew the xeo group. I have never heard of it. I do n’t know, it ’s not clear whether it ’s a man or a woman. As a result, the show was broadcast before the Spring Festival. I was badly scolded by that xeo fan because of this sentence! "

Tian Liang froze. After hearing the name of the group, he kept smirking and finally couldn't help laughing: "You are all like this, still want to participate in the extreme challenge? Do you know Zhang Yixing was a xeo person before?"

Wu Jing was embarrassed and didn't know what to say!

Tian Liang laughed and laughed: "You are throwing yourself away! My brother is amazing!"

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