The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 879: Rowing sees the real thing

After listening to Zhang Yixing's previous resume, Wu Jing was really embarrassed at this time, and he drew his head and asked, "What about this?"

This situation is a bit special. Tian Liang and Ye Yiqian discussed it and said, "Isn't Hong Lei's relationship with you okay? I will visit him with you in the afternoon and see what he says. ???? Although Zhang Yixing is Former eo players, but there is still something to do with extreme challenges anyway, it is better to deal with it carefully. "

"That's the only thing! But I feel angry when I think about it!"

Wu Jing took up the herbal tea in front of him and sipped it, saying: "The fans broke my space and posted it, and I will not say it. He also exploded the posts of Trump and some foreign celebrities, scolding me on it. Some more Extreme people are still broadcasting their wrists online and taking a brick to shoot their heads, just to make things bigger and force me to apologize. For the big New Year, those fans are all blood, holding in their hands 'Wu Jing must apologize to eo' paper It looks terrible, I look creepy! I am so entertained, how can I know everyone? I have nothing to do with them at all. If it weren't for this, I really do n’t know who they are! "

Tian Liang and Ye Yiqian could only comfort him, saying that the fans did something wrong, it was too much.

In fact, they have nothing to say to this brother. If the people in the entertainment industry are too rigid, it is not good. Anyone should be tolerant and be kind to make money.

Take a look at Yang An's example to know that his variety show will only reject artists with bad stains. Other stars are welcome to open the door, especially the trendy star guests, because it can bring huge popularity.

However, Wu Jing was disappointed in the afternoon. Tian Liang called and Sun Honglei was in trouble. He did not see the two, but said that he knew and would follow up. In addition, he started to work again on the eighth day of the first month. Everyone was busy. Wu Jing could only wait patiently for the notification.

On the afternoon of the sixteenth day of the first month, the Extreme Men gathered in Hongfeng and began to officially shoot a rowing special.

In the case of the red maple in the first month and the sun is shining, the outdoor temperature can reach 5-15 degrees. Everyone wears a uniform printed with the word "limit challenge" and not too thick, and comes to the Red Maple Sports University Rowing Club .

The club is located in the school, next to the East Lake, and is built next to a constant temperature swimming pool. The entrance of the club is in the auxiliary building of the swimming pool. This is the equipment area for water sports. The area is small. There are eight dynamometers in a row. There is a large set of monitors with strength training equipment next to it, which looks very professional.

Everyone stood and the teacher in charge of the reception introduced: "Today is the time for the students to officially return to school, but the teachers and students of the rowing major are ready. They have basically arrived yesterday. You can always watch their training . "

Yang An quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, this is something we didn't think about carefully. We should let them come home after the Lantern Festival. Guide Guo, pay more attention to such small details in the future."

Guo Hongyang quickly agreed to apologize to the leaders of the school and promised to give some subsidies to the students and teachers who arrived early. The attitude was very good, and the person in charge of the school was flattered.

Seeing Yang An and Guo Hongyang playing the zipline, Sun Honglei laughed secretly in their hearts and quietly gave the thumbs up.

Many times, the extreme challenge shooting programs are mainly based on star schedules. Adjustments must also consider their own schedules. The co-organizers that need to cooperate cannot take care of them. Often this time, Yang An and Guo Hongyang will sing. Red face, a white face, make the affected co-organizers look good, so there will be no complaints.

Take care of this, everyone rushed into the dock from the back door.

Don't look at the equipment building of the rowing club is not large, but an isolation fence of more than 100 meters has been pulled up along the lake. There is only one entrance at the pier, and there is usually professional security management. Non-rowing students and teachers are generally not allowed to enter.

"Wow! The weather is so good today that I have seen a long-lost blue sky!"

As soon as they entered the pier, everyone felt relaxed and admired.

The lake embankment built with white rocks is neat and orderly, and the large branches of the forest near the lake are lush. The cleaners have already cleared the leaves and garbage floating on the shore. There is no oil on the lake. Only naughty fish spit bubbles. , Occasionally jumping out of the water, and water birds diving from the air to catch fish, wild ducks floating on the water and playing, the sun and the sun shining on the body, the breeze blowing on the body, making people extremely happy!

"The water is so clear, the quality of the East Lake is pretty good!"

"The dock is quite big. Is this the entire East Lake?"

"Huang Bo, you are stupid. How could it be the entire East Lake? Do you know how big the East Lake is? This is just a notch area of ​​the East Lake ~ ~ is the exclusive Hongfeng Sports University water training place."

"Exclusive, too ... yo, someone is rowing!"

Everyone was in a good mood, lowered their peak caps, saw the sparkling clear lake in the sun, and several boats were swimming fast on the lake, knowing that they were members of the rowing team.

The Red Maple Sports University really has a unique geographical advantage. The East Lake is a tortuous waters. The school covers several complex waters, just a recess, 2.5 kilometers long and 5oo meters wide, so it is excellent. Rowing training and competition venues, formal competitions are 2ooo meters straight watercourse.

"Nice, good! Uniform!"

"Are you shouting a slogan?"

"Good time"

"The whole is the same!"

Yang An, they admired, came to the quay platform of the boarding boat, where they waited, and soon met the best team members of Hongfeng Sports University.

"happy New Year everyone!"

"It's hard everyone, come on, help!"

"Come up and talk, be careful!"

The extreme man helped six people step forward, stretched out his hand and pulled up the rowing team members, so that the youngsters couldn't even speak with excitement. When they saw idols appearing in front of themselves, no one could maintain a calm mood and fight Xiang shake hands with them and hug.

While chatting, Sun Honglei carefully looked at the rowing boat, and then frowned.

The rowing has a length of 17 meters, and it is close to the depth of the pier springboard. It is the length of Sun Honglei's imagination, and the widest middle section is only 57 centimeters. He made a slight gesture and felt that if he sat down, he probably would It's too narrow to run into the boat!

Others were also wrong, and under the introduction of the rowing captain, they observed the ship carefully.

Sabe asked, "Can we go up and feel it?" 8

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