The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 880: Rowing lost six battles!

The captain of the rowing rejected Shabey's request: "This is not possible. Unless you have received the most basic training in capsize training, it is particularly easy for newcomers to capsize the first time they launch."

Sun Honglei murmured: "Sailing? What sail? This is a rowing, not a sail!"

The others laughed at him, and the boys of the rowing team laughed even more. Many of them were fans of Sun Honglei. They liked him very much and liked to watch idols and jokes.

Guo Hongyang said, "Today is simple, let the boys of the rowing team demonstrate what a 2000-meter race looks like. Let's wait and see on the shore."


"let's start!"

Extreme Men helped members see the situation on the ground, fighting spirit, a little disdain for this sport.

Not just rowing!

Not just eight people paddling together!

Let's have fun!

When I learned that the extreme challenge was recorded in Hongfeng Sports University, many students who registered today came to watch the fun.

Because of the need to walk around the lake in the public area of ​​the school, security guards helped open the road ahead of time and persuaded the students who were watching in front to leave. Sit on, while waving, greet the students around.

Stopped at the starting point along the lake road, the three tandem bicycles were already waiting. The two parties contacted by walkie-talkie. The rowing team was ready at the starting line of the waters, and they waited for the bicycle team to issue orders.

"Yes, let's go!"

Yang An nodded to Guo, and after seeing the word, the rowing team moved.

The eight men bent their legs together and paddled together, their actions were quite neat, and the rowing boat moved forward in the wind and waves.

"Let's go too!"

The six shouted slogans, started pedaling, and were confident.

"There is resistance in the water, and rowing is definitely not as fast as we ride!"

"That's for sure. Bicycles only have tire friction on land. The two of us ride a car, and the speed is definitely faster than them!"

"Look, they're slow! Haha ..."

Everyone watched from the side, the rowing team really did not set off fast. Everyone paddled the paddles in about 5 seconds, and the bike easily overtook them.

Just as the six people were laughing and joking, the rower's little helmsman seemed to be shouting something. I saw eight people speed up their paddles, once every 3 seconds and once every 2 seconds. After the frequency accelerated, the rowing seemed to fly Again, the speed has more than doubled suddenly!

"Kick hard! Don't be thrown away by them!"

Yang An, who realized something was wrong, shouted a little, anxiously.

Behind him was Shabe. This clever guy had long noticed something was wrong, and he didn't even say a word.

Yang An and Sha Bei's two-person car was the first to start. When the other two cars hurried to catch up, they have found that the rowing boat is far behind!

"Impossible ... are they about to take off?"

Everyone was shocked that the speed of this rowing was too fast, they couldn't keep up!



Yang Anlei didn't even want to say anything. Shabei couldn't wait to spend all his energy on both legs. The two of them turned their heads and looked at the eight-man rowing on the lake. The frequency of once every 2 seconds lasted for half. Minutes, throwing everyone hundreds of meters away, the speed slowly slowed down!

"What the **** ..."

"How come so fast?"

Although they knew that VJ was shooting with them, everyone couldn't care less about the image. If they were shocked, they would be shocked. If they were thrown away, they would be thrown away. They are really hard to believe that a small rowing boat is faster than an electric car The VJs who followed them are even faster, let alone their bikes!

"What's your speed?"

Yang An couldn't believe it. He asked the VJ in front and couldn't stop at the same time. They had to catch up with the rowing team's frequency to 3 seconds.


VJ shouted loudly, almost everyone was dizzy!

Want to be so exaggerated?

Can rowing reach or exceed 30 kilometers per hour?

What level are they riding bikes on?

Huang Bo is a cycling enthusiast. He gasped and shouted, "Bicycle 25 is already fast ... they can get to 30 as soon as possible ... I guess it is more than this speed ..."

Shame, too shameful!

At a distance of 2,000 meters, the rowing is a straight line, sprinting in wide waters, and the road around the lake is curved, at least 100 meters long. There are many onlookers along the road. For safety, their speed cannot be raised at all. stand up.

In addition, the boys of the rowing team knew that it was on the show and saw so many camera lenses taking pictures of them. It was ironic to show them in front of everyone and took out their official game tactics. , Get rid of these people!

After reaching the finish line, the crowd was embarrassed, and they could only watch the men of the rowing team waving their greetings to them in the center of the lake, and then rode back dimly.

This time, everyone no longer underestimated the rowing sport. At a distance of 2,000 meters, it was almost impossible to see the pier. They rode for more than 8 minutes and the average speed was 15 km / h. The average speed of the rowing team It took only 5 minutes and 59 seconds to reach 20 km / h!

"Our Red Maple body rowing team also ranks high in the country ~ ~ We have won the gold medal at the Universiade, but the result in 6 minutes is still very slow. The world-class level is within 5 minutes and 30 seconds, the domestic National Games champion is within 5 minutes and 40 seconds, and Asia is also at this level. "

Back to the pier and hearing the explanation from the rowing captain, Yang An was also speechless. This speed is really ...

The six stood in a row, and Yang An suddenly laughed: "Did we fall into the pit?"

Sabe also had a headache: "It feels hard!"

Huang Bo smiled on Shabei's shoulder and said, "We are the ultimate challenge. There is a saying that there is nothing difficult in the world, I'm afraid of someone who cares!"

That being said, everyone has no confidence and can only take one step at a time.

After visiting the real rowing race, it's time to meet the coach.

Red Maple Sports University sent the best rowing coach and waited in a row of factory-like sheds next to the pier. The environment was not so good and a bit rude.

As soon as Yang An entered, he saw rows of boats, singles, doubles, quads, eights, kayaking, life rafts, and even speedboats. There should be all small water sports here. vessel.

In surprise and admiration, the coach came over, he was tall and well-proportioned, he looked handsome, and he smiled sunnyly: "Hello everyone, I'm your rowing coach Xu Feng!"


"It's amazing, the coach is so handsome?"

"Are you all handsome guys practicing rowing?"

"Let's play more handsomely?"

The Extreme Men Gang is joking with the coach. Coach Xu is also a laugh-loving person. After greeting everyone, he started to introduce from scratch, gradually.

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