The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 881: Rowing seven boats cost 100,000

Rowing must first understand the equipment. Coach Xu Feng explained one by one. The extreme men help to participate in the eight-person scull competition. There are two parts of equipment that need to be prepared, one for eight-person rowing, and eight for paddles.

"A boat and a paddle are not the same?"

I heard that we have to prepare separately, everyone thinks it is incredible.

Xu coach said: "Yes, paddles are consumable items. The price of a better paddle is about 10,000 yuan, and the price of an eight-person rowing boat is 600,000. You need to buy them yourself."

Buy it yourself ...

The six of them looked together at the forward shooting team, but did not expect that Guo Hongyang deliberately pretended that they did not hear, did not respond, did not stop, and just continued shooting.

This is self-evident, Yang An laughed, quietly gave Sun Honglei around her eyes and said, "Let the best male artist pay for it?"

Sun Honglei immediately grasped the clap and applauded: "It is necessary, we have n’t invited us to dinner after winning the prize, it is really stingy to be home!"

Shabei had just protested a few words, and others were shouting to interrupt him, blocking his mouth and preventing him from speaking.

"It's terribly stingy! I won the prize and said that I was invited before the Spring Festival, and after the New Year, I said that there is no time before the 15th of the first month, and I will continue to drag. This is a trick!"

"To deal with Lao Lai, there is only one trick, catch up and go to jail, fine the death!"

"The total amount is less than 700,000, Brother Sha, you will do it!"

"I won't let you treat guests, as long as you buy this set of equipment!"

Shabei couldn't help crying: "Why should I pay for it? This is a collective activity. It should be aa system, 700,000. I can buy a small apartment in Hongfeng. I have to save milk for my children! If you have money, why don't Boss Yang pay for the boat? "

"Yang Geer has done enough!"

"Don't even think about finding funding in the group!"

"But shouldn't buying rowing boats be included in the program funding?"

When Guo Hongyang saw the flames of war come to his own head, he explained with a smile: "The production team is on the verge of bankruptcy after the year-end award is issued. This month's salary will not be paid out. How can you buy a rowing boat? You think of it!"

Extreme Challenge and Bankruptcy?

Seeing that all the other staff members covered their mouths and laughed, the five brothers around him were also dying of your unpaying expression, and Shabe couldn't help laughing.

Suddenly, Sun Honglei said seriously, "In this way, I have paid for this money. Both the rowing boat and the paddle were bought for me. Coach Xu, I want to raise the budget a little further to 1 million. Please trouble us to find better equipment. "

Coach Xu laughed: "No problem, although these devices are made of special aviation aluminum, but they are also graded. One million yuan can indeed buy a lighter, better-quality hull and paddle."

As soon as Shabei was stunned, Huang Bo thought that Sun Honglei's head was confused. While frowning at him, he reminded: "Her brother, who is rushing to pay?"

Unexpectedly, Sha Yi also raised his hand and betrayed: "I can buy it."

Jump out again?

Shabei smelled a conspiracy: "No, I'll pay for the money, right? I own the boat, right? Hey! My yard is big, and the 17-meter boat can fit in my house!"

Sun Honglei was anxious: "My house can put two 17 meters down! No one should grab me! This boat is mine!"

Seeing that these brothers are starting to fight for whom they are almost paying, Yang An's stomach is almost laughing and hurting, you finally figured it out!

This is the extreme challenge out of print of His Majesty's warship. This is the only ship in the world. If you can get a medal at the Asian Games, it will be more memorable. When you get old in the future, you will see this rowing boat and think back. From the madness of middle age, he can also tell his grandchildren about his grandpa's heroic record. This is a precious item that you can't buy without money!

Everyone has figured this out. Of course, quarrels are unavoidable. Frequent jokes and jokes like jokes are one of the highlights of variety shows.

These six people scuffled each other, ran for each other, scrambled to pay, and raised the price. One million was not enough. Some people went to 1.5 million and two million. The scene was full of laughter. Guo Hongyang and their directors already laughed. , The effect is great!

In the end, everyone gave the decision to coach Xu Feng.

Coach Xu raised his hand with a smile and pointed to Sun Honglei: "There is no need for 2 million, it costs 1 million more, it can not be improved for you for a few seconds, I think a full set of equipment plus training costs and consumables, 1 million is enough. So It's still Honglei brother to pay for it! "


Sun Honglei was overjoyed, holding his fist, and embracing coach Xu enthusiastically, he kept saying: "Coach Xu, don't be afraid of these insults, I am the elder brother, I will cover you in the future!"

Others had nothing to say. In the end, they still refused to accept it. Shabera quietly discussed with Yang An, saying that after the game, they stole the paddles and stole their cushions and slides. This proposal turned out to be Huang Bo. Agree!

After coach Xu briefly introduced this knowledge ~ ~ took everyone back to the equipment area of ​​the annex and began to test their physical fitness.

The first test is an upper arm strength test, with the simplest pull-ups.

The three people with the best physical fitness in the team were Yang An, Sha Bei, and Huang Bo. The shameless one was Sha Bei. He pushed the others away and spit in his hand: "Let me be the first!"

"Spit, disgusting!"

"You spit on your hand and grab the horizontal bar. How do you let us grab it?"

"Go away and go and wash your hands!"

The other five men kicked and kicked Shabei away, and Huang Bo chose to test first.

Coach Xu said: "If you can do more than 15, you can pass. This is the worst level for professional rowers. Without strong arm strength, you can't provide strong thrust of the oars ... Come on!"

"Come on!"

"Bo Huang, do 20 warm-ups first!"

With everyone applauding, Huang Bo jumped up, taking advantage of the force of the upsurge, easily stretched his chin across the horizontal bar, and a pull-up action was completed.

1,2 ... 5,6 ... 9,10 ...

When Huang Bo reached the tenth, he was already a bit powerless. He began to pedal like a frog. This is the instinctual reaction of the body and also the cheating technique of this sport. Can't go up.

"Okay, eleven."

"Brother Huang is awesome. Like a frog, he will go up a few times!"

"Coach, 15 passes, isn't it too difficult?"

After Huang Bo came down to ask, coach Xu said: "By the time you can reach 15 or more before the official competition in September, you are barely qualified."

The second person was Sun Honglei. He took off his jacket, took off his shoes, and stepped on the anti-fall foam pad to prepare for the horizontal bar.

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