The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 882: Rowing eight take off my coat!

Everyone was curious: "Why take off your shoes?"

Sun Honglei said lightly: "Reduce weight!"

Everyone almost fainted. Is it worth the weight of a pair of shoes?

Sun Honglei jumped up and grabbed the horizontal bar. It was not enough to do only six. He started kicking. It was surprising that his kicking efficiency was very high. He even kicked four consecutively, reaching a total of ten. This is sour. It hurts.

Coach Xu spoke verbally and then critically said, "It is true that kicking is a breakthrough exercise, but we still need to use standard pull-up postures and practice a lot of biceps and back muscles."

Sun Honglei accepted the opinions with an open mind, and the others also took turns. Sha Yi made four and fell off, and Zhang Yixing only made five.

Before Shabe was driven away, now the penultimate test, fifteen in one breath, without even kicking the legs, easily jumped to the ground, clapped his hands, proudly raised his head and said, "How about, Is Brother Sha very powerful? Let me hear your cheers ... "

"Cut! What a pride!"

"Just get it!"

"You are too light. It must be easy to pull up!"

"Don't be jealous. I'm a standard figure. I don't have a trace of fat on my body. All are lean muscles! Wow ha ha ha ~"

In the proud laugh of Shabei, the last Yang An came on.

He also took off his jacket and put on non-slip gloves. He jumped up without using inertia, but hung straight up, and then pulled up with both arms at a constant speed, with his two forks close together, and his chin easily passed the horizontal bar.


Coach Xu couldn't help but praise it: "This is the standard action!"

Shabe suddenly ran behind Yang An and hugged him. Yang An, who almost hurt, fell, and he was so scared of itching!

"what are you doing!"

Yang An protested loudly, Shabei let go of him, and smiled at the camera with a smile: "Since Yang Geer is the most standard posture, do we want to give some welfare to the audience in the country?"

At this moment, Yang An's face was blushing: "Neuropathy, Shabey! You go away!"

The others also came to their senses, laughing and laughing.

Shabe said loudly: "We have recorded so many shows, swimming, water sports, diving, marine specials, we either wear tights or waterproof team uniforms, never take off the upper body, right? Brothers, You said, would you take him off? "

"Get off!"

"Get off!"

"Get off!"

The unrestrained extreme men help members collectively perform hula dances, applaud and sidestep Yang Yang, and move their feet manually to get rid of Yang An's movement.

"Don't you know it's so cold?"

"What to take off?"

"Who is pulling my clothes!"

"You wandering ..."

Yang An was struggling, but unfortunately the voice of protest was getting weaker. He fisted ten hands against him. Five people took off his jacket forcibly. He could only protect his chest with two hands and squatted aside with his arms. , Like a strong daughter-in-law.

"Stop shooting!"

Yang An shouted at the camera, blushing like a monkey's ass.

Unexpectedly, several female assistants over the camera team were even more shy, covering their faces with their hands, and daring to peep at him in the fingers, while Guo Hongyang and their male directors all smiled and turned a deaf ear.

Shabehaha laughed and coaxed: "Don't worry, you will be mosaiced at that time."

Sun Honglei also made bad: "Stand up and hurry up to do pull-ups, it's not good to catch a cold when it's cold!"

"You know that it's cold!"

Yang An couldn't help crying and laughing, only to remind Guo Hongyang repeatedly to remember to play mosaic, and then stood up.

"Wow ~"

These five people, like the little girl of the idiot, all stared at Yang An's upper body. They couldn't bear to look away, and gave out envy and jealousy.

The eyes are two broad and square pectoralis major muscles. They are quite full, with clear lines and deep seams. There are six clearly visible abdominal muscles under the chest muscles, and the bottom is blocked by the trousers. Thick and favorable, muscles bulging, and the skin is very good, but in a small part, there are some less noticeable scars.

The director and assistant girls on the side swallowed together, their eyes turned into little stars, and they were salivating about this body. It was really terrible. They were ma, they were so good, they were so talented. A perfect example!

Everyone at the scene thought so, Huang Bo pointed his eyes, walked over and pointed to a long scar on Yang An's right arm, and asked, "What's the situation?"

Yang An hadn't spoken yet, Shabei helped explain: "The previous year the running man was climbing a mountain, he was accidentally injured, leaving such a big scar ~ ~ Oh, there is another place here, Also injured? "Huang Bo pointed to the other arm, a circular scar, a circle with **** wide, but the color was a bit pale.

Shabei continued to explain: "Yes, I also remember here that I was stabbed by a wire when I was over the wall. He was bleeding a lot and was given a tetanus needle. In fact, he had a lot of scars on his legs. Take off his pants too? "

Everyone laughed!

Looking at Yang An's embarrassment, Shabei smiled happily: "So, do you remember the episode of Hongfeng's escape? The crime of material damage is him, and he doesn't cherish the body of the number one in the variety industry ... "

Yang An couldn't laugh or cry: "Brother Sha is enough! Don't say anything, I will drill the ground again. Hurry up and finish the pull-ups, and let me die!"

The people next to him gave way to him, and his heart became more and more admired. It was really a life that could be a variety brother. This is not an exaggeration. I am really sorry.

Yang An jumped up, doing standard pull-ups, a bit like Matt Munda's opening scene in "Spy Shadow 1."

He was facing the camera lens, and his chest and abs were clearly visible. Although he could not capture the developed appearance of his latissimus dorsi muscles, just looking at the explosion of the shoulder biceps muscles was full of beauty of strength!

1, 2, 3 ...

7, 8, 9 ...

Everyone was counting. Looking at Yang An, who was wearing sports trousers and bare-chested, was all amazed.

After exercise, the muscles will bulge. At this time, it can be clearly seen that Yang An's upper body has an inverted triangle body shape. Not only did the girls at the scene speed up their heartbeat, their mouths became dry, even the men secretly swallowed saliva. I hope to have such a body, but few people can persist in training. They know that Yang An has definitely persisted for ten years.

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