The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 883: Rowing nine must be infantry, not cavalry

"It's already 15! Good job, Brother Yang!"

Everyone applauded, Yang Anda was unwilling to do more after the standard, immediately jumped down, ran to the side to find clothes to put on, although his body was not cold, but this was the first time he did not wear clothes in front of national television audiences, Even if he mosaics two points, he will be embarrassed shyly!

Guo Hongyang thought so in his heart that he would rather be deducted from wages than to be coded. If it was really coded, he was estimated to be scolded to death by audiences across the country, and the audience would definitely send him a blade!

Coach Xu applauded for a long time like everyone else, admiring: "Yes, Yang An's upper limb strength should be the strongest in the team. This strength is almost more than professional rowers. Very good, we have a general!"

I saw five people who did not congratulate, but instead sighed and sighed, "They are handsome and good-looking.

Now even the directors laughed out loud. Being a male **** is not so easy. If you do n’t pay, how can it be rewarded?

During the joke, the physical fitness test of the upper limbs was over, and running was not busy for the time being. Now I will start the machine and try the ergometer.

The ergometer is a professional name, and the popular point is also called rowing machine. Many become fitness equipment to enter millions of households. They are simple welded steel structures with a total length of two meters.

In front of the person is a hand-drawn high-strength pull paddle rope, which can simulate paddling.

Below the front is a multi-functional pedal, and under the seat cushion is a slide rail, which is basically the same structure as the cabin.

The seat base has a large circular flywheel, which is connected to the pull rope in front. The resistance of the pull rope can be adjusted. There are ten different resistance options, which can perfectly simulate the feel of real water sports.

These are all high-quality goods, a set of tens of thousands of pieces, this price is surprising to everyone, such a niche sports rowing, hundreds of thousands of casually enter the door, I heard that the price of a single boat It is also close to 200,000!

Everyone is still curious about electronic equipment, pointing at the monitor on the support arm and asking, "What is this for?"

Coach Xu explained: "This is the latest version of the pm5 monitor, which can calculate all the key data of your exercise, and also perform data analysis. Here is a data cable that is transmitted to the software and can be seen on the big screen at a glance. Come on, I will show you how to do it first, and then each of you will sit down and prepare for training. "

The standard posture looks very simple. Bent legs stretch out to grab the paddles, and both legs are forced to pull the ropes with both arms at the same time. Both legs straighten the body and lean back to pull the rope as far as possible. Ready to repeat forward.

Really, it ’s either that the action is not in place here, or that the speed is getting slower and slower here. Rowing is a full body of legs, waist, and hands. Although the six people are pulling the paddle rope, as long as they are carefully contrasted, each Individuals are different.

This shows that there is a problem!

Coach Xu corrected his posture beside everyone, he didn't stop, everyone was paddling.

After a few minutes, everyone noticed something was wrong.

The first person to stop and rest was Sha Yi, and Zhang Yixing beside him also stopped. Both of them panted, looked at each other, and said with a bitter smile, "A big event!"

"I'm tired, and I'm only 300 meters away ..." Looking at the data record on pm5, they were dumbfounded.

The others were also tired and roared. Huang Bo and Sun Honglei insisted on reaching 500 meters. Shabei saw the others stop. Even if he was strong, he did not paddle. When he looked close to the monitor, he was surprised: " Did I go 550 meters? "

Yang An, who was paddling, also stopped and couldn't believe it: "Not even half of it? I only paddled 630 meters ... I'm really tired!"

A group of people stopped and looked around, all speechless.

Before I decided to participate, I was full of confidence. I did n’t feel like going back to collect information. Who knew that when he got started, he found that the sport was so tired!

Just after a quarter of their trip, they felt struggling. What about the rest of the journey?

Coach Xu said: "Ten minutes off, let's have a friendly solo boat race!"

The friendly match was not fun, and Shabe proposed to take the lead. "So, in order to stimulate everyone's desire to win, the last three are responsible for buying lunch for everyone at noon today, and they are not eligible for dinner. How about that? "

People who help the extreme men never counsel, never bb, start directly, no one believes that they are the last three!

Six people took off their jackets, sat on the ergometer, tied the fixed pedals, and prepared.

Six horizontal waterways appeared on the big screen, and six boat models stopped at the starting line. Because today is the first time to simulate rowing, the total distance is set to 1000 meters ~ ~ Because it is a half distance, so If you can achieve a score of 3 minutes and 20 seconds, you will pass. "

Listening to the coach's words, the six of them are thinking about abacus.

2000 meters and 1000 meters are two very different concepts. They consume much less physical energy. Generally speaking, the speed of 1000 meters in the first half will be faster than the latter half.

At 3 minutes and 20 seconds, if you train for another seven months, it is likely that you will get 3 minutes!

The first-class level in Asia is about 5 minutes and 45 seconds. They don't ask for medals, they just want to compete for a place, and they just go to the final!

Thinking of this, everyone yelled excitedly, patted their chests to cheer themselves up, shouted fighting, and the fighting spirit was intense!


A sound like an electronic sound came out, shocking everyone.

This is the start of the official game, and then the electronic voice continues to report the second sentence: "attention!"


The whistle sounds and the timing starts!

Six people move together and start paddling!

The six people without systematic training moved in accordance with their own understanding. They are totally fighting on their own blood and their dissatisfied character, inspired by Shabei!

On the big screen, six ships went side by side, and no gap could be seen within 50 meters. Until 100 meters, two ships were only a few meters ahead, one was Yang An and the other was Shabe.

The field was very enthusiastic, Huang Bo and Sun Honglei cheer themselves up, roaring while paddling.

Zhang Yixing and Sha Yi are boring and hard-working types.

Yang An and Shabei sat together. The two had similar physical strength at the start. The next step was endurance. At 200 meters, Yang An was slightly ahead by 5 meters, but Shabey did not fall behind, still chasing after him!

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