The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 889: 15 rowing congratulations!

The athletes of other water sports all looked at the corner of the training base and the rowing athletes cheering and cheering.

"Is the extreme challenge not a variety show, why do sports content?"

"Is anyone a challenge? I am sure to try any profession and challenge any difficulties!"

"There are dozens of items on the water, why do you choose rowing instead of our kayaking, swimming, and sailing?"

"You're stupid. Only rowing is the largest number of participants. Pay attention to cooperation! If you let them participate in individual competitions, then forget it!"

"I envy them, the city will play!"

"The key is that they play well, and regardless of what they play, the audience buys it. This is called a star!"

Several kayakers sitting in the paddling paddle in the still pool admired and said that the speed of the paddles in their hands became slower and slower, and eventually they became more and more irritable, and lost their views before throwing them. It was just a team of swimmers coming next door Everyone, please pull me to say hello, everyone's heart is turbulent today, and they don't want to train anymore, so they plan to come and watch TV at night.

Before 7 pm, Zhang Meng and they came to grab the position. Fortunately, the projection was just set up. Several boys were helping to get equipment and moving stools. Their girls sat in the front row with smiles and waited for the show to start.

Today is a special feature of rowing, so the men's team with eight people also had the honor to sit in the front row, sitting next to the girls.

The tall and handsome male captain came together and spoke with Zhang Meng of the women's team: "Xiao Xiaomeng, do you know how many people participate in the extreme challenge team?"

This guy was a little petty to her, Zhang Meng knew very well, backed away a little more than ten centimeters, and asked strangely, "You know that before the show airs?"

He smiled with arrogance, as if showing a pendulum, touching his chin and pretending to be mysterious: "I asked a friend a while ago, does anyone really know that, do you know Xu Feng of the Hongfeng Sports University rowing team?"

"The name is a bit familiar, but I can't remember it all at once."

"Give you a hint, the Athens Olympics ..."

Zhang Meng's women's team all remembered, and the women almost agreed: "The men's double oars in the Athens Olympic Games lost 1.5 seconds, and only the one who won the fourth place?"

Wan Li nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, they are both! Xu Feng went to Hongfeng Sports University as a coach, and his teammate Zhang Jian went to Qingdao as the Dongshan rowing team. I have a buddy who is a student of Xu Feng He said that he saw the formation of the teacher ’s parade. In addition to the limit of six people, there were Wu Yanzu, Zhang Yishan, Wu Jing, He Jiong, Hu Ge, Tian Liang, Xiao Yueyue ... "

"Haha ... aren't you going to heaven?"

The girls all laughed in exaggeration, Zhang Meng even said: "Come on, you! Xiao Yueyue can row a boat, my last name!"

Wan Li hehe he laughed three times, and said in front of everyone deliberately: "Then I am waiting to call you Mrs. Wan ..."

"Get off!"

Among the sisters' coquettling, the little girl Zhang Meng blushed and ignored the bad guy. In fact, her heart was already chaotic and she was too shy to know what to say.

The girls of the rowing team are all tall, usually not allowed to wear nails, wear skirts and high heels, except for training every day, they are training. The overall looks are not too feminine, and the athletes have no fame and money before the performance. Only sports colleagues understand and appreciate it.

But it really needs a little stimulation to adjust in the nervous life. Coach Judy knows this. It is reasonable to allow everyone to watch TV this time. At this time, she sees the men and women team members are playing, as long as it is not too much, she opens With one eye closed and one eye passed, she is the most beautiful teammate in rowing. She has also been pursued by many men before, which is completely understandable.

The training hall estimated that more than two hundred people had come this time. It was dark, and the stools on the ground were full. Many people simply sat on the ergometer while pulling and watching. The method was a bit like a friend climbing to a tree. Training center It is rare to be so lively than the general mobilization conference atmosphere before the game.

At 8 o'clock, "Extreme Challenge" started on time. First of all, Yang An took everyone to rehearse the Spring Festival Gala. Director Guo, who was nicknamed "Guo Hangkeng" by the audience, threw out a rowing proposal. I am very happy, have expressed willingness to participate, and hope to make my body better through rowing.

There was laughter in the training hall. Everyone was athletes.

"It is indeed Guo Kengkeng, Yang Geer, they did it without knowing it!"

"The rowing can really get better, but it is ten times harder than the gym!"

"Do these weak and old guys really think the Asian Games are so good to participate in? Lose your pants carefully!"


"Goodbye at the Asian Games"

Seeing their unveiling, the athletes laughed and applauded.

Other ordinary non-athlete audiences were stunned, thinking it was a April Fool's joke.

At the forum, 90% of the audience said that this matter was unreliable.

"You said that you plan to climb Mount Everest. I still believe that it is nothing more than a physical and high reflex. When you say rowing, I'm huh, is it so easy to participate in the Asian Games?"

"Let a group of celebrity hands-free stars go to professional sports competitions. Are the stars crazy or am I crazy?"

"This time the extreme challenge is playing a lot, it is really challenging the extreme!"

"I don't know how they will end in the future!"

"Look forward ... hope they don't let us get too disappointed!"

Now that it has become a reality ~ ~ It is also shown in front of the audience in the country, indicating that the extreme men must be prepared for both psychological and physical preparations. The audience is still looking forward to it a little, hoping to see Their wonderful performance.

The next step is to popularize the knowledge of rowing among ordinary audiences. Seeing the performance of the Red Maple Grand Rowing Team on the East Lake, the athletes at the training center are kind.

The funny performance of the Extreme Men Gang along the lake road made everyone laugh.

The results of the 2000 meters and 6 minutes of the sports rowing team are nothing in the eyes of the members of the national team, but considering that they are only college students, many people have nothing to blame.

The next fitness test was another wave of high dynasties, which surprised countless audiences, especially female fans.

Seeing Yang An take off her shirt and do pull-ups, she has a good body at a glance. The beauty of strength makes countless people reluctant to blink.

And the post-production symbolically, played two mosaics perfunctoryly, with the veiled feeling of overwhelming, which made female audiences all fascinated, and male audiences were endless and envious.

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