The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 890: Rowing 16 hit the extreme men!

The training center is no exception. Seeing this scene on TV, the female team members exclaimed and screamed without exception.

"Wow is so handsome!"

"Good shape ~"

"It's over, I'm totally hooked on him ~"

"Yang Geer is indeed my idol!"

Half of the scene were women's players. All were around 20-year-old girls. One by one, their eyes turned into peach blossoms, covering their blushing cheeks, obsessively watching Yang An on the big screen doing pull-ups and heartbeats.噗 Tongxiang.

Zhang Meng and her teammates bowed their heads together, laughing and laughing, giggling to the ears of the male players around him, that envy, jealousy and hate!

Wan Li and some eight-member men's team members look a bit unsightly. The young guys are full of vitality. In the sports world of strength, they still look down on these stars at least in the men's eight-man rudder rowing competition. Look down on Extreme Men.


"What a show!"

"Typical hype, one flower stand!"

Wan Li these people whispered, and many girls shouted in their ears, and they became even more upset.

But this wave of high dynasties made most audiences unsatisfied. This kind of welfare is really rarely seen. Ten years ago, Yang An filmed "Following the Adventure with Bell" in Kathmandu, Nepal, and his whole body was wet with water. With a close-fitting lens, I went to Sanya to record "The Great Challenge" to shoot a deep diving relay, which is also a skinny diving suit, but none of them are as bold as today.

From a man in his 20s to a man in his 30s, Yang An has always maintained a good figure and added the charm of a mature man. It is really impossible for fans who like him!

At this time, "Devil's Mom" ​​coach Judy coughed, attracting the attention of others.

Judy said: "You have also seen the previous content. [Extreme Challenge Rowing Team] will go to many countries this year to exchange ideas with local rowing teams. Finally, this summer, they will come to our training base for the final sprint training. The leaders of the General Administration of Sport said that we must seize the opportunity of this year ’s Asian Games and promote the rowing sport to the whole country with the “Extreme Challenge” program. The best performers among you will also have the opportunity to be the guests of the extreme challenge. . "

Happiness came so suddenly, all the athletes in the rowing event clenched their fists in surprise and shouted!


"Extreme challenges are coming to play against us!"

"Can we also become sports stars?"

"Don't be stupid! Unless sports stars are like Tian Liang and Bao Chunlai, and their looks must be very outstanding, the transition from sports to entertainment can be successful, so the most important thing is, first of all, you have to It's a world champion! "

"But anyway, this is also an opportunity!"

"I can see them with my own eyes, and I'm excited ~"

Most of the people in the rowing project really can't sit still. Young guys and girls around 20 years old, who is not with a famous dream?

This is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They can train, discuss, and exchange experiences with the extreme challenge rowing team. Maybe there is a chance to be photographed. When they compete in the same stage, if they win the Asian Games gold medal, it will have an impact. The force will be several times more than before. Who cares about rowing before? Now there are extreme challenges to participate, and the people of the whole country are concerned about this sport!

However, on the men's eight-person rowing team, Wan Li, these people are in a very complicated mood, staring at each other for a while, setting off a fierce battle!

They just talked about Yang An's show, full of hostility. Now I heard that there is going to be a match, who doesn't take a breath?

Athletes who do not conflict in other events cheer, but they are war-fighting.

The others were happy to train with the Extreme Men Gang, but they only thought about how to step Yang An under them.

Others have the idea of ​​chasing stars, but they think this is a great opportunity to rise.


Wan Li whispered softly, just to let the companions around him hear, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Brothers, we have opponents, and have fun with them ~

Hearing the captain's tone, the team members were restless and did not know if it was a blessing or a curse.

The funny scenes on TV have been going on. There are more and more athletes whispering, chatting excitedly, and swearing silently in their hearts.

"My God! They're on the ergometer!"

One person exclaimed in a low voice, and the spectators could not help but return to the sight, and saw six people sit on the ergometer for a fitness test.

Extreme men help to tie shoelaces, actions are not standardized, everyone smiles.

Sun Honglei didn't sit still, slipped his hips, and someone chuckled.

Shabey tried to pull the paddle rope, the action was ugly, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

After the electronic starter buzzed, a bunch of people yanked without any rules, the physical exertion was extremely unscientific, and all the athletes laughed.

"They must be bad."

"Looking at this situation, it is about 4 minutes away at 1000 meters!"

"They lost at least 10% of their energy ..."

"Yo, Yang Ye and Shabei are the fastest, they should be around three and a half minutes."

"No, they are completely white."

Wan Li and Zhang Meng commented in a low voice. They were both 8-person paddle competitions. They were too clear about how to perform actions scientifically and efficiently, and they were not optimistic about the limit of six.

Who knows, when Yang An crossed the line for the first time and scored only 3 minutes and 10 seconds, everyone was holding back!

Let's see that Shabei lost only a few seconds. In order not to buy a box lunch, everyone rushed to complete the task within 3 minutes and 50 seconds. These athletes all smiled and became cautious.

Wan Li was a little depressed: "Are they really new to rowing? This result ..."

He didn't want to say anything, especially Yang An ~ ~ It was better than the results he had just started practicing rowing!

The next teammates also put down their contempt, but they regarded the Extreme Men Gang as a competitor. I did not expect that this group of stars would have such a powerful outbreak, it is really daunting!

Zhang Meng giggled: "How about, your men's team is under pressure, isn't it?"

Wan Li hummed: "How can a man say that he can't? When they come, wait and see how we hang them!"

The next few girls couldn't hear it: "Can! You are the 20-year-old with the best physical strength, or professional athletes who have been trained for seven or eight years. Their average age is 34, or are they amateurs. Do they have a sense of accomplishment? ? "

"That's it! I have the ability to dump them for 1 minute, otherwise we won't admit you win!"

"Huh! You have the ability to score 5 minutes and 40 seconds!"

"I go……"

They almost vomited blood, and they could win the world championship in 5 minutes and 40 seconds.

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