The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 892: Rowing 18 buy old and wet treasure DVD?

Everyone was joking, talking with envy.

"It's ridiculous! Why is your kid so lucky? Some of the hottest shows in China have you!"

"Mom, I don't remember my brother after the fire! Last time he went to Tokyo to shoot" All Members Plus China ", I asked his dog to bring back some old and wet collector's edition dishes, and the money passed him. He came back and said he forgot! "

"Isn't it? That doesn't work. I care what kind of star you are, whether you take part in several shows, don't treat our brothers as brothers, you must drink!"

Zhang Yishan couldn't help crying. Looking at the "aggrieved" brother, he could only ask for mercy: "Brother Li, you can't say that! We went to Tokyo to record a show, and we didn't just go wherever we wanted to play, just do whatever we wanted." You have to buy the * discs, and you can take it with friends traveling to Japan. I ’m a public figure, so how can I go to those video shops ... ”

Li Ge is even more reluctant: "You are not convenient to go, let your agent and assistant buy it!"

There was a snoring sound, Zhang Yishan was full of black lines, and Lao Tiechi explained with a smile: "His agent is his dad. You asked him to call his dad to an adult store to help you buy old wet DVDs? Does his dad believe it?"

Li Ge is also a little embarrassed: "This uh ... dizzy ..."


The people at the table burst into laughter, attracting other diners around. Zhang Yishan was also embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Even if the persuasion was put on hold, anyway, if they were to make trouble again, they would be the other ones, without bringing Zhang Yishan.

The old iron took the lead, and everyone had a drink. He casually asked: "Isugi, the extreme challenge rowing team you said, tomorrow is your test selection, right? Are you confident to be accepted?"

Zhang Yishan took a sip of wine and ate the kebabs he had just brought up. He wasn't sure: "It's hard to say, the pressure is too great, the competition between peers, and the pressure from outside society."

The old iron nodded: "The same thing, the first reaction after I heard this is this. You will definitely lose when you participate in the Asian Games. Maybe the outside world will say what the extreme challenge looks like. Something, it must be particularly ugly. "

Lige also persuaded: "You listen to me, test and select tomorrow, you take the funny route, try to grab as many mirrors as possible, with less effort, you can mix one episode of the program, but do n’t really go to this muddy Water, what about rowing, and participating in the Asian Games, that is definitely a difficult task! "

"Yes, Shange, you are already very good at running men and Jiazhong. What are the extreme challenges? Are you tired after working all day?"

"You have to take the time to make a play, make a TV show, and fall in love. There is really no need to participate in this game destined to fail!"

"Why waste your energy knowing you will lose the game?"

The brothers were so persuaded, the attitude was very uniform, Zhang Yishan tried to explain: "But Yang An led the team to participate ..."

"Yang An is not a god! Xiaoshan, you are too superstitious!"

"I admit that Yang An is very versatile in variety shows, but this is a sport, a team competition, not a water pistol individual battle."

"That is, how do you compare with professional athletes?"

"Come here, go again!"

The friend laughed, touched the glass and drank.

Zhang Yishan, who was holding the wine glass, couldn't drink a half sip, and was a little angry: "No, I still believe in this team, they can definitely ..."

Lao Tie laughed while pouring wine, and said to others, "Forget it, he is a **** fan of Brother Yang, we can't persuade."

"I wish you every success in the rowing team and good results!"

"Maybe you can get a gold medal!"

In the jokes of laughter around him, Zhang Yishan pursed his lips and numbly drank a toast in wine. He was really bored.

The group of friends in front of me is probably getting more and more rusty. I do n’t want you to know yourselves. You ca n’t even do the simplest understanding. What kind of friends are you?

Hearing the ridicule that came from time to time, Zhang Yishan felt helpless, extremely lost, and full of emotions in his heart.

Is he really a **** fan of Yang An?

Yes, he believes in Yang An very much, but he is definitely not a brainless worship. After following Yang An's program for many years, he has developed a firm belief in whether he is running a man or in the extreme challenge. He believes that as long as he insists , And work hard, they will be able to achieve achievements that ordinary people cannot imagine!

[Chinchilla An Zhihong's ambition? Thought I was really going to the extreme challenge for the photo shoot? Hehe, if I work so hard and not dedicate all these years, paying 12o% of my effort, can I get all these achievements today? You say I ca n’t do it, but I definitely do n’t allow you to question Yang An, and I do n’t allow you to have a profane meaning on the word “Extreme Man Gang”! They are definitely admirable people!

Gradually, this friend gathering became insipid, Zhang Yishan was perfunctory, but his heart was determined. Tomorrow's test competition, he must win the official competition place!

By the way, from these unmotivated, staying true to the status quo, the fake friends of the frog at the bottom of the well are a bit farther, he is an ambitious person!


The next day, the Extreme Challenge recording day.

Coach Xu Feng arrived at the rowing club at 7:30 in the morning. After completing the warm-up training by himself, he summarized today's data analysis report in the morning and prepared it for the afternoon.

Today's work is a bit arduous. Ten qualified stars will gather together. Yang An will be in charge with them. Coach Xu Feng will be responsible for the professional assessment. Today, they will determine the ten members of the rowing team. The next training preparation time is only 7 months.

At 12 noon, a large number of staff members began to enter the site to install equipment ~ ~ Coach Xu and others were in the training area. Within a half hour, a large number of stars 66 continued to arrive. Joke, very lively.

Before the shooting time, Coach Xu kept watching quietly, he showed a lot of interesting details.

For example, of all the guests, the core person must be Yang An. No matter which new star is present, the first one is definitely to greet Yang An, shake hands and hug, say a few words, and then stand beside Yang An to listen to the words. Camera small thoughts.

Then there are assistants, brokers and the like, as well as ordinary staff. Basically, wherever Yang An goes, everyone else looks at him and raises his ears to listen to instructions.

[The original plan was to motivate Wu Jing at No. 8 and Yang An at No. 7. In fact, I want Yang An to be the captain of No. 5 ... after all, he is the core of the team, and his center will certainly encourage the team's morale!

Coach Xu quietly took a note in his notebook and continued to look at others.

There were two people in the sub-core, one was Shabei, and the other surprised Coach Xu a little bit. It turned out to be Sun Honglei.

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