The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 893: Rowing 19 looks like grass

Shabei is always at the center of laughter, and others like to deal with him. His active and funny attributes are very popular, but as long as he stands next to Yang An, he will definitely put away his edge and actively set off Yang An.

[Shabe is also more suitable for the No. 4 position. He will definitely become Yang An's left arm and right arm. Sitting together to inspire morale will definitely play the biggest role ...]

Coach Xu thought in his mind that he wrote down the name of Shabei on the 4th side, and wrote the words "Sun Honglei" side by side, and then put a question mark next to it.

This position made him hesitate for a long time, unable to make up his mind.

Sun Honglei's performance today is very special. His elder brother's identity is very influential, and the other ten were called by him. He naturally felt a sense of command and command, as if it were the center of the crowd.

And in the last recorded program, coach Xu noticed that Sun Honglei was a little weird and behaved very proactively. There was a big change from his performance in the dozens of extreme challenges he had seen. Enthusiasm so much that he now seems second only to Yang An.

[Yang An, Sha Bei, Sun Honglei, all three of them are suitable for No. 4 and No. 5, this is a bit difficult to choose ...]

Coach Xu looks at other people. Many stars have personal charm and have their own style of behavior. Every time he observes a person, his personal information will appear in his mind, and then he will deepen his impression.

Soon, Guo Guo held up the loudspeaker and announced: "Ready to record the show, all units prepare."

Yang An took someone to sit in front of the camera crew. Coach Xu sat on the far side. The other ten stars waited aside. After the makeup artist finished processing, he started recording.

Yang An said, "After the last broadcast, we received more than 100,000 e-mails from the audience, answered 50,000 hotlines, and some other things were questioned in my Weibo space. I wo n’t say it anyway, I ’ve deleted it anyway. (Everyone laughs lightly) I know that everyone is wondering if our brains are broken, why do we do such unpleasant things? I want to say The production team of "Extreme Challenge" is very poor, and it is particularly prone to bankruptcy. How can they make a meaningless show and play for everyone? I solemnly promise to the audience that we are seriously preparing for this sport and challenge Our limits! "

Sabbe on his left immediately received: "Audience friends, before I went to the Oriental Pearl Tower, more than 400 meters high, to be a spider man. Why didn't anyone call the hotline to ask if my brain was broken? I still want to ask today Where was the screenwriter who wrote that setting for me? When you came out, I promise not to hit you! "

When everyone saw Shabei slap at the table, everyone applauded and laughed, and the staff couldn't help covering his mouth and giggling!

Sun Honglei, who was sitting on the other side of Yang An, said: "After the first rowing special was recorded, the rest of them were all off work, and I recorded overtime for three hours by myself, and made an appointment for ten stars. A lot of people, plus camera crews, screenwriters, the brains of the late stage are all bad? "

Yang An said: "Since we have spoken out in public, it proves that we have participated in the competition with great heart. Even if we lose all the bruises, we will lose beautifully!"

"well said!"


"Be the best self, we don't care about the ending!"

"Extreme challenge ..."

"... this is life!"

Everyone shouted in unison. Everyone applauded. Under the command of Yang An, ten guests came over and waved greetings to the camera in turn.

Laughter and laughter at the scene, after a long period of trouble, eventually everyone moved to the dynamometer area and started the second part of the shooting.

With the personal demonstration of coach Xu Feng, everyone understood how to use the ergometer.

Yang An said: "Everyone came here thousands of miles to support the extreme challenge! But the quota is really limited, we have to play a few games today, let coach Xu choose the most suitable for us [Extreme Challenge Rowing Team] The other four members of the group also ask everyone to work hard and make every effort! "


"Come on!"

Ten people spoke in unison, and morale rose.

Coach Xu smiled with satisfaction and said, "All of your physical training transcripts have been uploaded to me this week. I have some information in my heart, but the specific situation depends on the performance of everyone at the moment. Below, let ’s group by five or five freely. "A group of five people will compete in a rowing simulation dynamometer. The two groups will be tested separately. The group with the slower average speed will be punished."

Everyone laughed and applauded, Yang An said: "Coach Xu's punishment must be quite cruel. Don't think that it is enough to just do ergometer. It is all consumed here this afternoon, so you guys You cannot relax from the first round, otherwise the assessment will only become more and more difficult! "

He Jiong patted his chest and said, "It doesn't matter, it's up to us!"

Zhang Yishan shouted loudly, "Who wants to run with us in the men's team? Hey, don't pull my house Peng Yuyan! Let go!"

"Group by group! Brother Wu Jing, please join us, men who run as men are also with us!"

"Are you asking for me? Who wants to take my little brother ..."

"Hugging your thigh, holding your thigh ~ Teacher He takes me ..."

"I have to hold other people's thighs!"

"Will Yan Bao take his brother?"

"The number of seats is full! We are full! Xiaoyueyue, go find someone else!"

"My God!"

Noisy, noisy, funny and funny, the two teams are barely divided, but the extreme men almost looked at them with a smile.

These ten people were not 55 points, but 46 points. Xiaoyue Yue was paralyzed on the ground, holding the leg of Peng Yuyan in the crowd ~ ~ do n’t let go, let her eyes closed, and look like a face, even clothes Dragged to the ground, he refused to let go.

He Jiong, who also held Peng Yuyan, couldn't help crying: "Yue Yue, Yue Yue, are you too unruly? You came last, we're full!"

Lying on the ground, Xiaoyue Yueang looked up and looked like a sloppy grass: "I don't care! Anyway, I rely on Yan Bao! You are responsible for me to the end ..."

Peng Yuyan was shocked and couldn't help crying and laughing: "Why should I be responsible? What did I do to you?"

Xiaoyueyue looked up at him, looking aggrieved: "Daddy, do you really ignore me?"

I go!

A group of people laugh and spray!

So how did the comic talk yell at dad and grandpa? Would you like to zip around like this?

In order to hug your thighs, Xiaoyueyue, you stink! .


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