The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 905: The thirty-one rowing team cooperates tacitly, and the situation is gratifying!

When rowing, you can only see the back of your teammates and hear the slogan. Then everyone's actions must be neat and unified.

There is a bracket in the middle of the circle, with nine cameras hanging on it, aimed at the nine people on the circle, there is a large screen next to it, and the 3 * 3 nine-square grid is on it. Each person's lens is displayed on the large screen in real time. , Who is fast and who is slow, at a glance.

When ready, He Jiong shouted the slogan, and the nine began to kick their legs and pull the paddle rope.

Coach Xu stood on the high platform next to him and watched. After two times, he shouted with a loudspeaker: "No. 5 Sha Yi, look at Sun Honglei on your left! No. 3 Zhang Yixing, look at Yang An's action! Speed ​​up! ! "

The nine of them followed He Jiong's slogan, shouting, and pulling, eyes also looked at his companions on the left and right, and felt what was called consistent rhythm and consistent pace, and then fine-tuned his movements according to the instructions of coach Xu.

Coach Xu shouted, "You must trust your teammates! You must have a tacit understanding! In the case of the helmsman not giving instructions, you must follow the person in front of you in any case!"

"One! Two"

"One! Two!"

The slogan is getting more and more tidy, and the movements are becoming more and more uniform. After more than a dozen corrections, the Nine Palace has already begun to appear. Nine people gradually have a uniform trend, and the form looks quite gratifying.

After five minutes, coach Xu basically couldn't pick out a few thorns, and everyone's performance made him very satisfied.

"Rest awhile!"

Coach Xu stopped and the rest rested. Twenty staff members came to deal with the ergometer. He continued: "This is a circle to watch the rhythm. You feel pretty good. Let's try to watch straight."

Straight lines need to re-arrange the equipment. Nine ergometers are connected by a linear slide. The slide mechanism of the base is movable with a double-action buckle. Everyone's pedal can move. If the rhythm is wrong, the pedal cannot move. This is equivalent to the rowing being unable to advance.

The difficulty is great, when nine people sit in a row, all sigh.

"That's the feeling of rowing!"

"It's harder to see the back of the person in front of you than it was just to look around."

"The slide rails are stressed in both directions, there is resistance!"

Everyone tried it, and felt bad, this difficulty is mostly.

He Jiong was sitting at the helmsman position. He could only see Shabei's face. Coach Xu introduced: "You only need to feel the position of the helmsman. After the launch, you can actually judge the posture of each person by the arrangement of the paddles. No, you can't see it with a ergometer, don't be too nervous. "

"I know. I want to be part of this role as soon as possible. It's better to stand up now."

"Okay, be safe, don't fall down."

He Jiong moved a high stool and stood in front. He could see nine people. He asked the director to borrow a loudspeaker and shouted, "! ... Ro!"



"Slow down!"

"Listen to the slogan!"



He Jiong entered the helmsman state, slowly shouting the slogan, watching the nine people squirm one after the other.

"Curved leg No. 6 speeds up!" He Jiong noticed that Sun Honglei's head was a bit wrong and shouted.

The old man Sun Honglei was ashamed and glanced at He Jiong resentfully. How old is his name?

"Action 2 followed, don't fall too much on the upper body!" Coach Xu also spoke.

Huang Bo was also speechless. He just found it. At this time, he was slightly deviated and caught by the coach. It was too strict.

"No. 7 keep up! Don't look elsewhere, just stare at No. 8!"

Wu Jing quickly turned his head over. He just had a slight itch on his right shoulder and wanted to take his chin for a moment. Who knew that the coach's eyes were so poisonous ...

"Speed ​​up! One! Two! One! Two!"

The helmsman He Jiong was instructed by coach Xu, and his slogan doubled. The motives of Shabei and Wu Jing moved up, and they even accelerated with the others.

After persisting for 15 seconds, He Jiong reduced the slogan frequency again, so that everyone could get a chance to breathe.

This kind of gradual rhythm is the easiest to see the reaction of the players. If it is collectively followed by addition and subtraction, the overall rhythm is still the same. The effect is the best. If someone is slow, the team will become dominoes again. The wave-like variation action shows that we need to strengthen cooperation.

After training for five minutes, coach Xu didn't stop, other people couldn't stop, although the degree was definitely not as fast as the official match, but it was also exhausting.

"Okay, take a rest for ten minutes! Add some water and get ready to launch!"

This sound of crickets softened everyone, all of them came down from the dynamometer silently, took the electrolyte and drinking water from the assistant, and quickly replenished their strength.

He Jiong patted them one by one with a smile, and encouraged with a smile: "You are doing well! You have done a good job, and I all feel it."

Shabei drank half a bottle of water before letting it go down, panting, "I also feel that position 8 is too tired. Is it too long since the last training session? Why do I feel more tired than in actual combat?"

Wu Jing was also uncomfortable and didn't quite understand: "I also feel this way! Why do I feel like I'm fighting the entire team by myself? The resistance is too great!"

Coach Xu replied: "Yes, because the slide rails are fixed, you will feel that the resistance is too large. In actual combat, the situation will be better. You will not fight against the entire team. You will only feel as if the whole team needs you to push. That is the task of Nos. 7 and 8! "

"Is motivation bad?"

Sun Honglei patted Wu Jing's shoulder with a smile, and said, "I'm right behind you ~ ~ Brother, if you don't want to be number 7, I can change with you at any time."

Which line? Wu Jing immediately shook his head: "No, I will die here if I die! Let's talk about it, I will see how much the whole lake can torture me!"

Ten minutes later, coach Xu said: "Tell everyone the good news, the [Extreme Challenge] rowing ship has arrived yesterday and is being stored in the warehouse. You can go and see your own warship!"


"Thinking about it!"

"Haha, this is the rowing boat that Honglei bought for 1oo million!"

"Let's go! Today is the launching ceremony!"

The crowd came to the ship warehouse happily. Sun Honglei rushed in first, and was impatient. He had to pay for the money alone, and he had to listen to the water, let alone a big rowing boat. Keep it at home after the game!

Coach Xu took everyone to the side of a new rowing boat: "This is the boat, please sign Sun Honglei." 8

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