The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 906: [Extreme Challenge] Rowing Arrives!

This is a pretty colorful rowing boat, the shell is made of aviation aluminum, black waterproof and rust-proof primer, and the hull is painted with a burning red flame pattern, which is very visually striking.

Coach Xu pointed to the side with a smile: "This is your eight paddles. The manufacturer heard that this is the Extreme Challenge number, and specially gave away two extra paddles, and using better materials, the price remains the same, said It is they who also support Extreme Challenge programs. "

Several people pulled out, and the upper part of the ship's paddle armrest was wrapped with red non-slip rope. The rod body was pure black aviation carbon fiber. The ogo and the words "Extreme Challenge" were printed on the paddles. It was also everywhere. The details are excellent, just like the perfect artwork.

Everyone was overjoyed: "This is ee1"

"This look, hey, that's cool!"

"Our own battleship, it's so handsome!"

"I knew it this way, and I was willing to pay for a boat of this kind. After the race, I put it in my home for collection. It is absolutely high!"

"Hong Leige picked up a big leak, no, I must withhold it after using it."

"That's my own paddle, keep it for myself!"

"Oh, this paddle also has a carved name plate. Who knows is the paddle? Find it!"

"Own your own paddle, keep your own!"

Everyone started looking for their own nameplate oars, all of them were overjoyed, and even the oars couldn't help it. Sun Honglei was even more satisfied.

Coach Xu smiled and said, "Is it worth it? Okay, don't watch it, ready to launch!"

It's not a few minutes, and you need to train again?

After a while of sorrow, Sun Honglei resentfully said, "Never give us some time to be affectionate with it, and it will be launched before it is warm ..."

Nine people walked out of the warehouse carrying a 2o-meter rowing boat. Everyone was holding the rowing boat as a baby with care, for fear of rubbing and rubbing it. They were very nervous and cherished like buying a new car.

In the front, nine people carried the rowing boat on their shoulders, and only one person in the back held nine paddles, like an old hen guarding food, and the staff could not take over.

Unfortunately, because there are too many, the pile of paddles is relatively heavy, and it is particularly scattered. I dropped one in the middle of the road. Fortunately, it was a spare one and there was no nameplate. He let down.

Sun Honglei said indignantly: "Ah, hurry up, pay 30,000 yuan to buy this paddle, and you can't use it if you break it!"

The others snickered and said: "Hong Lei, you are stupid, I have watched your first episode, okay! Where do you need 30,000 yuan for a paddle? This is a business that you can make without a loss, alas ..."

Flickering, everyone hurriedly carried the rowing boat to the pier. Everyone put on a uniform sports jacket with the words "Extreme Challenge" printed on, wearing a cap and sunglasses, and several actors in beauty also wrapped in sunscreen scarves. Looks pretty good, especially professional.

Now it's not difficult to get into the water, and the balance can be well grasped. After the rowing, Coach Dun and Xu took the speedboat to follow, watching the boat slowly row to the designated position.

"Extreme challenge!"

"Come on!"

"Extreme challenge!"

"Come on!"

Hundreds of meters away along the lake road, hundreds of fans shook the team flag on the shore, shouting cheering slogans.

He stood on the speedboat and looked around. The middle of Baiyan Green Tree was full of black crowds. The "Extreme Challenge" team flag should imitate the style broadcast in the previous episode. After the previous episode was broadcast, Amoy Mall was at High imitation goods appeared within two hours, and sales were quite good. Fans were the main consumer group.

"It's so popular! Alas, it really has the influence and appeal of extreme challenges!"

He suddenly took out his mobile phone, and took selfies with a funny look. The background is the shore fan base. After clicking one, he simply uploaded it to his space: "The fans are really enthusiastic, come to see our training and cheer us on."

The nine people on the rowing boat also saw it, and they were all happy.

"Isn't it just training? What are you doing with so many people?"

"Exaggerated, right?"

"Brothers, train hard, so many people are watching, don't be ashamed!"



After self-encouragement in unison, Coach Xu held the loudspeaker to direct the rower of the ship, and adjusted the rowing boat to the correct channel.

He Jiong remembered the control method explained by coach Xu just now, holding the control wire in his hand, and meditating: "Left, right, where you want to pull ..."

The helmsman controls the paddle direction lock. He has to predict the direction of the rowing boat according to the different forces on the left and right, and make fine adjustments in advance. Otherwise, after the hull has deflected, he hurriedly pulls the direction lock and the boat will leave A large arc shape is extremely prone to s-shaped trajectories, affecting performance.

He Jiong, you can do it! Come on ...

He Jiong encouraged himself for a while, finally calmed down, watching the eight fighting brothers staring at him, and everyone was ready.

On the shore, a lot of students are talking about it. Most of them don't know what the boat is going to do, and they think it is a regular paddle training.

"I dare to pack tickets. Some of them must be hindered, either Sha Yi or Zhang Yixing."

"I also think Brother Sun Honglei will be hindered. Others are younger and stronger than him. After all, Sun Honglei is older."

"It doesn't matter how old you are, endurance is strong, long-lasting, and it can still be cool. Young guys don't have to do it. Many people lose their strength in a few seconds. What's the use of him?"

"Uh, dude, you are so dirty, but I like it!"

"It's really not strength to win at this stage. They can't even cooperate well ..."

"Oh, moved!"

The students exclaimed, the eight paddles on the rowing boat moved together very slowly, and the eight were still in the running-in period.

He Jiong prolonged his tone and shouted, "One ... two ..."

In the gap, he also knew to remind: "No. 5 paddle draft is too shallow!"

"Sixth is slower!"

"No. 3 is slow!"

"Look at the movement of the person in front! Work hard together!"

"Cross ten more and start adding! Ten ... nine ... eight ..."

There was only He Jiong's command on the water. Although the audience on the UU reading book and the shore did not hear clearly, they saw the team gradually showed signs of tacit understanding, and they all cheered.

"Not bad!"

"It's neat, really good!"

"Just a bit slower."

"Hey, people have just started training, and they are stars, not professional athletes. It's great to do that!"

"Extreme challenges are awesome!"

The idols worked hard and made the fans very moved. They rode their bicycles and took pictures with their mobile phones. They were even willing to work hard with the favorite stars and fight together to the end!

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